About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110409 SiRubong (670m), UngSan, Jinhae, GyongNam Province 慶南(キョンナム경남)、鎮海(チネ진해)の熊山(ウンサン웅산)のシルボン(甑峰시루봉)

Hiking Date: April 9 (Sat) Fine

Destination (mountain): SiRubong (670), UngSan, Jinhae, GyongNam Province

Hiking course: AnMin Pass – Junction of three trail – Mt. SiRuBong – Pass of Wind – CheonJaBong – DaeBalRyong – Parking Lot

(After “Wrap-up party” we stopped at the sightseeing pint for cherry blossoms near GyongHwa Station of KORAIL.)

Partner: 44 AhToSan members including two foreingers (Bernardo and Liesbeth)

Liesbeth, a friend of Bernardo, comes from California. She teaches English at a school in ChonAn, but she speaks fluent Spanish as well. So Bernardo, who comes from Mexico, enjoyed talking with her in Spanish.

Since the destination is far from Daejeon, we left Expo South Gate at 6 a.m. one hour earlier than usual. Liesbeth made it just in time, arriving by taxi.

[The bus arrived at AnMin Pass,安民峠にバスが到着、안민 고개에 버스가 도착]

We arrived at the starting point of the hike, AnMin Pass, at 10:15. Since the weather was good, and the season was also good for a lot of flowers, there were full of sightseers and hikers there.

[At AnMin Pass, 安民峠にて、안민고개에서]

In fact, “Jindallae” or Korean wild azalea, is one of my favorite flowers in Korea, and they were in full bloom there. At the same time, cherry blossoms were also in full bloom there.

["Jindallae" or Korean wild azalea、チンダルレ(カラムラサキツツジ)の花、진달래꽃]

Soon after beginning to walk, I found an unique flower called “Halmikkot”in Korean. It means “Grandma Flowers.”This flower is called “Okina gusa” in Japan, whick also means “Grandma Flower.”So, Koreans and Japanese look the flower same way. But in the West, it is called “Easter Flower” or “Wind Flower.” It is interesting to know the names of flowers.

The views from the ridge were wonderful. We could see a good command of “Jinhae” a port city in the south. It is also famous as the base of Korean Navy. But when I saw the city from the ridge, I thought of port towns in Tohoku area in Japan.

[Looking down the city of Jinhae, 鎮海の市街を見下ろす、진해(鎭海) 시가를 내려다보다.]

If the sea level rised for about 5 meters, then the most of the city might be under the water. If the tsunami of 10 meter hit the city, it may completely destroy the city. There’s no such worry in harbors in Korea, so how luck Koreans are. That’s what I thought from the ridge.

Well, I do not know why, but it must be my condition was not good. I was the last hiker among 44 AhToSan members until noon.

[Chindallae flowers and SiRuBong, チンダルレの花とシル峰、진달래와 시루봉]

When I arrived at the three-way junction, all other members were alreay having lunch there. When I joined them, one of the members offered me a cup of cold beer. It was Asahi beer, cold and nice. I noticed that Liesbeth was also holding a can of beer. It was Kirin beer. She liked the beer, too.

[Lunch at the junction, 仏母山三叉路付近にて昼食、불모산 갈림길가까이에서 점심]

When I began eating my lunch, the top group were to start the afternoon hiking. But Bernerdo and Liesbeth were kindly waiting for me. It is nice to have company while hiking, of course.

We began afternoon-hike at 12:45. Along the trail from the junction to SiRuBong, there were not so many Jindallae, but other flowers such as “Yangjikko”or “SengangNamu” or yellow “violet.”

Then we came to a suspension bridge called “Ungsan Jeokkyo.” Bernardo and Liesbeth were having fun by shaking the bridge intensionally. I thought they were young like kids.

Then we came to the rocky part of the trail from which we could enjoy good views of the mountains as well as the city down under the feet.

Then we notice some strange things on the top of the mountain. Actually it was a big rock, looked like “Siru”in Korean. “Siru” means a traditional steamer. That is why people called the peak as “SiruBong.”

[On the way to SiRuBong,シル峰へ行く道で、시루봉에 가는 길에서]

But from a distance, it looked like a breat of a woman. There are several mountains in Japan, which they call “Nyutosan (乳頭山).” The SiRuBong is exactly looked like Nyutosan, I thought.

The access way to SiRuBong is rather gentle. The trail was wide and covered with dry grasses. There was a good wooden facilities around the rock so people can walk around confortablly.

