About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Mt. GeumSuBong (531m). SuTongGol, Daejeon大田のストンコルの錦繡峰(クムスボン금수봉531m)

Hiking Date: May 1, 2011 (Sun) Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. GeumSuBong (531m). SuTongGol, Daejeon

Hiking course: Parking Lot of SuTongGol – T Junction – Along the river in the valley – Steep Wooden Stairs – GeumSuBong Gazebo – Gentle Ridge – Cross Trails – Resevor – Parking Lot

Partner: Alan, Maureen, Mr. Miki, Connie, Jim & Rubby, Lu Wang and Sam (from 7 countries including Japan)

There were 8 adults and one kid. Among them, Sam came with the traditional Schotish cloth called kilt. He is from UK and not Scottish, but his father is so. So he wears it in honor of his father. It looks like “skirt”so I thik it’s cool.

[A group picture before the hike, ハイキングの前に団体写真、하이킹 전에 단체사진]

We left KAIST at 12:30. We decided to climb Mt. GeumSuBong, same as last May in 2010, but completely opposite course.

[Alan, explaining the course,コースを説明するアラン、코스를 설명하는 앨런]

We walked along the river in the valley. We had a short break by the river where the stream was shallow and wide. I had lunch there while most of others had snacks.

[By the river, we had snack,川のほとりで小休止、계곡에서 잠깐 휴식]

Then we began to climb the steep wooden stairs. We arrived at the gazebo on the top of Mt. GeumSuBong at 15:15.

There were some Chindallae and cherry blossoms around the gazebo. We had a bit lengthy rest here.

While walking I had a chance to talk with Ms. Lu Wang. Her hometown is near Changchun, where one of my good Chinese hikers lives.

[Ms. Lu Wang with Chindallae,チンダルレと王璐(ワン・ルー)さん]

I asked her how to put “travel”in Chinese because I did not know how to defferenciate “lv旅”from“lu路.” She taught me how.

From the top of GeumSuBong, we walked down through the gentle ridge trail to the cross point to BingGeSan.

[At the gazebo on Mt. GeumSuBong, 錦繡峰の亭子にて、금수봉 정자에서]

Then we turned left to Sutong-gol Reservor along the stream. It was about 16:30 when we came back to the entrance of Sutong-gol.

The German-Korean, Connie’s major is politics. Therefore she likes to talk about politics. She talked with Mr. Miki about politics in Japan while walking.

[Connie and Sam on the decending trail, 下山路のコニーとサム、하산로를 걸어가고 있는 코니와 샘]

[After the hike at the reservoir, 下山後、貯水池にて、하산 후 저수지에서]

["Dicentra" or "bleeding-heart" at SutongGol,ストンコルの「ケマンソウ」、수통골의 금낭화]

We decided to have dinner at the same restaurant called SuTongGol BongGe in April 3. We had the same menu “ChamSukKama-OriHunje” which means “duck meat smoked by charcoal.”Everyone liked it just like last time, esp. the last menu; “sujebi” or “clear soup with dampling.”

[The smoked duck dishes, カモの燻製料理、오리 훈제요리][Connie taking a picture of the dish, カモの燻製料理の写真を撮るコニー、코니가 오리 훈제요리의 사진을 찍고 있다.]

Because of the list time experience, I knew they would supply more than enough. So this time I put the leftover into my empty lunch-box just like“doggy-bag.” I could enjoy eating this for next three days.

This was my 26th hike for this year.







[Alan, explaining the course,コースを説明するアラン、코스를 설명하는 앨런]


[We walked along the river, 渓谷に沿って登山開始、계곡을 따라 등산 시작]




[At the gazebo on Mt. GeumSuBong, 錦繡峰の亭子にて、금수봉 정자에서][Rubby and Chindallae, ルビーとチンダルレ、루비와 진달래]




["Auilegia" in SuTongGol, ストンコルのオダマキ、수통골의 매발톱꽃]


[In front of the restaurant, ストンコル本家の前で、수통골 본가 앞에서]


[The menu at the restaurant, ストンコル本家のメニュー、수통골 본가의 메뉴]



["Sujebi" or "Clean soup with dampling" すいとん、수제비]




DR#188 “THE SERENITY PRAYER” and Alan & “Youth” by Samuel Ullman DR188号「ニーバーの祈り」と「青春の詩」のアラン

DR#188 “THE SERENITY PRAYER” and Alan & “Youth” by Samuel Ullman

After the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, one of Day-KEC members introduced “THE SERENITY PRAYER” by Reinhold Niebuhr to its members.

