About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


KR(Kamakura Report) #7 "From Sydney to Kamakura", "Shonandaira湘南平-Komayama高麗山" Saturday April 30, "Sakashita Dam, Okuma-Machi, Futaba-gun" Wednesday May 4”鎌倉レポート第7号 「シドニーから鎌倉へ」「湘南平~高麗山」4月30日(土), 「双葉郡大熊町坂下ダム」5月4日(水)“가마쿠라 리포트 제7호 “시드니에서 가마쿠라로” “쇼난~다이라 고려산” 4월 30일(토), “후타바군 오쿠마마치 사카시타 댐” 5월 4일(수)

Kamakura Report #7 "From Sydney to Kamakura", "Shonandaira湘南平-Komayama高麗山" Saturday April 30, "Sakashita Dam, Okuma-Machi, Futaba-gun" Wednesday May 4”

"From Sydney to Kamakura"

We had to delay our departure to Japan for 2 weeks, due to the infection of Covit-19.

[A part of daily trekking course, 日々のトレッキングコース、매일 트레킹 코스]

Since the wedding of our first granddaughter, Naomi, was successfully completed on 26 February, we decided to return to Japan for the first time in three years and purchased tickets from Sydney on April 7.

Unfortunately, I got infected with the virus on 3rd April. I felt a slight headache and sour throat that day.

However, I thought I recovered on Monday because I had no symptom on the day of the test.

[Monstera flower along the daily route,日々の散策路脇に咲くモンステラの花、몬스테라의 꽃]

On April 6, we were shocked to find out the result of PCR. It was“POSITVE!”

My wife had no symptom until the day of the test. But she began to feel a mild cold symptom such as a sore throat.

When she consulted with her GP, she was prescribed "Panadol." She had no fever.

[At Fandale Park (neighborhood), 近所のファンデール公園、동네 판데일 공원]

In Sydney, there are many drive-through test places where people get PCR test.

However, there is a charge for requesting a negative certificate for travel.

We used the Pathologist introduced by my GP and paid $ 150 per person.

In Sydney, it is possible to use a commercially available RAT kit, which is easier than the PCR test.

The RAT test is easy, so the next week, when I checked with RAT kit by myself, the result was negative. However, my wife was positive again.

Both were negative on the RAT test on Wednesday morning, April 11, within 48 hours of departure.

We took PCR tests, but the results were hard to come by. No results were obtained at 9 pm on Thursday, April 12, 24 hours before departure, and 3 hours later, "POSITOVE" results were informed by SNS.

Flight tickets can be changeable if we ask for, more than 24 hours before boarding, but at that point, it was too late.

A week later, I learned from word-of-mouth that an agent to issue certificate by the cost of A$ 79.

First, we had free PCR tests 74 hours before the boarding to confirm that we were "negative," then we took fee-charging PCR tests 48 hours before the boarding.

Finally, we got "negative certificate" this time. After all, two weeks later than originally planned, we left Sydney on April 21 and arrived at Haneda on April 22.

In Haneda, PCR tests are also required after arrival, and only if the result is negative, you can enter the country without quarantine.

In Sydney they use sample while rubbing the oral cavity and nasal cavity. But in Haneda, they use saliva for the sample for PCR tests.

Due to my chronic diabetes, it was hard to produce enough saliva for me. After struggling to produce saliva I gave up and went the last person of the line where people use the same method in Sydney (most children were under this category.)

We were finally released 3 hours later after our arrival, but we faced another problem with transportation to go home.

The number of direct buses from Haneda Airport to Ofuna was too small, so we had no choice but to take a taxi to our house. The charge was 14,500 yen.

"Shonandaira湘南平-Komayama高麗山" Saturday, April 30

The first hike after returning to Japan was Shonandaira, and the companion was Mr. Matsumoto, my mentor. We left our home at 9 o'clock and took Tokaido line and got off at Oiso station around 9:30.

We went walked along the railroad track and went out to the other side through the underground passage in front of Oiso Elementary School.

[A view of the ocean from the hill, 丘の上から見た湘南の海、언덕 위에서 본 쇼난의 바다]

Immediately going up the paved road in the residential area, we came to Tamotsu Takata Park. From this area, we could see the view of Sagami Bay and Izu Oshima Island.

