About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120804 Class reunion of elementary-school(小学校の同窓会 초등학교 동창회)

Event: Class reunion of elementary-school

Date: Augst 4 (Sat), 2012

Place: “Shoya (庄や)” and “Dou(童)” in Ofuna

Participants: 5 graduates (all men)

Ben planned Class-Reunion again during my vacation in Japan. Tami and Sagara joined again, but no lady this time. In stead, Ohyama came to see us for the first time (at least, to me.)

When I saw him last, it was 53 years ago, yet I remembered him and he recognized me when we saw each other.

That day, I went to “Yukai-sokai-Taya” one of many “Super-Sento” which locates close to my house in Ofuna.

I like this “Super-Sento” very much, and during my stay in Ofuna, I visit this hotspring almost every day.

I got “evening shower” a semi-torpical shower which came in the afternoon in Kanto area that day. So, I went home and changed my clothes and went to Ofuna Station.

The meeting time was 6 pm in front of the ticket gate of Ofuna Station. All members, except Ben came to the palce on time. But Ben had business in Tsujido that day, and he joined us 15 minutes later.

Ben indicated the restaurant where we were supposed to have the party, but the restaurant “Dou” was full with customers. Ben had not reserved our seats. So, we had to find an alternative restaurant until “Dou” had enough space for us.

Tami recommended an “Izakaya” near Ofuna Station. The name of the “Izakaya” was “Shoya” and the location was the 2nd floor of the building at which ex-theater called “Odeon Theater.”

It’s a very nostalgic name for all of us, since it was a movie theater closed about 30 years ago.

[We waited at Shoya, 我々は『庄や』で『童』の空くのを待った、 우리는『셔야』에서 『동』의 자리가 나는 것을 기다렸다 ]

Anyway, according to Tami, “Shoya” provides good fresh foodstaff (esp. sea products) with reasonable price.

He was right! When we saw a memu with colorful pictures, a big dish of “sashimi” looked very good. It costs only 2000 yen but full of nice looking “sashimi.” We ordered this “sashimi-moriawase” and acturally it WAS good. Devided by five means only 400 yen for each!

[2000 yen "All sashimi in one dishl", 2000円の『刺身盛り合わせ』、2000엔의 『생선회모듬』]

We ordered draft beer, and enjoyed that “sashimi” while waiting for our seats in “Dou.” (The owner of “Dou” is a nephew of Ben, so we can enjoy for a long time with reasonable price there.)

[At "Shoya" for the 1st party, 『庄や』にて一次会、『셔야』에서 일차회에서]

Ben got a call from the owner of “Dou”(one of his nephews) and we went to the Korean-style BBQ restaurant, “Dou.”

[We left "Shoya" and headed for "Dou.我々は『庄や』を出て『童』へ向かった、"우리는 『셔야』를 나가서 『동』에 갔다.]

We enjoyed Korean-style BBQ while watiching a football game between Japan and Egypt in London Olympics on TV.

[We went to "Dou" and began our 2nd party with "Cheers!", ようやく『童』に入って、二次会を開始した、드디어 『동』에 들어오고, 이차회를 시작했다. ]

Our talks/chats were naturally about good old days of 1950s while we were elementary students. To my great surprise, Ohyama is a Japanese Korean.

[We enjoyed Korean BBQ while having talks about "Good-Old-Days", 昔の話をしながらBBQを楽しんだ。옛날 이야기를 하면서 BBQ를 즐겼다.]

He was once a teacher at Korean University in Japan! He said he used to attend Korean Class at Tamanawa Elementary School from which we graduated, 53 years ago.

Come to think of it, there were so called “Chosen Buraku” or “Korean villages” back in 1950s or even 1960s in Ofuna and in my neighborfood. He must have commuted from such villages back then.

Ohyama said that he though he could earn more money if he had technical quolifications concerning electricity or mechanical engineering, so he studied hard and acquired such quolifications and quit the job at the Korean University.

He said he happened to see Tami at a construction site when he was working as a mechanic to operate a crane. Tami has been working at construction sites as a leader of the group/company for all his careers.

