About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Mt. GeumSuBong (531m). SuTongGol, Daejeon大田のストンコルの錦繡峰(クムスボン금수봉531m)

Hiking Date: May 1, 2011 (Sun) Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. GeumSuBong (531m). SuTongGol, Daejeon

Hiking course: Parking Lot of SuTongGol – T Junction – Along the river in the valley – Steep Wooden Stairs – GeumSuBong Gazebo – Gentle Ridge – Cross Trails – Resevor – Parking Lot

Partner: Alan, Maureen, Mr. Miki, Connie, Jim & Rubby, Lu Wang and Sam (from 7 countries including Japan)

There were 8 adults and one kid. Among them, Sam came with the traditional Schotish cloth called kilt. He is from UK and not Scottish, but his father is so. So he wears it in honor of his father. It looks like “skirt”so I thik it’s cool.

[A group picture before the hike, ハイキングの前に団体写真、하이킹 전에 단체사진]

We left KAIST at 12:30. We decided to climb Mt. GeumSuBong, same as last May in 2010, but completely opposite course.

[Alan, explaining the course,コースを説明するアラン、코스를 설명하는 앨런]

We walked along the river in the valley. We had a short break by the river where the stream was shallow and wide. I had lunch there while most of others had snacks.

[By the river, we had snack,川のほとりで小休止、계곡에서 잠깐 휴식]

Then we began to climb the steep wooden stairs. We arrived at the gazebo on the top of Mt. GeumSuBong at 15:15.

There were some Chindallae and cherry blossoms around the gazebo. We had a bit lengthy rest here.

While walking I had a chance to talk with Ms. Lu Wang. Her hometown is near Changchun, where one of my good Chinese hikers lives.

[Ms. Lu Wang with Chindallae,チンダルレと王璐(ワン・ルー)さん]

I asked her how to put “travel”in Chinese because I did not know how to defferenciate “lv旅”from“lu路.” She taught me how.

From the top of GeumSuBong, we walked down through the gentle ridge trail to the cross point to BingGeSan.

[At the gazebo on Mt. GeumSuBong, 錦繡峰の亭子にて、금수봉 정자에서]

Then we turned left to Sutong-gol Reservor along the stream. It was about 16:30 when we came back to the entrance of Sutong-gol.

The German-Korean, Connie’s major is politics. Therefore she likes to talk about politics. She talked with Mr. Miki about politics in Japan while walking.

[Connie and Sam on the decending trail, 下山路のコニーとサム、하산로를 걸어가고 있는 코니와 샘]

[After the hike at the reservoir, 下山後、貯水池にて、하산 후 저수지에서]

["Dicentra" or "bleeding-heart" at SutongGol,ストンコルの「ケマンソウ」、수통골의 금낭화]

We decided to have dinner at the same restaurant called SuTongGol BongGe in April 3. We had the same menu “ChamSukKama-OriHunje” which means “duck meat smoked by charcoal.”Everyone liked it just like last time, esp. the last menu; “sujebi” or “clear soup with dampling.”

[The smoked duck dishes, カモの燻製料理、오리 훈제요리][Connie taking a picture of the dish, カモの燻製料理の写真を撮るコニー、코니가 오리 훈제요리의 사진을 찍고 있다.]

Because of the list time experience, I knew they would supply more than enough. So this time I put the leftover into my empty lunch-box just like“doggy-bag.” I could enjoy eating this for next three days.

This was my 26th hike for this year.







[Alan, explaining the course,コースを説明するアラン、코스를 설명하는 앨런]


[We walked along the river, 渓谷に沿って登山開始、계곡을 따라 등산 시작]




[At the gazebo on Mt. GeumSuBong, 錦繡峰の亭子にて、금수봉 정자에서][Rubby and Chindallae, ルビーとチンダルレ、루비와 진달래]




["Auilegia" in SuTongGol, ストンコルのオダマキ、수통골의 매발톱꽃]


[In front of the restaurant, ストンコル本家の前で、수통골 본가 앞에서]


[The menu at the restaurant, ストンコル本家のメニュー、수통골 본가의 메뉴]



["Sujebi" or "Clean soup with dampling" すいとん、수제비]



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