When I checked this prayer by net, I found the expanded version of this prayer as follows:

God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change;
COURAGE to change the things I can;
and WISDOM to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen

The first 3 lines are the famous prayer all over the world. As for a Christian, having the same faith, I also like the latter part of this prayer.

Junhyok, a good friend of mine at church, since I have come to Korea, suddenly passed away on May 14. He had been suffering from cancer for a year. For the first time, I attended the funeral in Korea next day.

[Putting the body into the coffin, 入棺、입관]

I saw the distress of the deceased family in TV news before, but this time, I witnessed his mother’s distress by my own eyes. It seemed that no one could soothe her pain at heart.

Only three days later, I was informed that my big sister also passed away, after having life on wheelchair for 18 years.

I used to have fiver elder sisters. My 3rd sister suddenly passed away because of subarachnoid bleeding 2 years ago. I could not attend their funerals because I was out of Japan.

I cannot predict or prevent such sudden departures, but only God knows. All I can do is to live one day at a time, and to enjoy one moment at a time.

One of my old friends, Alan was awarded by the Mayor of Daejeon City last Saturday. I met Alan soon after I came to Daejeon 9 years ago.

“Recognition Plaque” says as follows:
“In spite of your difficulties of life in a foreign country
as a respectable resident of Daejeon,
not only you have led an exemplary life but also devoted efforts for the development of regional harmony. This is awarded publically.”

[Alan with the recognition Plaque, アランと表彰牌、아란과 표창 패]

Alan has been working at NFRI (National Fusion Research Institute) for more than 10 years. He has been a member of Korean Society for Cave Environmental Science. He and his friends established “Daejeon Toast Masters Club” more than 5 years ago, and he has been an enthusiastic promoter to recruit new members, and he is always ready to help other people in many ways.

He likes jogging and hiking and plans hiking for Koreans and foreigners as well.

Alan always carries an electronic dictionary and checks Hangul and Kanji whenever he comes across new words. He never loses interests in languages, nature, physics, music, universe, etc.

Alan reminds me of the poem by Samuel Ullman which is famous among Japanese businessmen.

“Youth” by Samuel Ullman

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of
Mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red
Lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the
Will, a quality of the imagination , a vigor of
The emotions; it is the freshness of the deep
Springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of
Courage over timidity of the appetite, for
Adventure over the love of ease. This often
Exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of
Twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number

Of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up
Enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear,
Self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit
Back to dust.

Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every
Human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the
Unfailing child-like appetite of what’s next,
And the joy of the game of living. In the
Center of your heart and my heart there is a
Wireless station; so long as it receives messages
Of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power
From men and from the Infinite, so long are
You young.

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is
Covered with snows of cynicism and the ice
Of pessimism, then you are grown old, event at
Twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to
Catch the waves of optimism; there is hope you
May die young at eighty.

[At Stammtisch with Alan and the award, スタムティッシュにて、Stammtisch모임에서]

(Note) Alan has been retired from the Korean research institute as of the end of 2011. Now he is in Tennessee, USA. The Korean research institute has called him for a short term project in the fall of 2012 and I look forward to seeing him again in Korea this fall.



