About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110402 BaekASan (810m), HwaSun, JeonNam Province 全南(チョンナム)、和順(ファスン화순)白鵝山(ペクアサン백아산810m)

Hiking Date: April 2, 2011 (Sat) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): BaekASan (810m), HwaSun, JeonNam Province

Hiking course: DeokGoGae – CeonBulBong – AekASan – MunBaWi – PalGakJeong Gazebo – Parking Lot (8 km, 4 hours)

Partner: About 30 AhToSan members including 4 foreingers: Chris, Bernardo,Soumen, George)

I got up at 4 a.m. and prepared for the hike as usual. Went to Expo South Gate by 6:45 a.m., then I found Chris already there waiting for others. He took 5:30 KTX in Seoul, arriving at Daejeon before 6:30 and changed to subway, and took a taxi. Wow, it requires great efforts to join us from Seoul.

This time, not so many members joined, only about 30, but besides Chris, Bernardo and Soumen joined us. Both of them have been working at KASI for 2 years. It is my great regret that they may leave Korea, soon.

Recently I realized that Bernardo was studying galaxiwa while Soumen was studying black hole. These were my favorite subjects when I was in the elementary school. So, I am a bit the envy of them.

The destination of the hike was BaekAkSan, which means the mountain of white goose. Since it is in JeonNam Province, it took more than 3 hours to reach there. I utilized the time by learning how to send e-mail in Hangul by cellphone, by Chris on the way.

But when we approaching to the destination, our bus was hit by a bulldozer at Osan-myeon. The bulldozer was moving with its big shovel up and the shovel hit the windows of right side of the bus.

[The windows were broken, バスの窓が割れた、버스 창문이 깨졌다][The bulldozer, 事故を起こしたブルドーザー、사고를 일으킨 불도저]

Chris was sitting on the window seat and he got a slight cut in his right palm, not seriously, thought. But Boram, who was sitting two seats back on window sit, also got an injury on her forehead by broken glasses. Her injury was not serious at all, but she was carried away to a hospital by ambulance. As long as I know, this is the first traffic accident AhToSan was ever involved.

[An ambulance has arrived, 救急車が到着した、앰블런스가 도착했다]

Anyhow, after the police officers took pictures, and examined the situation, we went to the destination. We arrived at the starting point of DeokGoGe at 10:35 a.m.

There was a fantastic wheet field at the entrance of the trail. So we took a group picture there, then we began hiking.

[At a wheat field, 麦畑にて、보리밭에서][Lindera obtusiloba, ダンコウバイ(檀香梅), 생강나무꽃]

My condition must be not so good, so I was behind the other members and walking alone while walking up to the ridge.

At the ridge, some of them were having a short break, while enjoying makgeolli and pajeon. One of the members, Yoreji cooked the pajeon with red pepper. It was spicy, but tasted good. I also offered the grape and grape tomatoes as usual, and “chest-nut makgeolli” for them. Bernardo and Soumen were already gone, but Chris was waiting for me and he enjoyed makgeolli with me.

[A model and a cameraman on the ridge,絶壁の上のモデルと写真家、절벽 위 모델과 사진가]

We arrived at the top of BaekABong at 12:20 and had lunch on the rock. Bernardo brought Chili wine and it tasted very good. We began afternoon hike at past 1 p.m.

[At the top of the mountain with Chris and Yoraeji, 白鵞山山頂にてクリスおよび「ヨレジ」と、백아산 정상에서 크리스 와 여래지님 과 함께][Lunch at BaekASan, 山頂付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심][After the lunch, 昼食後、점심식사 후]

One of the highlights for decending rout was “PalGakJeong Gazebo.” It looked nice, but the wooden materials were partially rotten, and accessing the building has been prohibited.

[PalGakJeong on the decending trail, 下山路の八角亭、하산로의 팔각정]

The last magnificent viewpoint was another rocky peaks on the row. When we passed the point, there was a cave.

[At a veiw point on decending trail, 下山路の展望台にて、하산로의 전망 대에서]

We arrived at the parking lot at around 3 p.m. There were cherry blossoms in full bloom there. I found our bus, and the windows were covered with gummed tapes.

[The gummed tapes were put on the windows,窓にガムテープが貼られたバス、창문에 검 테이프가 붙여진 버스]

Boram, who had been carried to the hospital, and her friend, Hongjin, came to the parking lot by taxi from the hospital. So they could enjoy “Wrap-up” party with us. But, since her injury was not serious at all, I thought she should have refused to be carried to the hospital, just like Chris. He refused to go to hospital, and enjoyed the hike fully to the end.

["Wrap-up Party" with rice-cake soup and makgeolli, トッククとマッコリでティップリ, 떡국과 막걸리로 뒤풀이]

The menu for wrap-up party were: “Tok-kuk soup” and ordinary makgeolli. We left the parking lot at 4 p.m. and returned to Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 7:30 p.m.

On our way back to Daejeon, when I was reviewing what I learned from Chris in the morning, one of Korean members told me”Hak-i-si-seup-ji, Bul-yok—yol-ho: 학이시습지 불역열호.” It was a Chinese sentence and another member wrote学而時習之不亦説乎 in Chinese. Later, I asked my daughter in law in Sydney, she wrote to me “"revise what you have learnt, is enjoyable" that exactly what my friend meant. She also let me know how to pronounce the sentence in Chinese, “Xue er shi xi zhi, bu yi yue hu.”

It was my 19th hike for this year, and my 234 hike with AhToSan in total.



登山コース:トク峠(덕고개) - 千仏峰(천불봉)-白鵝山(810m)-門岩(문바위)-山火事監視警戒所-展望台-八角亭(パルガクチョン팔각정)-白鵝山駐車場(8km、4時間)





バスが目的地近くの오산면 [梧山面, Osan-myeon] に差し掛かった時、突然側面にドーンと衝撃があり、バスの大きな窓ガラスに網の目のようなひびが入った。なんとブルドーザーがシャベルを高く上げていてそのシャベルにバスの側面がぶつかったらしい。





[At a wheat field, 麦畑にて、보리밭에서]


[A bottle of makgeolli, Pajeon and fruits, マッコリとパジョンとフルーツ、막걸리와 파전과 과일]


[Near the top of the mountain, 白鵞山山頂付近にて、백아산 정상 부근에서]


[Lunch at BaekASan, 山頂付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심]
[After the lunch, 昼食後、점심식사 후]


[The gazebo named "PalGakJeong, 「八角亭」、팔각정]


[At a veiw point on decending trail, 下山路の展望台にて、하산로의 전망 대에서] [A cave by the trail, 下山路の洞窟、하산로의 동굴]


[The gummed tapes were put on the windows,窓にガムテープが貼られたバス、창문에 검 테이프가 붙여진 버스]



帰りのバスの中で、寒溪嶺らとクリスからケータイメールの作成方法などを学んだ話をしていたらKSが「학이시습지 불역열호」と言い、アランドロンが漢字で「学而時習之不亦説乎」と書いてくれた。論語の一節で、この後に「有朋自遠方来不亦楽乎人不知而不不亦君子乎」と続く。




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