About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110212 Mt. ToHamSan, GyongJu (吐含山・慶州・慶南)

Date: Feb. 12 (Sat) Fine

Place: Mt. ToHamSan, GyongJu, GyongNam

Event: Shisanje (To-begin-hiking Ceremony)

Course: Parking Lot – BulKukSa Temple – Iljumun (The gate of Seokguram) – ToHamSan (Shisanje) – the gate – temple – parking lot.

Partner: 44 AhToSan Members (Including 2 non-Koreans: Chris and George)

Chris came to Daejeon from Seoul on previous night (Friday.) Bernardo and I welcomed him at a Samgetang Restaurant next to Jjimjilbang called “Dongbangsak.”

[At a Samgetang Restaurant, 参鶏湯(サムゲタン)レストランにて、삼계탕 식당에서]

Jjimjilbang is a kind of “Super Sento” with a lot of different kind of saunas. It costs 6000 won to 7000 won (500 yen to 600 yen) and you can stay overnight.

It snowed a lot in Korean peninsula, esp. the side of “Sea of Japan” (Koreans call it Donghe, which means “East Sea”)

Chris and I happened to meet on the ferry boat from Shimonoseki to Busan last year. He is an invited English speaker to help Korean teachers of English at a junior highschool in Seoul. He has been in Korea only for 2 years, yet he is a fluent speak of Korean. Moreover, he can send e-mails in Hangul to both computers and cellphones. (I cann’t sent any mail to any cellphone at all.)

We left Expo South Gate at 7 a.m. as usual. We originally planned to start walking at ChuRyong, but the road to ChuRyong was closed because of heavy snow. So we changed the course, simplly shuttle between Bulkuksa and ToHanSan.

[In front of the Bulkuksa Temple, 仏国寺前で、불국사 앞에서]

We arrived at the parking lot of Bulkuksa Temple at 10:45. We walked on the snow covered road from Bulkuksa to Ilchumun, the gate of entrance to Seokuram.

[Near Bulkuksa Temple, 仏国寺付近の道路で、불국사 부근의 도로에서][We walked on the snow-covered road to Ilchumun,仏国寺から一柱門までの雪道、불국사에서 일주문까지의 눈길]

We began trail walking from the gate. The snow became deeper and deeper as we approached to the top. I was glad to wear spatts this time so that I could avoid snow coming into my boots.

[The gate for Seokram, 石窟庵入口の門、석굴암 입구의 문][At a fork between Mt. ToHamSan and Seokram, 吐含山への登山路と石窟庵への分岐点、토함산에의 등산로와 석굴암에의 분기점]

This hiking on heavy snow reminded me of the hiking in Japan a week ago. The big difference is the number of the hikers. In Japan, we saw only a man during 9 hour hike at Mt. Sobo. Here, we had to walk after the rows of people. I did not count the number of people, but I guess it must be hundreds of people.

[On the ridge near the peak, 山頂付近にて、정상 부근에서]

When I arrived at the top of the mountain, it was 1:25 p.m. Most of AhToSan mebers were already there, preparing the ceremony (Shisanjae.)

They hang Korean national flag and AhToSan flag at the altar. They also put offerings such as fruits, dry fish, rice cakes, etc. on the altar.

Then they gave salute to the flags and the altar. The chairman of the club read oath and wishes for safe hiking to the gods of mountains. After reading, he burned the paper on which such oath and wishes were written. Then he put money on the altar, and performed big bows. They follewed suit one by one.

[They put money offering on the altar, 先ずお金を捧げる、우선 돈을 바친다.][Then, perform "big bow" 次に「チョル(お辞儀)」をする、다음에 절을 하다]

Chris performed big bows with a girl. The girl is a daughter of the vice chairperson of AhToSan. Since Chris was the youngest among men, and the girl was the youngest among female members, that’s why they performed “big bow” together.

After the ceremony we had “offerings” for our lunch. “Suyuk” or boilded pork was very delicious and popular among members.

After having lunch, we took a group picture, then we began decending from the mountain. We came back to the bus at 3:25 p.m.

[A group picture at Mt. ToHamSan, 吐含山山頂で集合写真、토함산 정상에서 단체사진]

We had “Tippuri,” or after the hike party on the way back to Daejeon. Some members made snowmen while waiting for the meal.

[The bus stopped for "Tippuri" party, 帰路に就く前にティップリ・パーティ、귀로에 오르기 전에 뒤풀이]

Chris and another man who came from Seoul, got off at Gyongju and went back to Seoul by KTX. We came back to Daejeon at around 8 p.m.

It was my 2nd hike with AhToSan this year and my 227th in total. Including those hikes in Japan, it was my 11th hike for this year.

登山月日:2011年2月12日(土) 晴れ

登山地:慶州 吐含山(トハムサン토함산)始山祭登山




[At a Samgetang Restaurant, 参鶏湯(サムゲタン)レストランにて、삼계탕 식당에서]





[On the way to Iljumun Gate, 一柱門への途上にて、일주문에 가는 도중에서]


[In front of the gate to Seokram, 石窟庵の門の前で、석굴암 문 앞에서]


[AhToSan members in the deep snow, 深い雪の中のメンバー、깊은 눈속의 멤버들]


[On the ridge near the peak, 山頂付近にて、정상 부근에서]


[Preparation for the ceremony, 始山祭の準備、시산제의 준비]


[They put money offering on the altar, 先ずお金を捧げる、우선 돈을 바친다.]



[A group picture at Mt. ToHamSan, 吐含山山頂で集合写真、토함산 정상에서 단체사진][On the way back to the bus, 下山途中にて、하산 도중에서]


[Scenes of Tippuri, ティップリ風景、뒤풀이 모습]


[With a snowman,雪だるまと、눈사람과 함께]



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