We entered the mountain trail from the side of the Tamotsu Takata monument.

[The mountain trail from Takata Park,高田公園からの登山路、타카타 공원에서 등산로]

Looking the tank of the Higashikoiso reservoir on the left along the ridge via Mt. Hajiro, we walked straight to reach Shonandaira.

Shonandaira has a driveway leading from the foot of the mountain and it can be reached by car. I've been here with my wife by car before. There is a TV tower on the way, but it is not accessible for hikers.

[Shonan-Daira Observatory Building,湘南平の展望台ビル、쇼난 다이라의 전망대 빌딩]

Shonandaira has a magnificent observatory, a restaurant, and a parking lot. We went up to the observatory there. We could see not only Sagami Bay, Izu Oshima Island and Enoshima but also Miura Peninsula on the left side, Boso Peninsula beyond the Miura Alps, and Mt. Nokogiri in Chiba Peninsula.

[A view from the observatory, 展望台から見た風景、전망대에서 본 풍경]

If you turn your eyes to the right side of Sagami Bay, you can clearly see Futagoyama and Izu Peninsula in Hakone, and on the right side of Hakone, you can clearly see the Tanzawa Mountains and Ohyama.

[At the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

However, unfortunately, Mt. Fuji, which rises behind them, was covered with clouds, and we could see only a part of the middle of the mountain near the summit.

There is a slightly lower observatory on the mountain side near the TV tower, and after seeing this, we looked for a bench with a table and had an early lunch.

After lunch, we began walking the direction of the TV tower, and followed the ridge in the direction of Mt. Sengen to Mt. Koma via Mt. Happyo, I went down to Takaku Shrine via Mezaka.

I thought the atmosphere of the course was similar to Mt. Takao.

After going out to the urban area, we passed through the nostalgic “Kewaizaka” pine trees and walked parallel to the railroad tracks to return to Oiso Station.

The daily walking distance was 14.2 km, the number of steps was 21,017, and the stairs we climbed up to the 80th floor.

"Sakashita Dam, Okuma-Machi, Futaba-gun" Wednesday, May 4

I visited Tomioka-Machi, Futaba-gun, Fukushima Prefecture, where our second son's family lives, during the three consecutive holidays of Golden Week from May 3rd to 5th.

Our second son, Ryo got married in February 2016, six years ago. He and his wife have been involved in the recovery project of the Great East Japan Earthquake as a couple.

They have moved to Tomioka-Machi, Futaba-gun, where the crippled nuclear power plants of TEPCO locate close-by.

However, they have a 3-year-old daughter and a 3-month-old son, and they are busy for raising children.

[Tohwa, 100-day olf grandson, 生後100日の孫、태어난 100일의 손자]

My wife had a mission to help as a babysitter, but I was useless in this regard. Therefore, Mr. Matsumoto and I enjoyed hiking there.

[In the field of canola flowers,菜の花畑の中で、유채꽃밭에서]

When we arrived at Tomioka Station, our son came to pick us up and we joined a kind of ceremonial picnic called “Okuizome (お食い初め) or "beginning of eating" for their 100th day old son.

Ryo is currently working as a hotel manager in addition to volunteering for the recovery project. Ryo works at a hotel in Okuma-Machi, which is next to Tomioka-Machi.

[At Hotel Ohkuma, ホテル・オオクマにて、호텔 오오쿠마에서]

On the 2nd day, we accompanied with him to his office, then Mr. Matsumoto and I started hiking to Sakashita Dam. My companion was Mr. Matsumoto again.

First, we looked for a convenience store to buy food and ATMs. But the convenience store near the hotel is a local convenience store and there is no ATM. we bought only lunch boxes and snacks and looked for a convenience store with an ATM on our way home.

We headed to Sakashita Dam while looking at the local map we got from Ryo. On the way, we saw the scars of the magnitude 7.4 earthquake on March 16th this year, such as collapsed gates and walls.

[The sign board of Sakashita Dam, 坂下ダムへの標識、사카시타 댐으로 가는 길 표지판]

The flowers are beautiful with the rhododendrons and azaleas in full bloom but blossoms of cherry blossoms all gone.

