About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


SR # 36 "Sydney Lockdown Again" "Grandchild's 21st Birthday Event and the 51st Wedding Anniversary" "Castle Head on the Narrow Neck Peninsula Again"SR #36号「シドニーは再びロックダウン」「孫の21歳と誕生日イベントと51回目の結婚記念日」「再びナロウネック半島のキャッスル・ヘッド」

SR # 36 "Sydney Lockdown Again" "Grandchild's 21st Birthday Event and the 51st Wedding Anniversary" "Castle Head on the Narrow Neck Peninsula Again"

" Sydney Lockdown Again"

As of June 28, the cumulative number of people infected with the new corona virus in Australia is 30,343 and the death toll is 907. The total number of infected people was 29,663 and the death toll was 910 on May 6, which was reported in the previous SR # 34.

[Confirmed cases, cumulative coun,累計感染者数推移, 누적 감염자 수 추이]

The negative number of deaths is a statistical problem, with the increase in the number of infected people being 680 in 53 days. The problem is the increase in the number of infected people in the city.

For the past three months, the number of infected people in the state of NSW has been zero, but on June 16th, a limousine bus driver carrying international flight crews was positive in the city. Since it was discovered, the number of infected people has begun to increase, from 2-3 two weeks ago to 20-30 in recent days.

[Daily New Cases in past 14 days, 過去2週間の日々の感染者数の推移、지난 2 주 동안 날마다 감염자 수의 추이]

The NSW government has declared a blockade of cities, including the Chatswood (where we live) and Blue Mountains areas, for two weeks from 6 pm on June 26 to midnight on July 9. The main points of the stay-at-home order are;

1. You are not allowed to go out for any reason other than the following essential reasons.

(1) Indispensable shopping such as food

(2) Medical care and compassionate reasons (including new coronavirus vaccination)

(3) Outdoor exercise (10 people or less)

(4) Indispensable commuting to work / school

2. The regulations during the same period have been announced as follows.

(1) Community sports are prohibited during the above period

(2) Weddings are prohibited from 11:59 pm on Sunday, June 27

(3) Funerals are subject to the 4-square meter rule, and the number of people is limited to 100 or less. Mandatory wearing a mask when performing indoors

What surprised me most was the ban on weddings. All scheduled events have been canceled or postponed. All restaurants can provide only take-out, the church returned to zoom services, public facilities are closed, Japanese association Taichi gatherings, ukulele concerts, and bible classes are cancelled.

However, with the strong government leadership, we hope that the containment of the mutant strain of Corona virus will be successful and that the closure will be successfully lifted in two weeks later.

"Grandchild's 21st Birthday Event and 51st Wedding Anniversary"

Our eldest son and his wife are blessed with children and have three daughters and one son. The eldest daughter turned 21 this year. Her birthday party was held at a Singapore restaurant in our neighborhood.

[Singaporean Restaurant Haidailao Hot Pot, シンガポールレストラン、싱가포르 식 레스토랑]

Our granddaughter has a steady since junior high school, and it is a dinner party with her boyfriend. Fortunately, there was a time limit of one hour at the event before the lockdown declaration, but we enjoyed it.

[Birthday Party for our oldest granddaugher, 孫娘の21歳の誕生会、우리 손녀의 21 세 생일 파티]

The food is a "hot pot", which is like a Singaporean style "shabu-shabu". If you make a special order, the cook will come to your table and give you a performance of spinning udon noodles.

[The cook's performance at our table, 料理人による「うどん麺回し」、요리사에 의한 "우동면 돌리기"]

Our 7-year-old granddaughter's favorite was a speaking robot that carried food and empty dishes while going back and forth among tables.

June 28, four days after this event, was the 51st anniversary of our marriage. I made a reservation at a Japanese restaurant that I don't usually go. I tried to use the voucher distributed by the NSW state government to residents, but during this time there was a lockout declaration and we could not eat in.

[Our 51st Anniversary at the share house,シェアハウスにて結婚51周年食卓、쉐어 하우스에서 결혼 51 주년 식탁]

We had no choice but to take out the dishes and celebrate at the dining room of the share house just like last year.

[With "Yakiniku Bento, テイクアウトの焼肉弁当と、테이크 아웃의 불고기 도시락과 함께]

"Castle Head on the Neck Peninsula Again"

The Narrow Neck Peninsula is a plateau on a cliff that can be seen on the opposite side of the "Three Sisters" from the famous Echo Point Lookout in Katoomba.

The reason why it is called a peninsula is probably that it looks a peninsula that protrudes in the sea-like Jamison Valley.

I walked on The Narrow Neck Truck twice in March. At that time, I walked looking for the "pink flannel flowers" that bloomed after the bush fire.