Story told by Tami was most interesting and surprised me. He said when he began to understand things, he saw men with tattoos in their whole bodies, or men who were addicted to “Philopon” (Methamphetamine, also known as metamfetamine, meth, ice, crystal).

He even mentioned about “Akasen” and he talked with women who worked at such district in Ofuna.

“Akasen” is Japanese slang and a collective term which was used to identify districts in Japan where prostitution and the sex industry flourished until 1958, specifically during the period of January 1946 through March 1958. (Wikipedia)

It was abolished in 1958, when we were in 5th grade of elementary school. So, it must be true that he talked with women who worked at such a place.

To my surprise, all other guys except I, knew the fact of “Akasen” in Ofuna. And the world of “Yakuza,” men of tattoos.

The class-reunion was over when the football gave between Japan and Egyt was over with the victory of Japanese team (male) in London Olympics. It was 10:30 p.m. and we promised to see each other again when I came back to Japan next time.














[At "Shoya" for the 1st party, 『庄や』にて一次会、『셔야』에서 일차회]


[The entrance of "Dou"(Left), 『童』の入り口(左側),『동』의 입구(왼쪽)]

[We enjoyed Korean BBQ while having talks about "Good-Old-Days", 昔の話をしながらBBQを楽しんだ。옛날 이야기를 하면서 BBQ를 즐겼다.]










[Ohyama ordered "Gukpap" and it looked delicious, Oは最後にクッパを注文したがとてもおいしそうだった。O는 마지막에 국밥을 주문했는데 매우 맛있게 보였다.]




120801 Mt. Hinokiboramaru (檜洞丸히노키보라마루1601m) in Nishitanzawa (西丹沢니시 단자와) in Kanagawa Prefecture(神奈川県가나가와현)

Hiking Date: Aug. 1 (Wed) 2012

Destination (mountain): Mt. Hinokiboramaru in Nishi-Tanzawa, Kanagawa Prefecture,

Hiking course: Nishitanzawa Information Center (Nishitanzawa Shizen-Kyoshitsu) – Tsutsuji-Shindo (New trail of azaleas) – Gorasawa-Deai – Top of Hinokiboramaru (1601m) – Inugoeji – Yokisawa-Deai – Nishitanzawa Information Center

Partner: None.

This is my second challenge to climb a mountain in Nishi(West)-Tanzawa. Last time, it was “Azega-maru”on July 18, and this time, “Hinokibora-maru.”

With my limited experience, I know only these two mountains which has “maru” at the ending part as suffix. In Japan, most of the mountain names end as “San” or “Yama” or “Take/Dake”but “maru”is a kind of unique in Kanto area.

When I check “maru” as a part of mountain names, I found there were in Tsurugi Mountains in Shikoku and Hakusan Mountains in Chugoku, etc. So, “maru” is not necessarily “very rate” in Japan.

In Korea, ridges are called “Maru”so it might be some influences of imigrants from Korean peninsula.

Anyhow, I got up at 4 am and prepared for the hike. Had an early breakfast and took a 6 am Tokaido Line train. But I fell in sleep in the train and I passed Kozu where I should change trains!

When I realized, it was Nebukawa! I had to return to Kozu and came to Matsuda rather late. I ended up with the same 8:20 bus bound for Nishi-Tanzawa, same as before.

[In side of the bus bound for Nishitanzawa, 西丹沢行バス内部、니시 단자와행 버스 내부]

I arrived at the bus terminal in Nishi-Tanzawa at 9:40. After filled in the format for hikers at the information center, I began hiking for Hinokibora-maru.

I walked along the paved road toward the mountain along the river for about 500 meters. Then I saw the post-guide for Hinokibora-maru on my right.

[The post-guide for Hinokibora-maru, 檜洞丸への登山口を示す道標、히노키보라마루에의 등산 입구를 나타내는 이정표.]

That was the entrance of the trail. I walked along the small river. There were some fallen trees, but they were not big problems.

[A wooden steps and a guide-post, 木の階段と道標、나무 계단과 이정표 ]

Then, soon I began climbing a bit steep slop which went around the mountain.

