About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


SR 27 “Status Quo of COVIT-19 and Health Management,” “GNW Challenge in September,” “Railroad Station You Need to Wave Your Hand.”# 27 「新型コロナ感染状況と健康管理」「9月のGNW挑戦」「手を振って列車を止める駅」

SR 27 “Status Quo of COVIT-19 and Health Management,” “GNW Challenge in September,” “Railroad Station You Need to Wave Your Hand.”

“Status Quo of COVIT-19 and Health Management”

The second wave of COVIT-19 happened in the state of Victoria, the south of NSW this winter.

[Confirmed casess, cumulative in Australia, 豪州における累計感染者数、호주의 누계 감염자 수]

It started in the late June and the daily percentage of the expansion was 15.7% on July 1 this year. Now it is as low as 0.1 % as of Sep. 28.

[New daily cases in NSW and Victoria, NSW州およびビクトリア州における新規感染者数の推移、NSW 주와 빅토리아 주에서 신규 감염자 수의 추이]

The situation of NSW is much better. Since the late May when they started deregulation, there seems no serious 2nd wave at all until today.

I assume that weakening one’s immune strength due to the lack of exercise is more serious problem.

Therefore, I utilize “health app” of smart-phone and counting daily walk-steps. Distance and stairs and keep records of them.

[Health Management App in Smartphone, スマホの健康管理アプリ、스마트 폰의 건강 관리 앱]

While I was in Japan, I used to work as “Guide-helper” for people with disabilities. When I had free time, I used to climb mountains in Japan.

Since I came to Sydney, I have no such “walking-job.” So, I just consciously do “bush-walking.”

Average daily walking steps in the past year: about 20,000 steps.

Average daily walking distance is about 12 km.

[Monthly average daily walking distance,月別平均一日の歩行距離、월별 평균 하루 도보 거리]

Average daily climbing stairs are 33 stairs (if you climb 3 miters up, then it is counted as 1 stair.)

[Monthly average number of floors per day, 月別平均1日当たり上った階数、월별 평균 하루에 오른 층]

If you see the graph above, you can see the rise in the past half a year, from 16 stairs to 50 stairs constantly. (Actually it is the highest average stairs in the pas two years.)

“GNW Challenge in September”

I have been challenging the Great North Walk (GNW) which is a 260 km walking track connecting Sydney and Newcastle in the past 3 or 4 months.

In September, I challenged the Northward from Hornsby up to Wonderbyne just before Woy Woy station.

I especially enjoyed “Berowra Valley National Park” which spread above Hornsby to Berowra.

[Grey Spider Flower, グレー・スパイダー・フラワー、그레이 스파이더 플라워]

GNW #10 is from Berowra Station to Berowra Waters (5.7 km), and #11 is from Berowra Waters to Cowan Station (7.2 km). There is no public transportation available to Berowra Waters, so Isaac and I walked these two sections within one day.

[Berowra Waters, ベロウラ・ウォーターズ、베로우라 워터스]

It was hard because of steep up and down, but not too hard because the distance was reasonable, 12.9 km all together.

Actually it was so nice and two other hikers joined us for our second challenge and we walked together.

GNW #12 was also very attractive. It is from Cowan Station to Hawkesbury River (13.4km.) This track is called “Jerusalem Bay Track,” because it goes through this beautiful Jerusalem Bay. Again Isaac and I walked this track twice this month.

[At the track-head with Isaac, トラックヘッドにて、アイザックと、트랙 헤드에서 이삭과 함께]

[At Jerusalem Bay, エルサレム湾にて、예루살렘 베이에서]

The highlight of this month GNW was #13 from Patonga to Wonderbye Station (19.5 km).

There is no public transportation access to this Patonga Warf except by “water-taxi.” Since the walking distance is rather long (19.5 km), we took an early train and arrived at Hawkesbury Station at 8:45 am.

We called the water-taxi, but had to wait more than 30 minutes. It came to the pier at 9:40 am. We paid A$ 100 and arrived at Patonga Warf at 9:55 am.