I also walked on this track twice this month. The first (June 11th) was the day after it snowed on the Blue Mountains, and there was still snow on Katoomba.

[The snow remained in Katoomba, カトゥンバの残雪、카톤바의 잔설]

[Snow capped Blue Mountains, 尾根に雪が積もったブルーマウンテン、능선에 눈이 쌓인 블루 마운틴]

On that day, I turned back about 6km away from the locked gate, trying to reach Clear Hill, which is 9.5km away from the gate. In fact, if I walk 9.5km one way, it will be 19km round trip. Including access to the truck head, it easily exceeds 20km, which is impossible at this time of the year.

[The Narrow Neck Track with traces of wildfire,山火事の痕跡が残るトラック、산불의 흔적이 남아있는 등산로]

So I thought that it would be good to go down the Golden Stairs in front of the Narrow Neck Track, to the Federal Pass, and walk back to Katoomba.

[At the entrance of Golden Stairs,ゴールデンステアーズの入口にて、골든 스테아즈 입구에서]

However, when I came to Golden Stairs with four Saturday hikers, I found that the road to Katoomba was closed.

[A part of the track is closed, トラックの一部閉鎖中の標識、등산로의 일부 폐쇄 중 표지판]

So we had no choice but to walk to "Castle Head" again. On this day (June 26th), the wind blew very strong as it was in March.

However, trekking with friends is fun. Especially for one of them, Isaac was his first tiem to walk on this track, so he must love it.

[Isaac on the Narrow Neck Track, ナロウネック・トラックにてアイザック、나로우넷쿠 트랙에서 이삭]

Last time when I walked the Castle Head Track, it was muddy track from the Narrow Neck Track. But this time, I found the track up-graded after construction work, thanks for the conservation effort of NSW government.

[Jamison Valley as seen from Castle Head,キャッスル・ヘッドから見たジャミソン渓谷、캐슬 헤드에서 본 제이미슨 계곡]

The area was damaged by a large wildfire from 2019 to 2020, and you can see many trees regenerating with sprouts from the burnt trunk along with the burned trees.

Castle Head is a dead-end cliff, from which you can see the Mount Solitary directly in front of you, and the Ruined Castle we climbed into the forest that leads to it.

[At Castle Head,キャッスル・ヘッドにて、캐슬 헤드에서]

Everyone took pictures at such a superb view point, but the wind was strong and it was a bit risky to stay there for a long time. We quickly withdrew from the dangerous zone. We found a place where the wind was not too strong, and we had lunch there.

The walking distance on that day was 16.4km, the number of steps was 25.952, and the number of floors I climbed was 102.

The Sydney expanded metropolitan area, the Blue Mountains Area, etc. were locked down at 6 pm that day.


SR #36号「シドニーは再びロックダウン」「孫の21歳と誕生日イベントと51回目の結婚記念日」「再びナロウネック半島のキャッスル・ヘッド」



[Confirmed cases, cumulative coun,累計感染者数推移, 누적 감염자 수 추이]



[Daily New Cases in past 14 days, 過去2週間の日々の感染者数の推移、지난 2 주 동안 날마다 감염자 수의 추이]


1. 以下の必要不可欠な理由以外での外出は認められない。





2. 同期間中の規制につき以下のとおり発表している。



(3) 葬儀は4平方メートル規則適用、人数は100人以下に制限。屋内で行う場合、マスク着用を義務化





[Birthday Party for our oldest granddaugher, 孫娘の21歳の誕生会、우리 손녀의 21 세 생일 파티]


[A group picture after the party, 誕生会の食事会の後で、생일 파티 회식 후]




[Our 51st Anniversary at the share house,シェアハウスにて結婚51周年食卓、쉐어 하우스에서 결혼 51 주년 식탁]


[The "Yakiniku Bento" we took out, テイクアウトした焼肉弁当、테이크 아웃 한 불고기 도시락]





[The snow remained in Katoomba, カトゥンバの残雪、카톤바의 잔설]

[Snow capped Blue Mountains, 尾根に雪が積もったブルーマウンテン、능선에 눈이 쌓인 블루 마운틴]


[The Narrow Neck Track with traces of wildfire,山火事の痕跡が残るトラック、산불의 흔적이 남아있는 등산로]


[At the entrance of Golden Stairs,ゴールデンステアーズの入口にて、골든 스테아즈 입구에서]


[A part of the track is closed, トラックの一部閉鎖中の標識、등산로의 일부 폐쇄 중 표지판]



[Isaac at Castle Head Track, キャッスル・ヘッド・トラックにてアイザック、캐슬 헤드 트랙에서 이삭]




[At Castle Head with Saturday Hikers,キャッスル・ヘッドにて、캐슬 헤드에서]


