About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110326 Mt. UnAkSan (937.5m). Pocheon, Gyonggido 京義道・抱川の雲岳山(ウナクサン운악산937.5m)

Hiking Date: March 26 (Sat) Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. UnAkSan (937.5m). Pocheon, Gyonggido

Hiking course: Hapalli – ByongBungBawi – DongBong - Child Rock - ShinSonDae – UnAkSan Parking Lot (8km, 5 hours)

Partner: About 40 (4 foreingers including myself: India, USA, and 2 Japanese)

[At Hapalli Entrance, ハパリ登山口にて、하팔리 등산구에서]

Mt. UnAkSan is one of the best 100 Korean mountains. It is also one of Five-Gyongi-AkSans. “AkSan” means rocky mountain. Therefore we could enjoy rocky sceneries, just like famous Seoraksan or Kumgansan.

[Nice view of Mt UnAkSan, 雲岳山の景観、운악산(雲岳山)의 아름다운 모습]

The mountain is relatively close to Daejeon, but in order to avoid traffic jam, we started at Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 6 a.m., one hour earlier than usual.

We arrived at the entrance of the trail in HaPalli at 9:20 a.m.

I climbed this mountain with AhToSan in July 2006, but this time, it was completely the otherway around. So, we began climbing where I came down last time.

We arrived at the first view point called “HongPok” which means “Scarlet Waterfall” at 9:40. The next view point which was under the cliff at 10:00 p.m. We had a short rest-time, they call “Suzuki Time” there. I provided Chili grapes and Chinese oranges, while the other members provided makgeolli, the Korean rice wine.

[Makgeolli, Chili grapes and Chinese oranges, マッコリと青ブドウとキンカン、막걸리와 청포도와 금귤]

Up to this moment, I walked with Masashi, who is a colleague of Bernardo and Soumen. These three foreigners are working at KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute.) Masashi worked for KASI for about one year, and will soon return to Japan within a month. Actually it was his last hike with AhToSan.

After “Suzuki Time,” we soon came to the really rocky area, and then we came to the ridge where we could have a great command of views.

We enjoyed taking pictures of the views and portraits, then we came to the northen part of the mountain. It was rather a steep slope covered with snow and ice. So, some members began wearing climbing irons. I had these gears, but I climbed this icy slope without wearing climbing irons. I used my hands and to hold one tree to another, just like some other members.

[Srop covered with snow and ice, 雪と氷の斜面、눈과 얼음의 경사면]

Then we came to another ridge with some snow remained. It was close to the West Peak of UnAkSan. We arrived at the peak at 11:15. Then to the East Peak of UnAkSan at 11:25. We had lunch at the East Peak of UnAkSan.

[At the East Peak of UnAkSan, 雲岳山の東峰にて、운악산 동봉에서]

UnAkSan is close to Seoul. Therefore, 6 people including Chris and his girlfriend, came from Seoul. They arrived at the same peak at around noon. So, we all got together, and took several pictures. They joined a part of AhToSan members who arrived at the peak, last.

[Lunch on the top of the mountain, 山頂にて昼食、정상에서 점심식사]

I joined the top group and began decending the mountain first. The decending course was also nice. We enjoyed beautiful sceneries with nice rocks here and there. The magnificent rock called “Mirok Rock” was especially nice.

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서][Mirok Rock on the way to decend, 下山路の弥勒岩、하산길의 미륵바위]

I walked with Masashi and Soumen until the goal via an old temple named “HyonDeungSa.” There were a lot of restaurant on the both sides of the road which leaded to the temple. Many hikers as well as sightseers may enjoy eating and drinking traditional Korean foods/drinks at such restaurants.

[With Masashi and Soumen on the decending trail, 下山路にてマサシおよびソーメンと、하간길에서 마사시와 서우멘]
[The mountain gate of HyonDeungSa, 懸燈寺の山門にて、현등사 산문앞에서]

Anyway, I arrived at the bus in the parking lot at 2:30 p.m. The last hiker arrived at 3 p.m. We enjoyed “Wrap-up” party with “Chokpal” or “pork hock” and “Deodeok Makgeolli” or “Korean traditional rice wine.”

[Chris and his girlfriend at "Wrap-up Party," クリスとGFもティップリに参加した。크리스와 여자친구도 뒤풀이에 참가했다.]

Soumen did not like makgeolli, but all other foreingers enjoyed the drink. After the party, 6 people from Seoul went back to Seoul, while the rest of us headed for Daejeon. We arrived at Expo South Gate at 7:30 and it was my 18th hike for this year (also my 233rd hike with AhToSan.)



登山コース:下板里(ハパルリ하판리)-屏風岩(병풍바위)-雲岳山[西峰(ソボン) - 東峰(トンボン)]-子供岩(エギパウィ)-神仙台(シンソンデ)-雲岳山(ウナクサン)サービスエリア(約8km, 5時間)




[Nice view of Mt UnAkSan, 雲岳山の景観、운악산(雲岳山)의 아름다운 모습]




[A short break under the cliff, 崖の下で小休止、절벽 아래에서 짧은 휴식]




[Srop covered with snow and ice, 雪と氷の斜面、눈과 얼음의 비탈진 면]


[At the West Peak of Mt. UnAkSan, 雲岳山の西峰にて、운악산 서봉에서]


[Lunch on the top of the mountain, 山頂にて昼食、정상에서 점심식사]



["Eyebrow Rock" on the decending trail, 下山路のヌンソプパウィ(眉毛岩)、하산로에서 본 눈썹바위]


["Wrap-up party" at a parking lot, 駐車場でティップリ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]




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