About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140626 The 4th day of Tohoku-Hokkaido Trip: Koshimizu Genseikaen (小清水原生花園: Abashiri Quasi-National Park網走国定公園)

Sightseeing: Koshimizu Genseikaen (小清水原生花園: Abashiri Quasi-National Park網走国定公園)

Date: June 26 (Thu), 2014, Fine

Itinerary: Kushiro – Koshimizu Genseikaen (sightseeing) – Abashiri - Express "Okhotsk" – Sapporo

It was my 4th day of 5-day trip of Tohoku-Hokkaido by “Otonano Kyujitu” special discount ticket.

I took a local line from Kushiro and got off at Genseikaen Station (Open from 5/1 to 10/31) and enjoyed beautiful flowers there.

Then I took next local train after a couple of hours, and went to Abashiri Station.

After having lunch there, I took a special limited train "Okhotsk Number 6" and headed for Sappoto.

I got up at 3:30 am and checked the access to the hotel in Sapporo by internet.

Although the hotel looked like a traditional Japanese Inn, and tatami floor, internet access was available. So, I like it very much.

I could updated my blog with “Nabewariyama” hike, then went to Kushiro Station.

There was a nice looking big building next to the station. I saw a cross on the roof. Then I found that it was a church named "Kushiro Grace Church." Since I am a Christian, I liked the building very much. So, there might be Christians in Kushiro, and they managed to build such a nice building. But on the other hand, it could be only a building and used for just earthly activities like wedding-only? Well that I do not know.

[Kushiro Grace Church, 釧路グレース教会、쿠시로 그레이스 교회]

I happened to see a group of four travelers from Tokyo, and we took pictures of each other.

[JR Kushiro Station, JR 釧路駅、JR 쿠시로 역]

[In front of Kushiro Station, 釧路駅前にて、쿠시로 역앞에서]

[At Kushiro Station, 釧路駅構内にて、쿠시로 역 구내에서]

The local train was a 2-car train, and it was rather crowded with local students. I went into the car of the train early, so I could get a nice window seat.

[The local train, ローカル列車、로컬 열차]

The four travelers came to the car rather late. They could get seats, but all separated. One of them told me that they forgot a camera somewhere at the station.

[A view from the window, 車窓から見た風景、열차 창에서 본 풍경]

I feel sorry for them and advised them to call the station to check their camera. They may ask the clerk to send their camera if they found it.

The local train arrived at Genseikaen Station at around 9 am. The next train would come at 11:42, so I had 2 hours and 42 minutes.

[At Genseikaen Station, 原生花園駅にて、"원생화원"역에서]

The station is a temporary station and operates “Coffee Shop.”

There was an information center and shops along the national high way.

[The information center, 情報センター、정보 센터]

I happened to see a young couple from Brisbane Astralia. I asked them to take a picture of me in front of the station. Then I went to the information center, first.

I asked them if there were a coin locker. Then a person in charge, replied that she would take care of it free of charge. How nice!

[At Genseikaen, 原生花園にて、"원생화원"에서]

Just like Hachimantai in Tohoku, I could walk around without carrying heavy bag. It was really good.

I bought a hand-drawn map for 10 yen and walked around according to that map.

[Rugosa rose,ハマナス、해당화]

There were three beautiful flowers were in full bloom: “Ezosukashiyuri” or “Lilium pensylvanicum”, “Hamanasu” or “Rosa rugosa” and “Ezokisuge” or “Hemerocallis esculenta.”

[“Ezosukashiyuri” or “Lilium pensylvanicum,”エゾスカシユリ、"에조 스카시유리"]

[“Ezokisuge” or “Hemerocallis esculenta”,エゾキスゲ、"에조키스게"]

I tried to find other species such a “Kuroyuri (black lily)” or “Fritillaria camschatcensis” but could not find any.

When I walked over the hill, there was a beach with while sands. If you walked on the sands, it made sound so the sands are called “Crying Sands.”

[At the beach, 海岸にて、해안에서]

I saw the Australian couple again and I asked them to take a picture of mine with my camera.

[At the beach, 海岸にて、해안에서]

[At the observatory展望台にて、전망대에서]

I enjoyed leisurely walk along the beach and on the hill, then came back to the information center.

