About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120715 Lane Cove National Park & Sydney Japanese Gospel Church (レインコーブ国立公園とシドー日本語福音教会)

Hiking Date: July 15 (Sun) 2012

Destination (mountain): Lane Cove National Park

Hiking course: Riverside Walk

Partner: Mihoko, Hideko and Shigeko

It was Sunday and I went to Lane Cove National Park alone in the early morning. It was my 5th walk in the past 3 days.

Then I returned to my son’s home in Chatswood. Three friends of my wife wanted to have a trekking in the park. So my son drove us all to the park.

We bought “Footlong Sandwitches” at “Subway” and had them as our breakfast at the park.

[We ordered a "foot long sandwich" at "the subway", 『ザ・サブウェイ』にてサンドウィッチを注文した。『더 서브 웨이』에서 샌드위치를 주문했다.]

Then we began trekking along the river. When we passed at the rental boat shop, there was a fantastic classical automobile When we were admiring the car, the owner (a man in charge of the rental boat shop) came out and encourage us to ride on it. He must be very much proud of his car.

[At the entrance of the park, 国立公園の入り口で、국립공원 입구에서]

[Hygrometer to check the danger of fire in front of the park, 公園入口に設置された湿度計、공원입구에 설치된 습도계]

[With the owner/chauffeur of 1938 Buich, ビュイック1938年モデルの所有者/運転手とともに、뷰익 1938년 모델의 소유자/운전 기사와 함께]

Actually, it was 1938 Buick, and he was using it as a "hire."

Among our friends, Shigeko was the fastest walker. I encouraged her to walk alone and try to go as far as possible.

[Along the river in the park, 公園内のレインコーブ川のほとりにて、공원내의 레인코부강 옆에서]

[A Laughing Kookaburra, the largest of the kingfishers, 最大級のカワセミである「ラーフィング・クーカブラ」、최대급 물총새인 「라핀구 구카부라」]

She walked far away from where I walked alone before, and returned to join us at the point of 11 am.

[At Lane Cove National Park, レインコーブ国立公園にて、레인코부 국립공원에서]

My son came to the park at 12:30 to pick us up and we all had lunch at his house in Chatswood.

Then we all went to Sydney Japanese Evangelical Church (All Saints' Anglican Church, 5 Carter St, Cammeray NSW).

The Sunday service was from 3 pm to 4 pm. Mr. Nathan Clapham spoke in English and his wife interpreted into Japanese. (Japanese message was shown on the screen.)

They had a message for kids before the main message. A young lady spoke to the kids in English.

[A message for kids at the church, 子どもたちのためのメッセージ、어린이들을 위한 설교]

After the service, they held a fellowship tea party in the backyard. Most of the congregation joined the party.

[At a tea party after the service, 礼拝後のティー・パーティにて、예배후의 티 파티에서]

I happened to talk with a Japanese lady who married a Polish in England. Her name is Sachiko and her story about her grandfather-in-law amazed me a lot.

Her husband’s grandpa, Mr. Gehrman was in a town named “Bydgoszcz” in Poland. When Gearmany took over the city, they checked ethnical lines of the family.

Nazi found out that Mr. Gehrman’s ancestors were German and they told him to treat him as a German citizen. But Mr. Gehrman refused to be a German, so he was put into a room in a post office, a temporary jail.

Those who were put into the jail were to be executed on the next day, but Mr. Gehrman escaped from the window of the undergrand room and swam across the river.

He visited one of his good German friends, and the German friend hid him in an attic room of his “unform repair factory” until the end of the war.

It sounds like a novel or a movie story and again I thank God for the peace in Australia and Japan now. (May peace of our Lord come to this world as soon as possible.)

[The church after the tea party, ティー・パーティ終了後の教会の建物、티 파티 종료후의 교회 건물]

After the church, we all went back to my son's home and had the last dinner for this trip.

[チャッツウッドの息子の自宅にて最後の夕食、잣쯔웃도의 아들 자택에서 마지막 저녁 식사]









[At the entrance of the park, 国立公園の入り口で、국립공원 입구에서]



[With the owner/chauffeur of 1938 Buich, ビュイック1938年モデルの所有者/運転手とともに、뷰익 1938년 모델의 소유자/운전 기사와 함께]


[Along the river in the park, 公園内のレインコーブ川のほとりにて、공원내의 레인코부강 옆에서]


[A Laughing Kookaburra, the largest of the kingfishers, 最大級のカワセミである「ラーフィング・クーカブラ」、최대급 물총새인 「라핀구 구카부라」]


[At Lane Cove National Park, レインコーブ国立公園にて、레인코부 국립공원에서]



司会はスミス・グラハム師で、来年日本へ派遣される予定のNathan Claphamという若い西洋人が英語でメッセージし、日本人の奥さんが通訳した。(日本語はスクリーンに映写された)。



[A message for kids at the church, 子どもたちのためのメッセージ、어린이들을 위한 설교]



[With Sachiko-san at a tea party after the service, 礼拝後のティー・パーティにてサチコさんと、예배후의 티 파티에서 사치코씨와 함께]







[チャッツウッドの息子の自宅にて最後の夕食、잣쯔웃도의 아들 자택에서 마지막 저녁 식사]

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