東日本大震災の後、Day KECのメンバーから「ニーバーの祈り」を紹介してもらった。






[Putting the body into the coffin, 入棺、입관]






[The recognition Plaque, 表彰牌、표창 패]






出典:Wikipedia サミュエル・ウルマン

[At Stammtisch with Alan and the award, スタムティッシュにて、Stammtisch모임에서]



110424 Mt. GeumByongSan, Daejeon 大田の錦屏山

Hiking Date: April 24 (Sun), 2011

Destination (mountain): GeumByongSan, Daejeon

Hiking course: Parking Lot of SuWoonGyo HQ – GeumByongSan – Closed Entrance – Main Hall of SuWoonGyo – Parking Lot (About 6 km, 3 hours)

Partner: Alan and George Furst (with Pipi, a dog), Jim and Ruby, Sunny, Deborah, her son and daughter, Nelma and Tracey (10 people and a dog)

[Taejonhiker at KAIST Main Gate before hiking, KAIST正門前にて、KAIST정문앞에서]

After Easter Service at Dream Church, I hurried to KAIST Main Gate where Taejonhiers gathered. My parters were 10 people and George Furst’s dog, Pipi.

We headed for JaUnDae where Mt. GeumByongSan located. The mountain is just behind the Headquaters of SuWoonGyo. SuWoonGyo is a Korean religion established in 1929. It is a combination of Buddhism, Confusianism and Daoism.

We began hiking at 1:30 p.m. There were many small white flowers which Koreans call “Byolkkot” or “Star Flowers.”

[The small flowers of chickweeds, 「ピョルコ(和名ハコベ)」の花、별꽃들]

After climbing for about 30 or 40 minutes on the ridge, we had a short rest. Actually I brought my lunch box and I ate my lunch there.

[After the late lunch on the ridge, 遅い昼食後に늦은 점심후에]

After having this short rest, we resumed our hike. We soon came to the ridge where Chindallae flowers were blooming. It was a nice hike along the ridge.

We arrived at the top of Mt. GeumByongSan at around 3 p.m. It was a comfortable place with lots of sunshine. There I found bunch of Iris rossii Bakers. Actually, I found the flowers here and there all along the decending trail.

[On the top of Mt. GeumByongSan, 錦屏山頂上にて、금병산정상에서][A bunch of Iris rossii Bakers, エヒメアヤメの群落、각시붓꽃 군락]

I saw Deborah and her son Corum and her daughter, Eibhlin for the first time. Deborah said she came from Calfornia, but Eibhlin said she was from Ireland, and Corum said he came from China. It seems like a family reunion in Korea. It must be an interesting story how they separated and reunited again.

I saw Nelma before at International Dinner Party some years ago. She even remembered my name. Nelma is from Philipines and she is quite cheerful.

Sunny is from Shanghai. She joined AhToSan hike several times. She is a strong hiker and she walked very fast.

After having a short rest at the top of the mountain, we came down from the mountain. When we came close to SuWoonGyo HQ, we found that the trail came to the dead end by wire-net fense.

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、 하산로에서]

But we found a hole in the wire-net. It was a big enough for everyone to go through. So we all went through the hole of the wire-net fense.

[Alan was going through the "hole" 金網の穴を抜けるアラン、철망의 구멍을 통과하는 아란]

It was close to “Cheondan” of SuWoonGyo. So we visited this unique building. It is said that they put 3 figures of different religions: Buddha, Confucius and Lao-tze.

[The gate of "Dragon and Tiger" 天壇へ続く竜虎門、천단에 이어져있는 용호문][In front of "Cheondang," 天壇の前で、천단 앞에서][The decoration of the date to "Cheondang",天壇の門の装飾、천단문 장식][The plate explaining "Suwoongyo" religion, 水雲教の説明が書かれたプレート、수운교의 설명]

We finished our hike at 4:20 p.m. Jim drove me to KAIST main gate, and I came back to my apartment by bicycle at 5 p.m.

It was my 25thi hike with Taejonhikers.