[At the information center, 情報センターにて、정보 센터에서]

I had plenty of time, so I saw the exhibition a the center.

[A picture of "Vulpes vulpes schrenckii,"キタキツネの写真、"북방 여우"의 사진]

I also saw the slide show, and dropped in a small restaurant and had potatoes with butter and a bottle of local beer named “Shiretoko Beer.”

[Shiretoko Beer, 知床ビール、시레토코 맥주]

The color of the beer was blue and it was not tasty at all to me.

[At the restaurant,情報センターの食堂にて、정보 센터의 식당에서]

I took the next train to Abashiri, leaving the station at 11:42. The local train arrived at Abashiri Station at 12:05.

[The local train, 次の鈍行列車到着、다음 완행 열차 도착]

[Good-bye Genseikaen, 原生花園よさらば、"원생 화원" 안녕]

I got off at Abashiri Station, and waited for the Special Express "Okhotsk" leaving Abashiri at 13;29.

[Arriving at Abashiri, 網走駅へ到着、아바시리 역에 도착]

I bought a lunch box at a convenient store and waited for the express train.

[Convenience store "bento," コンビニ弁当、편의점 도시락]

It was a long ride (about 5 hours and 18 minutes) and I enjoyed reading a book “The Unseen Hand” and another book “Healing Codes”with Kindle.

[Special express "Okhotsk" No.6, 特別急行『オホーツク』6号、특별 급행 「오호츠크」6 호]

The train arrived at Sapporo at 18:47. This time, I took a subway (Nanboku Line) and got off at the 3rd Station, Nakajima Park Station.

[At the window of the train, 列車の窓辺にて、열차의 창가에서]

“Business Hotel Line” was near the "koban" at Nakajima Parkab Station. I arrived at the hotel before 7 pm.

[The street near the hotel, ホテルの前の通り、호텔 앞 거리]

The guest room was a bit smaller than Kuriso, but it is a Westan style. There was a sauna and cold water bath, so I enjoyed the facility.

[“Business Hotel Line,”ビジネスホテルライン、비즈니스 호텔 라인]

I bought meals and beverage at the convenience store and ate them in the room.

I saw some good documentary program on TV about a Japanese man who married a Chinese woman. The wife got breast cancer and died shortly after the wedding, then he began living with his wife’s parents in Beijing, taking care of his parents-in-law.

It was a touchy program and made me cry. So, it is up to the people not nationality what concerned, I thought.

The costs beside the free ticket: Hotel, 4200 yen, Food and drink at Genseikaen, 1000 yen, Lunch, 500 yen, Food and drink on the train, 1000 yen, and supper, 1000 yen, total; 7700 yen.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分類:旅行、日本、北海道




大人の休日期限限定「東北・北海道5日間」の第4日目で、朝釧路を出発。釧網本線で原生花園駅(臨時駅 5月1日 - 10月31日)下車。小清水原生花園を見学した後、網走へ向かい、網走で下車。網走で昼食後、特急オホーツク6号(石北本線・宗谷本線・函館本線経由)で札幌へ戻った。




[Kushiro Grace Church, 釧路グレース教会、쿠시로 그레이스 교회]


[In front of Kushiro Station, 釧路駅前にて、쿠시로 역앞에서]

[In front of Kushiro Station, 釧路駅前にて、쿠시로 역앞에서]

[In front of Kushiro Station, 釧路駅前にて、쿠시로 역앞에서]


[The local train, ローカル列車、로컬 열차]


[A view from the window, 車窓から見た風景、열차 창에서 본 풍경]


[At Genseikaen Station, 原生花園駅前にて、원생 화원 역앞에서]


[Rugosa rose,ハマナス、해당화]

[“Ezokisuge” or “Hemerocallis esculenta”,エゾキスゲ、"에조키스게"]




[“Ezosukashiyuri” or “Lilium pensylvanicum,”エゾスカシユリ、"에조 스카시유리"]


[At the beach, 海岸にて、해안에서]



[At the observatory展望台にて、전망대에서]



[At the information center, 情報センターにて、정보 센터에서]

[A picture of "Vulpes vulpes schrenckii,"キタキツネの写真、"북방 여우"의 사진]