[We took Water-taxi from Hacksbury River,ウォータータクシーでパトンガ海岸へ向かう、수상 택시로 빠톤가 해안으로 향했다]

Patonga Beech was beautiful, and we could find the GNW marks easily which led to the track-head at the edge of the beach.

[We landed on Patonga Warf, パトンガ埠頭へ上陸、빠톤가 부두에 상륙]

[Patonga Beach,パトンガ・ビーチ、빠톤가 비치]

According to the GNW guide book, the first point of this track was “Warah Trig Statin.” I was wondering that kind of “station” but it was a kind of landmark we often find in the tops of mountains as “triangulation station” in Japan.

[Warah Trig Statin、ワラ・トリッグ・ステーション(三角点)、와라 기준 삼각점]

After “Take-five” at this station, we came to the track with several red flowers called “waratah” along side.

[Waratah flower (flower of NSW, ワラタ(NSW州花)、와라타 (NSW 주화)]

According to some web-site explanation, “waratah” means “red flower tree” in aborigine language. As floral language, “Watch Me” or “Stand Out” flower.

“Railroad Station You Need to Wave Your Hand.”

According to GNW Guide Book, this #13 section is 19.5 km long, and it needs 7.5 hours.

We landed at Patonga Warf at 10 am, so Isaac and I hurried to arrive at the destination, Wonderbyne Station before sun-set.

After passing Mt. Wonderbyne, we went down in the valley, and saw a beautiful waterfall, called Kariong Brook Waterfall. Then we climbed in the steep slope and walked down to the seashore.

[Kariong Brook Waterfall, カリオング・ブルーク滝、카리온구 브룩 폭포]

We arrived at Wonderbye Station at the seashore at 16:45. This is really a small station.

[Wonderbyne Station, ワンダーバイン駅、원더 바인 역]

The platform is about 20 meters. And it is necessary to stop the train by waving your hand toward the driver of the train.

While we were waiting the train, a young couple came to the station by their small boat. They are the residents across the shore.

There are no house around the station, and they need to go shopping by using the train.

We did waved our hands to stop the train. The scenes you can see through the windows are beautiful. They reminded me of the scenes along Enoden Line.


# 27 「新型コロナ感染状況と健康管理」「9月のGNW挑戦」「手を振って列車を止める駅」



[New confirmed cases, daily count,日々の新感染者数の推移、매일 새로운 감염자 수의 추이]


[New daily cases in NSW and Victoria, NSW州およびビクトリア州における新規感染者数の推移、NSW 주와 빅토리아 주에서 신규 감염자 수의 추이]




[Monthly average number of steps per day,月別平均1日当たりの歩数、월별 평균 일일 걸음]








[Grey Spider Flower, グレー・スパイダー・フラワー、그레이 스파이더 플라워]


[Berowra Waters, ベロウラ・ウォーターズ、베로우라 워터스]


[A hard part of the track, 登頂困難な個所、등정 어려운 곳]


[At Jerusalem Bay, エルサレム湾にて、예루살렘 베이에서]


[Drosera rotundifolia community、モウセンゴケの群落、끈끈이 주걱 군락]

[Pink Wax Flower (Eriostemon australaisus)、ピンク・ワックス・フラワー、핑크 왁스 플라워]




[We took Water-taxi from Hacksbury River,ウォータータクシーでパトンガ海岸へ向かう、수상 택시로 빠톤가 해안으로 향했다]


[Patonga Beach,パトンガ・ビーチ、빠톤가 비치]


[At the track head with Isaac, トラック・ヘッドにてアイザックと、트랙 헤드에서 이삭과 함께]



[Waratah flower (flower of NSW, ワラタ(NSW州花)、와라타 (NSW 주화)]






[Wonderbyne Station, ワンダーバイン駅、원더 바인 역]





t[At the platform of Wonderbyne Station, ウォンダーバイン駅のプラットホームにて、원더 바인 역 플랫폼에서]



SR #26 “GNW: The Longest One Day Walk” “Restart of Thursday Hike” “Taichi by Zoom”SR 26号 「GNW:最も長い日帰りウォーク」「木曜トレッキング再開」「タイチの会、ズームで再開」

SR #26 “GNW: The Longest One Day Walk” “Restart of Thursday Hike” “Taichi by Zoom”

“GNW: The Longest One Day Walk”

The Great North Walk (or GNW) is a 250 km path from central Sydney to downtown Newcastle in Australia. It is a truly wonderful trail following many tracks through a bewildering array of natural and urban environments.

