About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110421 GyeRyongSan (845m), Gongju, ChunNam Province, 鶏龍山、公州、忠南

Hiking Date: April 21, 2011 (Thu) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Gyeryongsan (845m) in Gonju-shi, ChunNam Province.

Hiking course: Donghaksa Bus Stop – Mungol – Keun Baejae – Nammae Tap (Stone Pagoda) – SamBulBong – GwanEumBong – EunSeon Waterfall – Donghaksa Temple – Bus Stop (About 12 km, 7 hours)

Partner:: None

I wanted to see the famous cherry blossoms near Donghaksa Temple, so I went to climb Mt. GyeRyongSan alone on April 21.

I took #911 bus from Shinseongdong to Yuseong after listening 7 a.m. KBS news on radio. Changed buses to #107 there and arrived at the terminal bus stop at 5 minutes before 8 a.m.

There were cherry trees on both sides of the narrow bus street to Donghaksa, and as I expected, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. It was like a tunnel of cherry blossoms. There were many restaurants for sighseers under the blossoms.

[The cherry blossoms were in full bloom at the foot of GyeRyongSan, 鶏龍山の麓の桜は満開だった。계룡산 기슭의 벚꽃은 만발이었다.]

But my main purpose was hiking. I took the standard course from Seoul SikTang (Restaurant) to Nammae Tap via Keun Baejae.

Soon as I began walking, I found a chipmunk and two red squirrels playing on trees.

[A chipmunk, シマリス、다람쥐][A red squirrels,エゾリス(?) 청설모][Corydalis pallida var. tenuis (sientific name)near the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口付近のミヤマキケマン(深山黄華鬘),등산로 입구부근에서 본 금낭화의 일종(한국어명은 모른다)]

It took two hours from the entrance of the trail to Keun Baejae. While walking alone, I noticed many small flowers such as white and yellow violets, “Byolkkot” in Korean, or “star flowers.” I could not see many chindallae flowers until the ridge area.

[Yellow violet, 黄色いスミレ、노란 제비꽃]["Byolkkot" or "Star-flower" or "chick weed" ハコベの1種で韓国名はビョルコッ(星花)、별꽃]

I was very happy when I found “yellow” iris rossii Baker. I saw this flower many times since I came to Korea. But I learned the name of this flower only at last hike to HwaWangSan. I learned the name of the flower as "각시붓꽃" in Korean language first, thenafter in Japanese "Ehime Ayame" and in English "Iris rosssii Baker." However, I did not see any of this kind of flower in yellow color.

[Yellow "Iris rossii Baker"、黄色いエヒメアヤメ、노란 각시붓꽃 or "금붓꽃"]

I arrived at Nammaetap Pagoda at 10:30, then soon headed for SamBulBong. I took a short rest at SamBulBong having a sip of makgeolli which I brought with me. Then I walked along the ridge from which I could enjoy nice view of mountains and towns down blow.

[At Nammaetap, 男妹塔にて、남매탑에서][A view from SamBulBong, 三仏峰からの景観、삼불봉에서]

While walking toward the next peak “GwanEumBong” I felt hungry and I had lunch on the ridge.

While I was having lunch, a small visitor, a “great tit” came to me. It also looked hungry, so I gave him/her several piece of potato chips. The bird picked it up, flew away, then came back to me, several times.

[A great tit, 四十雀、박새]

It was a bit fun. Then I began walking along the ridge again. Then I noticed something strange and beautiful in the sky. It was a rainbow upside down in the cloud.

[An up-side-down rainbow、逆さの虹、무지개가 거꾸로 걸려 있다]

I have never seen such rainbow before, so I took several pictures.

The last asccess to GwanEumBong was a series of steep iron stairs, and a bit hard.

Anyhow, I arrived at GwanEumBong almost 1 p.m. I had another short break there, then began decending the mountain.

From GwanEumBong to EunSeon Waterfall, the trail was steep and made of stones. It must be hard for those who had stiff knees. Fortunately my knees are still flexible, yet I walked down slowly and carefully.

Whenever I visit Donghaksa Temple, I enjoy the beautiy of its garden. This time, I found “dicentra spectabilis.” I like nicknames of this flower, such as “bleeding-heart” or “venus’s car” or “lady in a bath” or “dutchman’s trousers.”

["bleeding-heart" or "venus's car" 「ケマンソウ」または「タイツリソウ」, 금낭화(錦囊花)]

Janaese name of ths flower “Kemansou” comes from a decoration in Budhist temple called "華鬘(けまん)" but its neckname “Taitsurisou(鯛釣り草)” means to “flower of fishing-sea-breams” is funny and easy to remember.

I came back to the bus stop at 3 p.m. So, it took almost 7 hours to walk about 12 km.

I walked slowly and enjoyed the nature of a good Korean mountain.

It was my 23rd hike for this year.







[The cherry blossoms were in full bloom at the foot of GyeRyongSan, 鶏龍山の麓の桜は満開だった。계룡산 기슭의 벚꽃은 만발이었다.]



[A chipmunk, シマリス、다람쥐][A red squirrels,エゾリス(?) 청설모]


[White violet and "Engosaku" in Japanese, 白いスミレとエンゴサク(延胡索)、흰 제비꽃과 연호삭]


[Yellow "Iris rossii Baker"、黄色いエヒメアヤメ、노란 각시붓꽃 or 금붓꽃]

「カクシプッコ」の和名は「エヒメアヤメ」、学名は「Iris rossii Baker」だ。日本では絶滅危惧種に指定されているほど希少価値のある花なのに連続して見つけたことで特に満足だ。


[At Nammaetap, 男妹塔にて、남매탑에서]


[At SamBulBong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]




[A view of Mt. GyeRyongSan from the ridge, 稜線から見た鶏龍山、능선으로부터 본 계룡산]


[A great tit, 四十雀、박새]


[An up-side-down rainbow、逆さの虹、무지개가 거꾸로 걸리고 있다]



登りにくらべ、ハイカーの数も増え、東鶴寺付近では相当にぎやかだった。東鶴寺では、ケマンソウ(タイツリソウ)が見事だった。[韓国名は錦囊花(금낭화)で、学名は(Dicentra spectabilis)というそうだ。]

別名の「bleeding-heart」や「Venus's car」または「Lady in a bath」および「Dutchman's trousers」や「Lyre-flower」が面白い。

["bleeding-heart" or "venus's car" 「ケマンソウ」または「タイツリソウ」, 금낭화(錦囊花)]




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