[A trail in the woods, 林の中の登山路、숲 속의 등산로]

I came to “Gorasawa-Deai” or the meeting point of two rivers; Gora-sawa and Higasi-sawa [“sawa” is a stream in the valley.]

[A guide-post showing "Gorasawa-Deai", 『ゴーラ沢出会』を示す道標、『고라 데아이(골짜기만남)』을 나타내는 이정 표 ]

[Notice for "Wading across", 『渡渉あり』の標識、"도섭(걸어서 얕은 물을 건넘) 주의의 표식]

[A concrete steps after "Wading across" point, 『渡渉』後の階段、"도섭(걸어서 얕은 물을 건넘)후의 계단]

From “Deai” the trail went to the ridge. It was a plesant ridge walk toward the top of the mountain. There were some places I had to hold chains to climb a steep rocky places, though.

[Some rocky places facilitated with chains, 鎖場もあった。쇠사슬장도 있었다.]

[A short break on the way to the observation deck, 展望台への途中で小休止、전망 대에의 도중에 조금 휴식]

When I came to the observation deck, I saw a nice wooden table and benches, so I had lunch there. (It was a bit cloudy, and there was no good view from the place.) It was 11:30 and I had two rice balls my wife made that morning.

[A view from the observation deck, 展望台からの展望、전망 대로부터의 전망]

[There were mosses and mushrooms here and there, コケ類、キノコ類があちこちに見える、이끼류, 버섯류가 이쪽저쪽으로 보인다]

I saw a few hikers on this mountain. I saw a guy running on the trail (a trail marathon runner) and a group of hikers (4) after having lunch.

After having lunch, I continued walking toward the top of the mountain. As I approached the top, less trees I saw around me. Yet there were still big trees even near the top of mountain.

[There was an iron ladder near the top, 頂上付近に設置された鉄階段、정상부근에 설치된 철계단]

There were plenty of pink flowers. It is a kind of "Shimotukeso" or a kind of "Filipendula." They were jut in their peak season because I saw this flowers all the way on the ridge trails.

["Shimotsukeso" or a kind of "Filipendula multijuga", シモツケソウ(下野草)、"시모쯔케소" in Japan]

["Hototogisu" or "Toad Lily", ホトトギス(杜鵑草), 『호토토기수』

[Wooden trails near the top, 頂上付近の木道、정상부근의 나무길]

I also saw clusters of plants with yellow flowers. They were “Marubadakebuki” and I walked along the well-facilitated wooden trail in the middle of “Marubadakebuki.”

[Clusters of“Marubadakebuki" or "leopard plant", マルバダケブキ(丸葉岳蕗)の群落、『마루바다 케부키』꽃의 군락]

The scientific name is “Ligularia dentate” and it is also called as “Summer Ragwort” or “Leopard Plant.”

To my big surprise and pleasure, I also found beautiful butterfulies named “Asagimadara” in Japanese, “The Chestnut Tiger” or “Parantica sita.”

[“The Chestnut Tiger” and "Leopard Plant”、マルバダケブキの花に止まった『アサギマダラ』、『마루바다케부키』 꽃에 멈춘 『아사기마다라(왕나비)』]

This butterfly did not afraid of people and was very eager to suck honeydew from “marubadakebuki” or“leopard plant” I could easily catch one of them.

The butterfly is known as its long distance of migrate (between Japan and Taiwan or over 1500km).

(Please refer to Janapese explanation in “移動” which means “migration.”

I arrived at the top of the mountain a t 1:30 pm. There was only a simple pole as the sing of the top of Mt. Hinokiboramaru.

[At the top of Mt. Hinokiboramaru (1601m), 檜洞丸頂上にて、 히노키보라마루 정상에서]

There was a warning sign for the trail to “Inugoeji (犬越路)”. It says that the trail to Inugoeji is dangeours and hikers should have enough time and good condition.

