About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110718 Mt. Tounodake, Tanzawa, Kanagawa (神奈川県丹沢、塔ノ岳)

Hiking Date: July 18 (Mon) 2011, (Marine Day)

Destination (mountain): Tounodake (1491m) Tanzawa, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hiking course: Yabitsu Pass – Ninotou – Sannotou – Karasuoyama – Gyoshagatake – Shindainichi – Tounodake – Ohkura Bus Stop

Partner: None

[Mt. Fuji from Tanzawa, 丹沢表尾根から見た富士山、단자와 등성이로부터 본 후지산]

It was a national holiday, Marine Day in Japan.
So, there were many hikers in the mountain. The weather was cloudy influenced by Tyhoon 6. Though it was in the middle of July, it was not sizzling hot, but rather cool day and good for hiking.

The bus bounding for Yabitsu from Hadano left at 7:35. It was full with hikers. The bus arrived at the pass at 8:10. I started walking after using the toilet there. I arrived at Fujimi Lodge at 8:40 from which the uphill trail began.

[Fujimi Lodge, 富士見山荘、후지미산장][Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima or Arisaema urashima、ウラシマソウ、"우라시마초"]

I arrived at Ninotou at 9:45, so it took about one hour from Fujimi Lodge. From Ninoto, I walked along the ridge trail, it was quite comfortable.

[Campanula punctata (Spotted Bellflower),ホタルブクロ(蛍袋),초롱꽃]

[Rosa multiflora (Multiflora Rose, Baby Rose, Rambler Rose)、ノイバラ(野茨)の花、찔레꽃]

I arrived at Sannotou at 10:10. There I took a short rest and ate one rice ball which my wife made. Then I arrived at Karasuoyama at 10:45 and Gyoshagatake at 11:06. The hardest spot was Gyoshagatake along the ridge trail, but I experienced much harder slope in Korea. I arrived at Shindainichi at 11:49 and reached at the top of Tounodake at 12:40.

[The statue of Ksitigarbha near Sannotou, 三ノ塔付近の地蔵像、산노토우부근의 지장보살상][Karasuo Lodge, 烏尾山荘、카라스오 산장][At the top of Tounodake, 塔ノ岳頂上にて、토우노다케 정상에서]

So, it took me for 4 hours and 20 minutes from Yabitsu Pass to Tounodake. I had lunch there.

While having lunch, I noticed that there were two male deer (stags) browsing on the grasses near the top of the mountain. I could take nice pictures of stags and Mt. Fuji there. Soon after I took pictures, the clouds covered the mountain and I could not see Mt. Fuji any more.

[A stag near the top of Tounodake, 頂上付近で草を食む牡鹿、정상부근에서 풀을 먹는 숫사슴]

When I finished lunch, and began decending the mountain, I noticed that there were two female deer (does) with a small deerlet. So there were many deer in the mountain.

[A doe and its deerlet, 牝鹿と子鹿、암컷사슴과 아기사슴]

I began decending the mountain at 1 p.m. and arrived at Ohkura Bus Stop at 3:20 p.m. So, it took me 2 hours and 20 minutes for 6.8 km.

When I came down to the road, I noticed that beautiful "mountain lily" was blooming. This wild lily is the flower of Kanagawa prefecture. It has strong fragrance.

[Lilium auratum (山百合 yamayuri; literally "mountain lily"、神奈川県の花「山百合」、가나가와 현의 꽃, 산나리)[Ohkura Visitor Center, 大倉ビジターセンター、오쿠라 비지터 센터]

On the bus to Shibusawa from Ohkura, I noticed a middle-aged couple whom I saw on the bus from Hadano to Yabitsu. So, I talked to them.

They said they were from Setagaya, Tokyo. Both of them enjoy hiking as a common hobby. How nice it is to have a common hobby, I thought.

I went back to Ofuna via Yokohama using Sotetsu Line. It was 5:30 p.m. when I came back to Ofuna. I missed seeing Sumo on TV that day.

By seeing TV news, I became to know that Nadeshiko Japan won World Cup of Women Soccer that day.

It was my 41st hike for this year.




[Sagami Bay from a window of the bus, バスの窓から見た相模平野と相模湾、버스 창문으로부터 본 사가미 평야와 사가미만]


[Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠、야비쯔 고개]


[Hikers climbing up to Sannoto, 三ノ塔に登る登山客たち、산노토우에 오르는 등산객들] [Campanula punctata (Spotted Bellflower),ホタルブクロ(蛍袋),초롱꽃]


[Aquilegia (Columbine; from Latin columba "dove"),オダマキ(苧環),매발톱꽃]

[Looking down Karasuo Ridge from Mt. Sannotou, 三の塔から烏尾尾根を望む、산노토우부터 카라수오 산등성이를 바라다보다.]



[A stag near the top of Tounodake, 頂上付近で草を食む牡鹿、정상부근에서 풀을 먹는 숫사슴]




[A doe and its deerlet, 牝鹿と子鹿、암컷사슴과 아기사슴]



[Lilium auratum (山百合 yamayuri; literally "mountain lily"、神奈川県の花「山百合」、가나가와 현의 꽃, 산나리)[Ohkura Visitor Center, 大倉ビジターセンター、오쿠라 비지터 센터]






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