About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120226 Maninsan (マンインサン、萬仞山、만인산537m), Daejeon

Hiking Date: Feb. 26, 2012 (Sat) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Maninsan (萬仞山만인산537m)

Hiking course: Maninsan Service Area – Maninsan Gazebo – Maninsan – Rope-Suspension bridge – Taesil of Taejo (Joseon Dynasty) – Youth Training Center – Parking Lot

Partner: 17 Taejonhikers including Alan

Alan had been invited to a conference sponsored by NFRC, his former working place in Korea. The conference was held at Muju Resort Area and he came to Daejeon after the conference.

Jong-Moo, who succeeded Taejonhikers, planned a half-day hike and 18 people joined the hike.

The nationalities varies such as Korea, US, Australia, Ukraina, Bulgaria, and Japan.

We met at the parking lot next to KAIST Main Gate at 1 p.m. and headed for Maninsan which was located in Dong-gu, Daejeon.

[Taejonhikers at KAIST Main Gate Parking Lot, KAISTの正門駐車場にて、 KAIST 정문주차장에서 ]

It’s a bit far than I thought. It took about one hour and we began hiking at 2:15 p.m.

There was a nice facility with toilets at the service area. They were selling traditional Korea snacks such as “Hot-Ttok” or “Karae-Ttok.” I bought a stick of Karae-Ttok by 1000 won (about 80 yen), and it tasted good.

[A stick of baked "Karae-Ttok", 焼いた『カレトック』、구운 가래떡]

Maureee bought two pieces of“Hot-Ttok”by 1400 won (about 100 yen) and gave one for me. It was sweet, and also good.

After taking a group picture, we began climbing the slope behind the shop.

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전에 단체사진]

It was a bit steep, but not too long. Within 30 minutes, we arrived at a gazebo named “Maninsanlo.”

[The first approach was a bit steep slop,最初の登山路はやや急だった。등산로의 최초부분은 경사가 가파르다.]

The plate at the foot of the gazebo says it was built in 4334 of Danki (means 2001 AD), with the cost of 135 million won (about 1 million yen). It was a nice facility with good views.

[The record of building this gazebo,萬仞山楼閣(建設記録)記、만인산 누각 건설 기록비]

[In front of the gazebo "Maninsanlu" 『萬仞楼』にて、『만인루』에서]

After having a short break, we walked along the ridge and arrived at the top of Maninsan at 3:15 p.m. So, it took one hour from the start.

[At the top of Maninsan, 萬仞山山頂にて、만인산 정상에서]

["Pipi", the pet dog of Mr. & Mrs. Furst, ファースト夫妻の愛犬『ピピ』、퍼스트 부처의 애견 『삐삐』]

The top area was covered with snow, and the snow on trees were frozen and beautiful.

We had a lengthy break there and began walking toward the opposite side of the mountain.

[The ridge trail was covered with snow, 稜線の登山路は雪が積もっていた。능선의 등산로는 눈이 쌓이고 있었다. ]

When we came down to a valley, we arrived at the unique suspension bridge, which was made of white ropes.

[Suspension bridge made by ropes, ローブで作られた吊橋、로프로 만들어진 흔들다리]

It was a bit thrilling and fun to walk on the ropes. After walking across the bridge, I noticed a warning which said “Don’t walk across the bridge unless you were with training specialist.”

["Taesil" of Joseong Taejong, 朝鮮の太宗の胎室、조선 태종의 태실]

When we all walked across the bridge, I saw a unique tomb-stone. It was called “Taesil” and “umbilical cord” of Taejo of Joseon was buried under ths turtle like stone.

[The English explanation about "Taesil" 英語による『胎室』の説明、영어로 쓰여진 『태실』의 설명]

We came down to the training area for youth and finally came back to the parking lot at 5 p.m.

[A hiker climbing up the training facility, 最後の峰に会った訓練施設、마지막 봉우리에 있었던 훈련 시설]

[Taejonhiers walking toward the parking lot, ハイキングを終え駐車場へ歩くハイカーたち、하이킹을 마치고 주차장을 걷는 하이커들]

After the hike, we went to a traditional restrant nearby. The name of the restaurant is “Yetto Minjok Bangmulgwan(옛터민족박물관) or “Old Place of Folk Museum.”

[The entrance of the traditional Korean restaurant, 韓国伝統食堂『昔の民俗博物館』入口、한국 전통식당 『옛터 민속박물관』입구]

[Frozen waterwheel, 凍りついた水車、얼어 붙은 수차]

It was a fantastic restaurant with things of traditons in Korea.

There were many tables and chairs, but not big enough for all members. So we separated into several tables.

[↓“Ojingo Galbitang”オジンゴ・カルビタン、오징어 갈비탕↓]

I ate my supper with 5 other members. I ordered “Ojingo Galbitang” or “Soup with cuttlefish and beef-lib.” Many dishes were brought along with “Ojingo Galbitang.” I could not eat them all, and I regretted that I did not put the left-over into the empty packs.

[Alan, saying "good-bye" to everyone, 皆に別れを惜しむアラン、이별 인사를 하는 앨런]

Alan would return to US after the hike, and he said he would come back to Korea this fall for a couple of months for participating a special project.

We all look forward to his return to Taejonhikers.

This was my 11th hike for this year.


分類:Taejonhikers, Man-In-San













[Those who arrived first, were waiting for the last car. 先に到着したアランたちが、後続の車を待っている。먼저 도착한 앨런과 친구들이 대기하고있다.]




[Maureen gave me a piece of "Hot-Ttok"、モリーンは私に『ホットック』1枚くれた。모린은 나에게 호떡 하나를 주었다.]


[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전에 단체사진]


[In front of the gazebo "Maninsanlu" 『萬仞楼』にて、『만인루』에서]


[Jong-Moo and Alan on the 2nd floor of the gazebo, アランとジョンムが『萬仞楼』の二階から見下ろしている。앨런과 종무가 『만인루』 이층으로부터 내려다보고 있다. ]



[The explanation for remains of "Beacon Fire Stage" 烽火台跡の説明、봉화대터 의 설명]

[At the top of Maninsan, 萬仞山山頂にて、만인산 정상에서]



[Hikers walking across the suspension brindge. 吊橋を渡るアランたち、흔들다리를 건너는 앨런들]


["Warning" was hanging, 『警告』がぶら下がっていた、경고판이 매달려 있었다.]


["Taesil" of Joseong Taejong, 朝鮮の太宗の胎室、조선 태종의 태실]
[The explanation about "Taesil" in Hangul, ハングルで書かれた『胎室』の説明、『태실』의 설명문]

[A hiker climbing up the training facility, 最後の峰に会った訓練施設、마지막 봉우리에 있었던 훈련 시설]


[The Youth Training Center, 青少年訓練施設、청소년훈련 시설]


[The entrance of the restaurant, 食堂入口、식당입구]



[Before and after the dinner, 夕食を食べる前と後のテーブル、저녁 식사를 먹기 전과 후의 테이블]




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