、 8:30からの中国語放送は鈍行の中で聴いたが、どちらも意外によく聴くことができた。放送が終わってからなおも時間があったので、売店でミルクと揚げたじゃがいも2個と知床ビールを注文した。知床ビールは小瓶で500円で、不気味なブルーでしかもまずい。これは失敗だった。

[At the restaurant,情報センターの食堂にて、정보 센터의 식당에서]

[Good-bye Genseikaen, 原生花園よさらば、"원생 화원" 안녕]

[Arriving at Abashiri, 網走駅へ到着、아바시리 역에 도착]





[Special express "Okhotsk" No.6, 特別急行『オホーツク』6号、특별 급행 「오호츠크」6 호]


[In the car of the train, 『オホーツク』車内にて、"오호츠크"열차 내에서]




["Koban" near Nakajima Park, 中島公園の交番、나카지마 공원 파출소]







140625 The 3th day of Tohoku-Hokkaido Trip: “Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium大倉山スキージャンプ場” & “Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill羊ケ丘展望台” in Hokkaido北海道, Japan

140625 “Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium” & “Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill” in Hokkaido, Japan

Sightseeing Place: “Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium” & “Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill” in Hokkaido

Sightseeing Date: June 25 (Wed), 2014, Fine

Itinerary: “Ōkurayama Sky Jump Saudium” - “Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill” (City Tour) - Tokkyu “Ōzora #7” – Kushiro

It was the 3rd day of my “Tohoku-Hokkaido” 5 day Trip.

I got up at 3:30 am at the hotel in Hokkaido. I made brown rice porridge using the rice power and hot water.

I reserved a half-day city tour by internet. It started at9 am, so I had a morning walk to check the bus terminal, leaving the hotel at 6 am.

The hotel was just in front of Sapporo Ōdori Park. The park is famous for its snow festival. So it must be expensive to stay the hotel during the festival, or rather extremely difficult to reserve the hotel.

[Saooiri Odori Park, 札幌大通り公園、삿포로 오오도리 (큰 길) 공원]

I walked to the bus terminal. It was very close to the railway station. It took me for about 20 minutes.

There was the historical building along the street. It is Former Hokkaidō Government Office.

[Former Hokkaidō Government Office,北海道庁旧本庁舎,구 홋카이도청 구 본청사]

[At Former Hokkaidō Government Office,北海道庁旧本庁舎敷地内にて,구 홋카이도 정부 청사 부지 내에서]

[At Former Hokkaidō Government Office,北海道庁旧本庁舎敷地内にて,구 홋카이도 정부 청사 부지 내에서]

I checked out the h,otel before 8 am. There was a long que of the people in front of the ticket window, but I could buy without any problem. My number was #1.

[Ainu image in Sapporo Station,札幌駅構内のアイヌの像、삿포로 역 구내의 아이누 상]

["Ezokisuge" or a kind of "Hemerocallis esculenta", エゾキスゲ、원추리과의 일종,]

[TV Tower at Odori Park, 大通り公園のテレビ塔、오오도리 공원의 TV탑]

The tour to Okurayama and Hitsujigaoka was very simple. It went only these two places. Free time for sightseeing was 50 minutes and 30 minutes for each. Yet there were more than 30 sightseers for the bus.

“Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium” is famous for the place for the sky jump stadium for Winter Olympic Game.

[The City Tour Bus arrived at the stadium, 観光バスが大倉山に到着した。관광 버스가 오쿠라 야마에 도착했다.]

We had to take a lift and had to pay 450 yen adding to the bus tour fee. I ate a 350 yen "soft-cream" (whippy ice-cream)at the observation room. There was an airship floating in the sky.

[Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium,大倉山スキージャンプ場、오쿠라 야마 스키 점프장]

[At Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium,大倉山スキージャンプ場にて、오쿠라 야마 스키 점프장에서]

[At Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium,大倉山スキージャンプ場にて、오쿠라 야마 스키 점프장에서]

[The airship in the sky, 札幌上空の飛行船、삿포로 상공의 비행선]

Then we went to “Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill.” It was a fine day and sheep were under the shadow of trees.

[The statue of Dr. Clark, クラーク博士像、클라크 박사 동상]

[Sheep under tree shadows, 木陰の羊たち、그늘 아래 양들]

There were several interesting buildings including the one for photo museum, but the free time was too short to visit each building.