[A warning for the hikers who walk to "Inugoeji", 『犬越路への下山路は危険』という警告、『이누고에지에의 하산로는 위험』이라고 하는 경고]

[Chains facilitated cliff on ridge, 尾根の鎖場、산등성이의 쇠사슬장]

I thought I had enough time for the bus. But there were difficult places on this trail, and at last moment, I had to be in hurry, but I could catch the 17:05 bus.

[A stream in the valley and "Iwatabako" flowers, 渓流とイワタバコの花、계곡물과 "이와타바코" 꽃]

Yet I had a little time to ask a staff member about names of flowers. Among them, he let me know“Tamagawa Hototogisu”a kind of “Tricyrtis” or “Toad lilies.”

“Hototogisu” in Japanese, is a name of a bird “The Lesser Cuckoo.” Since this flower has dots in its pedals which look like those on the body of “The Lesser Cuckoo”it is also called “Hototogisu.”

But these dots may be associated with “toads” in English. However, I like its Japaense name rather than English name.

I had noodle at a small shop at Shinmatsuda Station on my way back to Ofuna.

[I ate "Tanukisoba" at a small Odakyu restaurant, 立ち食いそばやで『たぬきそば』を食べた、선채로 식사 메밀국수 가게에서 『타누키 소바』를 먹었다.]

It might be better to use Odakyu Line for those who come from Tokyo area. It might be cheaper and more convenient.

This was my 4th mountain I climbed during this summer vacation.













[Lilium auratum (山百合 yamayuri; literally "mountain lily") is the flower of Kanagawa Prefecture, It's also the flower of "Tanzawa", 神奈川県の花、『ヤマユリ(山百合)』、가나가와현의 꽃, 『산나리』]




[Some trees fallen down on the trail, 登山路に横たわる倒木、등산로를 가로막는 무너진 나무]


[A big tree of Fagus crenata, known as the Japanese beech, ブナの大木、큰 너도밤나무]


[A trail near "Gorasawa-Deai", 『ゴーラ沢出会』付近の登山路、『고라 데아이(골짜기만남)』부근의 등산로]


[Mudslide-control dam near "Gora-Deai", ゴーラ沢出会付近の砂防ダム、『고라 데아이(골짜기만남)』부근의 사방댐]


[Some rocky places facilitated with chains, 鎖場もあった。쇠사슬장도 있었다.]

[There were mosses and mushrooms here and there, コケ類、キノコ類があちこちに見える、이끼류, 버섯류가 이쪽저쪽으로 보인다]


["Mimela splendens" or "gold-bug", 『コガネムシ(黄金虫)』、풍뎅이]


["Shimotsukeso" or a kind of "Filipendula multijuga", シモツケソウ(下野草)、"시모쯔케소" in Japan]

[A guide-post saying 800 meters up to the top of the mountain, 頂上まであと800mという道標、정상까지 800m이라고 하는 이정표]


[Wooden trails near the top, 頂上付近の木道、정상부근의 나무길]

[Buds of "Leopard plants", マルバダケブキの蕾、마루바다케부키의 봉오리]

[Clusters of“Marubadakebuki" or "leopard plant", マルバダケブキ(丸葉岳蕗)の群落、『마루바다 케부키』꽃의 군락]


[“The Chestnut Tiger” and "Leopard Plant”、マルバダケブキの花に止まった『アサギマダラ』、『마루바다케부키』 꽃에 멈춘 『아사기마다라(왕나비)』]





[A big tree with a big hole, 大きな洞のある木、큰 구멍이 있는 나무]



[Chains facilitated cliff on ridge, 尾根の鎖場、산등성이의 쇠사슬장]


[The cluster of "Shimotsukeso" or a kind of "Filipendula multijuga", シモツケソウ(下野草)の群落、"시모쯔케소" 의 군락]





["Hototogisu (Lesser Cuckoo)" or "Toad Lily", ホトトギス(杜鵑草), 『호토토기수』]


[A stream in the valley and "Iwatabako" flowers, 渓流とイワタバコの花、계곡물과 "이와타바코" 꽃]

個人的には英語の”Toad Lily”(ヒキガエルの百合)より、和名の「ホトトギス」のほうが好きだ。