There are 30 short tracks from Sydney to Newcastle.


Chatswood locates in the north of Sydney, so I am familiar with many parts of the 1st section to the 4th section. But not so from the 5th section (from Macquarie Park to Thornleigh.)

Isaac, an ardent hiker of Saturday Hiking Group, joined me for this new explore of walking GNW every week.

We usually access start-points by train, and after arriving at destinations, we go back by train.

When we tried No. 7 (from Hornsby to Galston Gorge) and No. 8 (from Galston Gorge to Mt. Kuring-Gai), we had a problem. There is no public transportation to/from Galston Gorge.

According to the explanation of the above site, #7 section is a 4 hour 9.7 km one way hike and #8 section is a 5.5 hour 12.6 km one way hike and both are hard tracks.

If we walk these two sections for one day, it will be a 9.5 hour 22.3 km walk. So we started at Hornsby station at 8:30 am on Aug. 11.

[Isaac on Blue Gum Walk of GNW, GNWの「ブルーガムウォーク」,GNW의 "블루 검 워크"]、

First half of #7 section was all right but we lost the GNW mark, therefore, we began using GSP function of our smartphones, and walked the paved road to Gaston Gorge.

We arrived at the gorge at 12:30.

[At Galston Gorge, ギャルストン・ゴージにて、갸루스톤 협곡에서]

There were much water in the gorge, so, walking the paved road was safer than walking GNW.

After having quick lunch, we began walking the #8 section before 1 pm. Most part of section 8 is along the part of the big river or a shallow bay.

[At Berowra Valley National Park, ベロウラ渓谷国立公園にて、베로우라 계곡 국립 공원에서]

However we had to walk across small cleeks.

When we arrived Crossland, about the middle of the section, it was already after 4 pm. Moreover, we took the wrong trail, not to Mt. Kuring-Gai, but the trail to Berowra.

[At Crossland Wet Field, クロスランド湿原にて、크로스 랜드 습지에서]

Along the GNW, we could see the marks, but it is difficult when it gets dark. When we arrived at the point from where the statin was only 2 km, it was completely dark.

[The mark of GNW(Great North Walk), GNWの標識、GNW 표지판]

Isaac had a head-light, but I did not have one. Unfortunately his head-light did not work. We had to use our smartphones as flashlights and at the same time we also use GSP functions.

[Sun-set at the Berowra Valley,ベロウラ渓谷の日没、베로우라 계곡의 일몰]

When we lost GNW marks, it was only 500 meters from the station. But that 500 was really ordeal for us. We barely went through this crisis and arrived near city street at around 7 pm.

Total walking distance for that day was 34.6 km, 48,057 steps, and 120 floors (My health app counts 3 meter elevation as 1 floor.)

We both thanked God for his protection from any possible harms, but we must be more careful for planning, and preparation in the future.

“Restart of Thursday Hike”

Before this COVIT-19 pandemic situation, I used to walk with some Chinese friends and a Japanese friend every Thursday.

The leader is called Marshall from Taiwan. His parents came to Taiwan from mainland China and he was born in Taiwan in 1949.

He is a fluent speaker of English and he really knows well about this neighborhood trekking courses. He also knows local plants and often explains about these plants.

[Traveler's banana, トラベラーズ・バナナ、"트래블러스" 바나나(여행자의 음용)

) During the lock down period, my Japanese friends in Japan shifted the face-to-face meeting to zoom meeting. When they started zoom meeting, I joined this English study group, Day-KEC meeting on Thursday.