The other side of the rock was also well facilitated with wooden staris. That was be starting point for decending trail.

While walking around SiRuBong, I noticed some white rocks on the slop of city side. It could be read as “Byong병” in Hangul. “병”can be 病, 兵, 丙, 瓶etc..in Chinese characters. I did not know the meaning, until, later, when I saw the mountain from the sity. There were two more Hangul letters on the mountain, and the three letters are “해병혼” which means “Spirit of Navy.”

[You can see the 3 letters "Spirit of Navy" on the mountain,山腹に見える「海軍魂」の3文字、산의 중턱에 보이는 「해병혼」의 3문자]

The trail from SiRuBong to ChonJaBong was also very beautiful with Jindallae. We could enjoy these beautiful flowers and good views of mountains and cities.

[Wooden trail from SiRuBong to ChonJabong, シル峰から天子峰への登山路は木製の階段、시루봉부터 천자봉에의 등산로는 목제 계단]

The last peak was ChonJaBong, and it was also a good spot for taking portraits, especially when you have a handsome and beautiful models with you.

[At ChonJaBong,天子峰にて、천자봉에서]

We came to paved road at 3:20, then we arrived at the place where the bus was parking. It was along the street, but under the cherry blossoms that were in full bloom.

They were already having “wrap-up party” with “Suyuk” or boiled pork and makgeolli, Korean traditional rice wine.

We finish the wrap-up party at 4:10 and moved to another sightseeing spot: Gyonghwa Railway Statin.

There were huge cherry trees along the railway, and people were enjoying beautiful cherry blossoms while walking on the railways!

[Under the cherry trees near GyongWa Station,慶和駅近くの桜の木の下で、경화역 가까이의 벚나무 아래서]

We did the same, but later, I saw a Saemaul Train running on the railway! So people were walking on the live railway! I cannot emagine this kind of situation in Japan. In Japan, the employees working for railway company never allow people walk on railways.

Anyhow, it’s fun. We ended the sightseeing there at 5:30 and came back to Daejeon at 9:30 p.m.

It was my 21st hike for this year and my 235th regular hike with AhToSan.




登山コース:安民峠(안민고개) - 仏母山三叉路 (불모산갈림길)‐甑峰(시루봉) - 風の峠 (바람재) -天子峰(천자봉)-テパルリョン(대발령)-駐車場





[At AnMin Pass, 安民峠にて、안민고개에서]


[Looking down the city of Jinhae from the first ridge,最初の尾根から鎮海の市街を見下ろす、첫번째 산등성이로부터 진해 시가를 내려다본다.]

登りはじめてすぐに「ハルミッコ(할미꽃和名オキナグサ学名Pulsatilla cernua)を見かけた。

英語の通称ではイースターのころ咲くので「Easter Flower」とか「Wind Flower」と呼ばれるらしい。ウェブで見つけた英語の説明では土から芽を出し、花が開く様子が見えて素晴らしい。http://creationwiki.org/Pasqueflower素晴らしい写真家クンガン(金剛)がこの花の写真を撮ってアップしてくれた。

[Easter flower, オキナグサ、할미꽃]


[Jindallae flowers、チンダルレ(カラムラサキツツジ)の花、진달래꽃]








[Lunch at the junction, 仏母山三叉路付近にて昼食、불모산 갈림길가까이에서 점심]


[On the way to decend, 下山路は他の会員たちとともに、하산로는 다른 회원들과 함께]




["Tilipa edulis" or "Sanjakko" in Korean, アマナの花、산자고(山慈姑)]



[Approaching SiRuBong,シル峰へ近づく、시루봉에 다가왔다]


[At SiRuBong, シル峰にて、시루봉에서]


[You can see the 3 letters "Spirit of Navy" on the mountain,山腹に見える「海軍魂」の3文字、산의 중턱에 보이는 「해병혼」의 3문자]


[Wooden trail from SiRuBong to ChonJabong, シル峰から天子峰への登山路は木製の階段、시루봉부터 천자봉에의 등산로는 목제 계단]



[At ChonJaBong with Liesbeth, 天使峰にてリズと、천자봉에서 Liesbeth과 함께][AhToSan people on the rock, 岩の上のアトサン会員たち、바위 위에 서있는 아토 회원들]




[Wrap up Party under the cherry blossom,満開の桜の花の下でティップリ、만발한 벚꽃 아래에서 뒤풀이]


[Near Gyonghwa Station on the rails, 慶和駅近くの線路の上で、경화역 가까이의 선로 위에서]



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