[A rhodorendran tree on Ohkuma, 大熊町のシャクナゲ、석남(石南)꽃]

The Sakashita Dam is a dam that spans the Kuma River, and when we read the explanation board that stands on the shore, we found that in addition to water and power generation, the "TEPCO water pipe" leading to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant installed.

[At Sakashita Dam, 坂下ダムの畔にて、사카시타 댐에서]

TEPCO's nuclear power plant is still being decommissioned 11 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011,the subsequent tsunami, and the melting of the reactor. Therefore, it may be used for water and electricity generation only for local use now.

[The explanation board of Sakashita Dam, 坂下ダムの説明板、사카시타 댐 설명판]

“Someiyoshino” cherry trees are planted on the shore of the dam, and many people may have visited when it was in full bloom. There were no visitors other than us on this day, and we walked slowly along the quiet lakeside.

[At Sakashida Dam, 坂下ダム湖畔にて、사카시타 댐에서]

Part of the lakeside and the surrounding mountains have an exclusion zone sign, which is due to the high dose of radiation. After about an hour on the shore of the dam, there was a gazebo, where we had lunch. Along the way, there was a sign saying "Beware of ‘mamushi’ (Japanese pit vipers)", but the snake we encountered seems to be a striped snake, not the poisonous one.

[The sign of no entry, 登山路立入禁止の標識、등산로 출입 금지 표지판]

In addition, there was a sign saying "Bijonakase-no-seseragi” or “Babbling Stream of Weeping Bride" at the entrance of the trail. But the entrance was closed due to high dose radiation.

[We saw a snake in front of us, 我々の前にシマヘビが現れた。`우리는 줄무늬뱀을 보았다.]

After lunch, we returned the same way and headed to Hotel Okuma, where my son works. Hotel Okuma is located right next to the Okuma Town Office and the area around the Town Office was as beautiful as a well-maintained park.

Especially at this time, the moss phlox was beautiful and the wisteria flowers were in bloom, but this one is still young and it seems that it will take several years to see it in full bloom.

[Moss phlox at the park next to Ohkuma Town Office,大熊町隣の公園の芝桜、오쿠마 마치 옆의 공원의 잔디 벚꽃]

We stayed at Hotel Okuma on that day.

The walking distance on that day was 14.7km,

the number of steps was 23,064,

and the number of floors we climbed was only 4th floors.


鎌倉レポート第7号 「シドニーから鎌倉へ」「湘南平~高麗山」4月30日(土), 「双葉郡大熊町坂下ダム」5月4日(水)





[With a house-mate of the share-house,シェアハウスの友人と妻、쉐어하우스 친구와 아내]

4月6日陽性判定が出た日から妻は軽い風邪の症状、すなわち喉の痛みが続き、GPに相談したところ「ファナドール」を処方された。熱はない。 シドニーではPCR検査ができる場所はドライブスルーが多く、無料である。ただし、旅行用の陰性証明を求める場合は有料である。我々はGPが紹介したパソロジストを利用し、一人150ドルを支払った。

[At Fandale Park (neighborhood), 近所のファンデール公園、동네 판데일 공원]






[A set of completed documents, 受領した必要書類、수령한 필요서류]









[A view of the ocean from the hill, 丘の上から見た湘南の海、언덕 위에서 본 쇼난의 바다]


[Under wisteria flowers at Takata Park,高田公園のフジの花の下で、타카타 공원에서]



[TV Tower at Shonan Daira, 湘南平のテレビ塔、쇼난 다이라의 TV 타워]


[A view from the observatory, 展望台から見た風景、전망대에서 본 풍경]



[At the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]










[In the field of canola flowers,菜の花畑の中で、유채꽃밭에서]




[At Hotel Ohkuma, ホテル・オオクマにて、호텔 오오쿠마에서]





[A rhodorendran tree on Ohkuma, 大熊町のシャクナゲ、석남(石南)꽃]





[The sign of no entry, 登山路立入禁止の標識、등산로 출입 금지 표지판]



[The sign says "Be aware of adder", 『マムシに注意』標識、『살무사에 주의』의 표지]

[We saw a snake in front of us, 我々の前にシマヘビが現れた。`우리는 줄무늬뱀을 보았다.]



[Moss phlox at the park next to Ohkuma Town Office,大熊町隣の公園の芝桜、오쿠마 마치 옆의 공원의 잔디 벚꽃]