[Day KEC Zoom Presentation、Day KECのズーム・ミーティング、디켓쿠 줌 회의]

That’s why even the lockdown ended in June, I could not join Thursday hiking group.

But Marshall suggested that the trekking activities be held in the afternoon. So I leave the zoom meeting 30 minutes early, then I meet Marshall at 1:30 pm at Salvation Army Chatswood. We enjoy 2 ~ 3 hour bushwalks every Thursday.

[Marchall at Davidson Park, ディビッドソン公園にてマーシャル、디빗도손 공원에서 마샬]

Marshall is not a Christian. But he does not hesitate to talk about religion. He does not hesitate to talk about the world histories including the Japanese armies brutal acts in China. Sometimes we have heated discussion. But I am happy to listen to his opinions of different perspective.

[Middle Cove National Park,ミドルコーブ国立公園、미도루코부 국립 공원]

However he takes me for trekking within radius of 10 kilometers from our houses, and they are many scenic areas of residential zone.

“Taichi by Zoom”

Wednesday is busy with zoom meeting. I usually attend Aussie’s Bible Study every Wednesday morning, and Japanese Taichi class in the afternoon.

Now the both meetings are being conducted by zoom meeting because of COCIT-19.

As for Taichi lessons, it was organized by the Japanese Society in Chatswood.

The teacher, Mr. Hosaka has been in Sydney several decades. He was born in 1930s. Yet he is very active and teaches us Taichi kindly.

[Mr. Hosaka at the new year party, 新年会にて保坂師範、신년회에서 호사카 사범]

[At New Year Party befor COVIT-19 Pandemic, 武漢肝炎拡大前の新年会にて、무한 간염 확대 이전 신년회에서]

Some of the members used to have chatting at the lounge of Chatswood RSL bar over some sips of beverage. I became a member of RSL in January. Then this the lockdown came.

However, in August, they re-started this Taichi lessens by utilizing zoom functions. I am happy to see Mr. H again, and other Japanese friends every Wednesday afternoon.

I really hope that the situation becomes much better and we can meeting face-to-face again, and enjoy sipping at RLS bar from time to time in the near future.


SR 26号 「GNW:最も長い日帰りウォーク」「木曜トレッキング再開」「タイチの会、ズームで再開」








しかし、第7区間と第8区間の中間のギャルストン・ゴージ(Galston Gorge)には利用可能な交通機関がない。合計距離は22.3 km、高低差は845m、所要時間は9時間30分である。これは道迷いをしなかった場合で、道迷いをすれば当然距離も時間も長くなる。

我々はホーンズビー駅を8:30に出発した。はたして、途中、道迷いをした。上記サイトで打ち出した地図をあきらめ、スマホのGPS機能を利用し、車の走る舗装道路を歩いてGalston Gorgeに到着した。

[Isaac on Blue Gum Walk of GNW, GNWの「ブルーガムウォーク」,GNW의 "블루 검 워크"]、


[At Galston Gorge, ギャルストン・ゴージにて、갸루스톤 협곡에서]


[At Crossland Wet Field, クロスランド湿原にて、크로스 랜드 습지에서]



[The mark of GNW(Great North Walk), GNWの標識、GNW 표지판]


[Sun-set at the Berowra Valley,ベロウラ渓谷の日没、베로우라 계곡의 일몰]


[The mark says "2 km from the station",「駅から2km」という標識、"역에서 2km '라는 표지판]









[Marchall at Davidson Park, ディビッドソン公園にてマーシャル、디빗도손 공원에서 마샬]


[Day KEC Zoom Presentation、Day KECのズーム・ミーティング、디켓쿠 줌 회의]




[At Lyrebird Track、ライヤーバー・トラックにて、라이어바 트랙에서]







[At New Year Party of Japanese Taichi Group,日本人太極拳の会の新年会、일본인 태극권 모임의 신년회]



。 こちらは実際に体を動かすので、Zoomでは勝手が悪いが、それでも仲間の顔を見ながら、お手本のビデオはZoomの共有サービスを利用すればできる。


