DR #202 Climbing Mount Fuji 6 Times in 2014
I climbed Mount Fuji (up to the summit) for the first time in 2006. Since then, I have climbed the same mountain for 8 years, every year.
For these hiking, I used “Package Tour” planned by bus companies. The route I took was only one: starting from Yoshida-guchi “Subaru”Gogome.
Since I live in Japan now, I tried different trails this year. As a result, I climbed Mt. Fuji 6 times this year.
1st (7/26-27) Alone hike from “Umagaeshi”at the foot of Mt. Fuji. Stayed at “Taishikan” Lodge, and came down to Subaru Gogome.
2nd (8/1-2) With Professors and students of Daedeok University in Daejeon, So called Bullet Climbing from Subaru Gogome, and came down to Shin-Gotemba Gogome.
3rd (8/4-5) Alone hike from Shin-Gotemba Gogome to the top, then came down to Fujinomiyaguchi Gogome, without staying at a lodge (Bullet Climbing).
4th (8/8-9) With 4 guests from Korea (and Egypt), using a bus-company package. Starting from Subaru Gogome, staying at Hachigome (Fujisan Hotel), and coming down to Subaru Gogome.
5th (9/1) Alone to check Subashiri Trail. It was raining and I gave up at Rokugome.
6th (9/8-9) With 2 friends from Korea, using Subashiri Trail. It turned out to be the best hike among 6 times.
My first hike on Mt. Fuji this year was on July 25 and 26, alone, starting from the foot of Mt. Fuji.
I took an express bus from Shinjuku to Fujisan Station. Then I took a taxi from Fujisan Station to Umagaeshi (since it was a day for Fujisan Trail Marathon, and there was no shuttle bus service that day.)
I enjoyed the nature of Mt. Fuji, esp. for trees and flowers up to Rokugome(六合目).
I stayed overnight at Taishikan Lodge(太子館) on Hachigome, and could see a beautiful sunrise as well as “Shadow of Mt. Fuji” next morning.
The 2nd hike for me for this year was Aug. 1 and 2, with 8 Daedeok College (大徳大学) students and 2 professors from “Subaru Gogome.”
It was so called “Bullet Climbing(弾丸登山)” starting at night, and without staying at lodge, and coming down next morning.
That day, weather was terrible; thunder and lightening and rain!
When we began climbing at “Subaru Gogome” at 21:50, it was raining.
It was like a scene of the movie “Ten Commandments.” We could see the lightening in the darkness.
Fortunately, it stopped raining when we passed through “Rokugome.”
When we reached at “Hachigome” one of the professors and two students got sick because of high altitude and their walking pace became extremely slow.
We decided to go separately. I led the healthy hikers and reached at the top of Mt. Fuji, while others (three students and one professor) climbed slowly.
I could see the sunrise on the summit with healthy hikers, but we had to wait for the slow hikers for nearly 2 hours on the summit. It was really cold for just waiting, but not walking.
That day, we had to go down to “Gotembaguchi Shin-Gogome” the longest trail to the bus stop.
I felt sorry for those who were not in good condition.
My 3rd hike on Mt. Fuji this year was on Aug. 4 – 5.
That time, I climbed alone starting at Gotembaguchi Shin-Gogome at 17:30. I walked through “Oosunabashiri” all night and reached at the summit next day morning. I walked around the crater and came down to Fujinomiya-guchi. It was also the “Bullet Climbing.”
The weather was not good that day. I could not see the sun-rise, and while I was coming down, it rained a bit.
The 4th hike on Mt. Fuji, this year, was the main hike with 4 friends from Korea: a German couple and a Korean couple on Aug. 8 - 9.
This hike was the only ordinary hike using bus company packages this year.
We took the chartered bus from Shinjuku at 8 am and arrived at Subaru Gogome at 11 am.
We could see Mt. Fuji clearly from the high way.
We had lunch at the Gogome, and had a little sightseeing at the shrine there.
We started walking at 12:50 and arrived at the lodge named “Fujisan Hotel” at 5:30 pm.
After the supper, we went to bed soon and got up before 2 am.
We reached at the summit a little before 4 am. We had breakfast at the lodge on the summit and saw beautiful sunrise.
It brew quite strongly, so we felt very cold. Yet we had “toast” with sham pain which Mario brought (from Germany?)
I had wonderful time with 4 nice friends. We also enjoyed taking a hot spring on the way back to Shinjuku.
The last trail I had not experienced was “Subashiri Trail.”
One of my best hiking friend, Bernardo planned to visit Japan for climbing Mt. Fuji during “Chuseok” holidays. Mario, another hiking friend joined us.
So, I planned to climb Mt. Fuji using “Subashiri Trail.”
My 5th hike on Mt. Fuji was this “Subashiri Trail” alone on Sep. 1st. The purpose of this hike was for checking this route before I guide them.
The weather was very bad on Sep. 1. I walked from Subashiriguchi Gogome to Rokugome in rain.
I could check the nature of this trail. It was the best among 4 trails I climbed this year; a lot of trees and beautiful flowers. Yet I gave up climbing Mt. Fuji in rain at around Rokugome. So, this hike was only a failure among 6 Mt. Fuji-hike this year.
My last hike on Mt. Fuji this year was Sep. 8 – 9 with Bernardo and Mario.
It turned out to be the best hike among 6 times. We arrived at Subashiriguchi Gogome at 1:40 pm. We began climbing at 2 pm.
It rained a bit at around Shichigome, but it stopped there and we could see a rainbow, together with the shadow of Mt. Fuji by evening sunset.
Actually it was my first time to see the shadow of Mt. Fuji by evening sunset. It was just beautiful.
We arrived at the lodge (Upper Edoya) at 6:30 pm. We climbed from 1900m point to 3400m point in 4.5 hours.
Next day, we got up at 2 am, but began climbing at 3 am. While climbing up in the darkness, we could see the shadow of Mt. Fuji by Super Moon!
We arrived at the summit at around 5 am, then we walked around the crater. We saw the shadow of Mt. Fuji by morning sun very clearly.
So we could see three different shadows of Mt. Fuji during the same hike! It was my 14th hike on Mt. Fuji, yet for the first time.
I am very much grateful for God that I could climb Mt. Fuji 6 times, and among them, 3 times with my guests/friends safely.
Climbing mountains are fun, esp. with good companies.
DR 202号 2014年富士山登山
1回目(7/26-7) 単独で山梨県吉田口の麓の馬返しからのルート。八合目の太子館で一泊し、スバル五合目へ下山。
2回目(8/1-2) 大徳大学教授・学生ら10人とスバル口から無泊で登山後、新御殿場五合目へ下山。
3回目(8/4-5) 単独で夕方新御殿場五合目から登山し、無泊で登山後、富士宮口下山。
4回目(8/8-9) 韓国からのゲスト4人とスバル口五合目から登山。八合目富士山ホテルで泊まり、頂上一周後、スバル口五合目へ下山。
5回目(9/1) 単独で須走りルート下見。この日は悪天候で六合目で引き返した。
6回目(9/8-9) 韓国から来た友人二人と須走口五合目から登山。本八合目の江戸屋で宿泊後、火口を一周してから須走口五合目へ下山。
[Umagaeshi Bus Stop, 『馬返し』バス停、"우마가에`@」버스 정류장]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
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당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
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