[Austria Pavilion, 羊ケ丘オーストリア館、히쓰지가오카 오스트리아 관]

[Potatoes flower, ジャガイモの花、감자 꽃]

The tour was supposed to be until 12:20, but we came back at 12:05. The bus did not stop at the famous Sapporo Clock Tower.

I had plenty of time until the train for Kushiro. So, I went to a restaurant for lunch. I had pork catlet lunch for 800 yen. It was a reasonable price, but two smokers sat both sides of me and I did not like it at all.

[Lunch at Sapporo, 札幌で昼食、삿포로에서 점심]

I bought beer and some nibblies and enjoyed them at the reserved seat of the train to Kushiro.

[A scene from train window, 列車の窓から見た風景、열차 창에서 본 풍경]

The views from the train windows were monotonous, lack of stimulus, but it was the scene of Wild field of Hokkaido. Kushiro-shitsugen National Park (釧路湿原国立公園).

[A scene from train window, 列車の窓から見た風景、열차 창에서 본 풍경]

The train arrived at Kushiro Station at 18:42. It was already a bit dark. I remembered the famous poem of Ishikawa Takuboku.(石川啄木)

Saihateno Ekinioritachi Yukiakari, Sabisikimachini Ayumiiriniki

さいはての駅に下り立ち 雪あかり さびしき町にあゆみ入りにき

I came to the station of the end of the earth.

There was reflected light of snow.

I walked into the lonely town.

Kushiro is the most northeast of Japan and it is still a lonely town.

I could not find a city map around the station, neither “Koban.” I found a simple map which shows “Saiwaicho Park” so I headed toward that direction.

Anyhow, I could not find the park, so I asked the direction at a bookstore. The clerk told me that I had come to the wrong direction.

It was the opposite side from the station. Finally I found “Saiwaicho Park” and found the hotel; Escal Kushiro.

["Escal Kushiro", 「エスカル釧路」、"에스 칼 쿠시로"쿠시로 숙소]

It looked like “Kokumin-shukuhsa国民宿舎” a public “ryokan旅館” type hotel. My room was “Tatami” floor with a small bath-tub and toilet.

There was a public bath for 2 or 3 people at the same time. The internet access was possible with LAN cable.

I enjoyed a TV program at the room. The charge for a night without meal was 4100 yen at Escal Kushiro.

I had a good night sleep on the tatami room.









[Saooiri Odori Park, 札幌大通り公園、삿포로 오오도리 (큰 길) 공원]


[Former Hokkaidō Government Office,北海道庁旧本庁舎,구 홋카이도청 구 본청사]

[At Former Government Office,北海道庁旧本庁舎敷地内にて,구 홋카이도 정부 청사 부지 내에서]

[At Former Government Office,北海道庁旧本庁舎敷地内にて,구 홋카이도 정부 청사 부지 내에서]

[Lotus Pond at Former Gov't Office, 敷地内の蓮池、부지내의 연못]

[At Lotus Pond of Former Gov't Office, 敷地内の蓮池にて、부지내의 연못에서]

["Ezokisuge" or a kind of "Hemerocallis esculenta", エゾキスゲ、원추리과의 일종,]





[The City Tour Bus arrived at the stadium, 観光バスが大倉山に到着した。관광 버스가 오쿠라 야마에 도착했다.]


[Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium,大倉山スキージャンプ場、오쿠라 야마 스키 점프장]

[Ōkurayama Sky Jump Stadium,大倉山スキージャンプ場、오쿠라 야마 스키 점프장]

[A view from the jump stadium, ジャンプ場から見た札幌の街、점프장에서 본 삿포로의 거리]


[The airship in the sky, 札幌上空の飛行船、삿포로 상공의 비행선]


[Sheep under tree shadows, 木陰の羊たち、그늘 아래 양들]


[The statue of Dr. Clark, クラーク博士像、클라크 박사 동상]



[Eremurus at the park, 羊ケ丘展望台のエレムルス、히쓰지가오카 전망대에서]










[A scene from train window, 列車の窓から見た風景、열차 창에서 본 풍경]


[A scene from train window, 列車の窓から見た風景、열차 창에서 본 풍경]





[At "Escal Kushiro", 「エスカル釧路」にて、"에스 칼 쿠시로"쿠시로 숙소에서]