[Taejonhiker at KAIST Main Gate before hiking, KAIST正門前にて、KAIST정문앞에서]




[The small flowers of chickweeds, 「ピョルコ(和名ハコベ)」の花、별꽃들]


[After the late lunch on the ridge, 遅い昼食後に늦은 점심후에]




[A bunch of Iris rossii Bakers, エヒメアヤメの群落、각시붓꽃 군락]







[Taejonhikers walking on the decending trail, 下山路を行くハイカーたち、하산로를 내려가고있는 하이커들]


[George Furst was going through the "hole" 金網の穴を抜けるジョージ・ファースト、철망의 구멍을 통과하는 조지·퍼스트]




[注:水雲教天壇(大田広域市 儒城区 秋木洞 山 40:1929年に創建された儒・仏・仙の合一の天道を崇拝する水雲教の本堂。60坪の木造建物に66匹の巨龍と88羽の鳳凰が彫刻されており、内部には仏道の釈迦・仙道の老子・儒道の孔子の位牌が奉安されている。境内には動物をかたどった石鐘があり、叩く部位によってさまざまな金属の音がする。]


110423 Mt. Bukkansan in Seoul ソウルの北漢山(북한산836m)、

Hiking Date: April 23, 2011 (Sat) Cloudy, occationally fine, gusty wind from time to time.

Destination (mountain): Mt. Bukkansan (836m)

Hiking course: Bamgol – Hidden Ridge – Steep Valley – Wuimun Gate – BaekUnDae (836m) – DaeDongMun – Chindallae Ridge – Uibunso Parking Lot

Partner: 46 members from Daejeon + 2 members from Seoul [3 foreingers: Indian, Mexcican, and German, all from KASI(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, KASI)

[A group picture at Hyojadong, 孝子洞で団体写真、효자동에서 단체사진]

It takes less than 3 hours from Daejeon to Mt. Bukkansan in Seoul. But the mountain is really popular, and it is said that the Guinness Book of Records registered the mountain as the most populated mountain with hikers in the world.

In order to avoid the congestion in the mountain, we left Daejeon at 6 a.m., one hour earlier than usual.

Bernardo took two of his colleagues from his institution, KASI. Soumen from India and Tobbie from Germany.

Actually for Soumen, it was his 10th hike at AhToSan and they awarded him as a Best Member. Soumen looked very happy and proud of the membership card. It was a good souvenir from Korea because he was soon to go back to him home in India.

[Soumen with "Best Member Card." 優秀会員認証カードを持つソウメン、우수회원인증 카드를 가지고있는 소우멘]

As for Tobbie, it was his first hike with AhToSan, and he found this hike really hard. It was indeed a kind of hard hike with steep rock climbing and going down in the valley.

They all work at KASI, like Mashashi from Japan. Bernardo’s speciality is to study galacies, while Soumen’s to study Black Hole and Tobbie’s to study planets outside solar system. They are all astronomers. Since it was my elementary school day’s dream to become an astronomer, I envy and respect them all.

[Tobbie from Germany, Soumen from India, Bernardo from Mexcico, ドイツとインドとメキシコから来た天文学者たち、독일과 인도와 멕시코에서 온 천문학자들]

Anyway, we arrived at Hyojadong in Seoul before 9 a.m. Two of AhToSan learders in Seoul, Chinhan Saram and Prim were waiting for us and they guided all of us to the “hidden ridge” course of the famous Seoul mountain.

The entrance of the “hidden ridge course” as along the regular course, and it was literally “hidden” behide the bush. Only with someone who knows the trail well, it is possible to climb this trail.

[At the ridge of "hidden ridge course," 「隠れた岩壁稜線」にて、숨은벽능선에서]

And it was really difficult trail with steep rock without any rope or handrails. Tobbie said “are you craze? Do we really have to climb this steep slope?” Or “Where is the escalator? I need escalator!”

[Tobbie at the steep rock, 急斜面を登るトビー、급경사면을 오르는 토비][Soumen, a good hiker from India, インドからきたソウメン、인도에서 온 소우멘] ["Skull Rock" どくろ岩、해골바위]

But he did a good job. Bernardo and Soumen are good climbers/hikers, and it seemed easy for them to climb this part.

[With Bernardo, ベルナルドと岩の上で、베르나르도와 바위 위에서]

When we came up to the ridge, we could see nice views of Seoul. But from the top of the ridge, we had to go down the steep rocks to the bottom of the valley.

Even I felt thrill, and thought of accident. I imargined that I dropped from the rocks. I, too had a hard time.

