About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


141105 Kegon Waterfalls (華厳の滝게곤 폭포), Nikko, Kanto

Date: Nov. 5, 2014 (Wed) Cloudy

Plave: Kegon Waterfall, Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture

Itinerary: Hotel by Lake Chuzenji – Kegon Waterfall – Tobu Nikko Station – Asakusa –Shimbashi – Ofuna

Partner: None

It was a bit cold morning, but the room temperature was adequate and comfortable.

[Hotel room, ホテルの客室、호텔 객실]

I could see stars through the window during the night, but it was cloudy in the morning.

I ate some rice-ball and bread for breakfast in my room. Then I checked out at around 8 am. Then I walked toward Kegon Waterfall.

[On the way to Kegon Fall, 華厳の滝へ行く途中で、게곤 폭포로가는 길에]

Kegon Waterfall華厳の滝


[Kegon Waterfall, 華厳の滝、게곤 폭포]

I visited here when I was 15 years old during the junior high school “School Excursion.” It was more than 50 years ago.

[At Kegon Waterfall, 華厳の滝にて、게곤 폭포에서]

After visiting Kegon Waterfall, I took a bus to Tobu Nikko Station, there I took a train to Asakusa.

[Near Tobu Kikko Station, 東武日光駅近くにて、도부 닛코 역 근처에서]

[]Tobu Kikko Station, 東武日光駅プラットフォーム、도부 닛코 역 플랫폼]

I ate ramen at a small restaurant near the station, then took a subway to Shimbashi Station.

[Tokyo Sky Tree, 東京スカイツリー、도쿄 스카이 트리]

[Tobu Akakusa Station, 東武浅草駅プラットフォーム、토부 아사쿠사 역 플랫폼]

[At Chinese Restaurant in Asakusa, 浅草のラーメン屋にて、아사쿠사 라면 집에서]

I went to the local spa named “Taya Hotspring” in Ofuna. I came home at around 5 p.m.

There were several tufted ducks at Yato Pond in my neighborhood. They are migrant birds and they were already here from the North.

[At a pond near my neighborhood, 近所の池にて、근처의 연못에서]

I intended to climb Mt. Nantain, but ended up as a kind of “Sentimental Journey” in my old day memory.








[Check-out at 8 am. 八時にチェックアウト、8시에 체크 아웃]


[On the way to Kegon Fall, 華厳の滝へ行く途中で、게곤 폭포로가는 길에]


[Kegon Waterfall, 華厳の滝、게곤 폭포]


[At Kegon Waterfall, 華厳の滝にて、게곤 폭포에서]


[Near Tobu Kikko Station, 東武日光駅近くにて、도부 닛코 역 근처에서]


[Tokyo Sky Tree, 東京スカイツリー、도쿄 스카이 트리]


[At Chinese Restaurant in Asakusa, 浅草のラーメン屋にて、아사쿠사 라면 집에서]



[At a pond near my neighborhood, 近所の池にて、근처의 연못에서]