From the bottom of the valley, we had to climb again the steep rocky place, and the last part of the trail was well facilitated stairs. I climbed the last part with Tobbie, and the rest of the members were waiting for us on the rock from which we could see InSuBong, a steep rocky mountain.

[In front of InSuBong, 仁寿峰の前で、인수봉앞에서]

From that place, we separated into two groups. One was to climb BaekUnDae, the highest peak of Bukkansan, and the other, to avoide BaekUnDae and to go forward to the Bukkansan Fortress.

Since I climbed BaekUnDae twice before, I inclined to join the 2nd party, but Bernardo recommended to join the 1st group strongly, I joined the group to climb BaekUndae.

[The man protesting against "rope-way" ローブウェイ建設反対運動を続けている男性、케이블카 건설 반대 운동을 계속하고 있는 아저씨][Many people climbing up to the BaekUnDae, 白雲台を登る人並み、백운대를 오르고있는 사람들]

It was a popular peak, and many hikers try to walk the narrow trail, therefore, the congestion happened.

[At BaekUnDae, 白雲台にて、백운대에서][Bernardo at the top of BaekUnDae, 백운대 정상에 서있는 베르나르도]

Yet it was worth climbing up to the BaekUndae, and we took a lot of pictures on the top of the peak.

We had lunch under the BaekUndae, just like the previous hiking time. Soum,en joined Korean lunch table and he offered Indian style fried rice to other members. Bernardo offered a bottle of Chile wine. It tasted so good that I drank two sipps that made me a bit drunk. I sipped because of it, and I decided not to drink more than a sip of wine anymore.

[Lunch at the Wuimun, 衛門前で昼食、위문앞에서 점심식사]

After the lunch we walked along the fortress walls of Bukkansan, then walked down so called “Chindallae Ridge.”

The ridge was beautiful, and trail was gentle. We enjoyed the beautiful chindallae, and came down to the destination called Uibunso Parking Lot.

[At Chindallae Ridge, チンダルレ稜線にて、진달래능선에서]

We found a big beautiful weeping cherry which was in full bloom. But we could not have “wrap-up party” there. Because drinking alchohole was strictly prohibited there.

[A big weeping cherry at Uibunso, ウイブンソのシダレザクラ、우이분소의 올벚나무]

We had to say good bye to the two leaders from Seoul and we ahd wrap-up party at the sevice area in Icheon.

[Wrap-up party at Icheon, 利川サービスエリアにてティップリ、이천 휴게소에서 뒤풀이]

It was my 24th hike for this year and 237th regular hike with AhToSan.






[Tobbie from Germany, ドイツから来た天文学者、トビー、독일에서 온 천문학자, 토비]




[A group picture at Hyojadong, 孝子洞で団体写真、효자동에서 단체사진]




[Suzuki & Makgeolli Time on the rock, 岩の上でスズキ・アンド・マッコリタイム、바위 위에서 스즈끼&막걸리 타임]


[In front of InSuBong, 仁寿峰の前で、인수봉앞에서]


[AhTo members walking on the ridge, 尾根の登山路を進むアトサン会員たち、능선 등산로를 나아가는 아토 회원들][Soumen going down to the bottom of the valley, 急坂の岩場を下るソウメン、급한 암석 지대를 내려가고 있는 소우멘]


[The man protesting against "rope-way" ローブウェイ建設反対運動を続けている男性、케이블카 건설 반대 운동을 계속하고 있는 아저씨][Soumen on the top of BaekUnDae, 白雲台の頂上に立つソウメン、백운대 정상에 서있는 소우멘]



[Lunch at the Wuimun, 衛門前で昼食、위문앞에서 점심식사]



[In front of DaeDongMun Gate, 大東門の前で、대동문앞에서]


>[At Chindallae Ridge, チンダルレ稜線にて、진달래능선에서]


[A big weeping cherry at Uibunso, ウイブンソのシダレザクラ、우이분소의 올벚나무]


[Wrap-up party at Icheon, 利川サービスエリアにてティップリ、이천 휴게소에서 뒤풀이]


