About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


111022 BukHanSan(北漢山북한산) - WiSangBong (義湘峰의상봉) in Seoul

Hiking Date:Oct. 22 (Sat) 2011

Destination (mountain): BukHanSan - WiSangBong

Hiking course: Bamgol – Hidden Cliff Ridge – Wimun – Daedongmun – Wisang Ridge – Wisangbong – YongAm Temple – Parking Lot (15km 7,5 hours)

Partner: 30 AhToSan members including Kim Jin-uk, freshman of Daedeok College

JinhanSaram, who lives in Seoul, joined us at Bamgol. Kim Jin-uk, a freshman of Daedeok College, joined the hike. Another freshman, Song Jae-geun, failed to find the bus-stop at Expo South Gate, therefore he gave up the hike in the morning.

We arrived at Bamgol at 10 a.m. After taking a group picture, we went into the “hidden cliff ridge” trail.

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체 사진][One of my students, Jin-uk, 私の学生の一人である金晉煜、나의 학생인 진욱][At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

We had the first “Suzuki-rest” at 10:30. My student, Jin-uk went with the top group and did not wait for me. So we had this fruit-eating, and makgeolli-drinking rest without him.

[At the first rest time in the woods, 林の中で最初の休憩、숲속에서 첫번째 휴식.]

I could not catch him up even at the 2nd rest time at around 11 a.m. They we came to the hardest rocky place.

This part of the trail is one of the most difficult slope without rope or handrail. Tobby, the German hiker last time shouted “Crazy!” when he saw the trail.

This time, I found the new route which went under the rock. This route was also steep, esp. for going down part. But I ventured to go down, then climbed the slope in the woods.

It seems a bit short-cut, because when I came up to the ridge, I found the top group people there. But I could not see Jin-uk, my college student there.

[I came up to the ridge, 稜線に出た、능선에 나왔다.][Jeongjeong on the ridge, 稜線上のチョンジョン総務、정정 총무님]

Later, KS told me that Jin-uk was really afraid of the steep slope. He became so frightened and his face turned to pale. Poor Jin-uk! I regret that I could not help him at all, but overpassed him.

I followed after the top group since then. They did not care for climbing “Baek-Un-Dae” so I also did not go there. It saved much time because “Baek-Un-Dae” was always crowded with a lot of hikers. Besides, I climbed this spot twice before.

[Steep steps near "BaekUnDae",白雲台近くの急な階段、백운대근처의 급경사 계단]

It was already noon when I passed “Wimun” but I just followed the top group and did not bother to have lunch. But it was difficult to follow the top group, because they walk very fast!

When it became at about 1 p.m. and I was about to give up following them, I heard “Jeong-jeong” calling me from the slope in the wood. They were having lunch there.

[Lunch time, 昼食の時間、점심식사 시간]

I happily joined them and tried to call Jin-uk, but could not reach him. At this point, the president of AhToSan, San-salang called the vice-president, “Jeongdaun.” He could talked with her and I asked him about Jin-uk. It was a great relief when I heard that he was with Jeongdaun. So, San-salang asked Jeongdaun to take care of him, and I could enjoy my hike without worrying about him.

[The top group near YongAm Gate, 龍岩門近くのトップグループ、용암문 근처의 선두들][At YongAm Gate, 龍岩門の前で、룡암문앞에서][In front of "Daedong" Gate, 大東門の前で、대동문앞에서]

I could follow the top group all the way to Wisangbong, the last peak at the end of Wisang Ridge.

I came to this trail several times before, but never achieved to the very end of the ridge until this time.

[In front of the guidepost, 道しるべの前で、이정표앞에서][On the fortress along "Wisang Ridge" 義湘稜線上の山城にて、의상 능선상의 산성에서][Mt. Dobongsan from the ridge, 稜線から道峰山を望む、능선에서 도봉산을 바라봄][On the rocky ridge, having the last "makgeolli" time, 稜線にて最後のマッコリタイム、능선에서 마지막 막걸리 타임][With Jeongjeong, チョンジョン総務と、정정 총무님과 함께]

The top group people, esp. the leader, Jeongjeong was a strong and kind hiker. She waited for me at important points such as the beautiful gate of the fortress and the top of Wisangbong, so I could take a lot of pictures with her this time.

[Jeongjeong at the top of Wisangbong, 義湘峰にて、의상봉에서][Jeongjeong on the rock near Wisangbong, 義湘峰近くの岩の上に立つチョンジョン総務、의상봉 근처의 바위 위에 서는 정정 총무]

The trail was steep and hard even the last part of the hike (downhill trail from Wisangbong.)

[The last steep trail, 最後の急坂、마지막 급경사의 암벽]

When I came to the bus, parking along the road near the BukHanChon Bridge, it was 5:47 p.m.

Jin-uk was already in the bus and did not come out to join the wrap-up party. He seemed so much exhausted and no power to enjoy the party left.

[Wrap-up party beside the road, 道路脇で「打ち上げ」、도로옆에서 뒤풀이]

This was my 56th hike for this year, and my 256th as AhToSan regular hike.



登山コース:パムゴル(밤골)-隠れた壁稜線(숨은벽능선)-義門(위문)-大同門(대동문) 義湘稜線(의상능선) - 義湘峰(의상봉) - 龍岩寺(룡암사)-駐車場<7.5時間>







[At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]



[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서][I saw the people of the top group, 先頭グループに合流した、선두 그룹에 합류했다]


[A view from the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[A view from the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]



[After lunch on the trail with autumnal color, 食事後に紅葉の登山路にて、식사후에 단풍의 등산로에서][At YongAm Gate, 龍岩門の前で、룡암문앞에서]


[On the fortress along "Wisang Ridge" 義湘稜線上の山城にて、의상 능선상의 산성에서]


[The top group on the ridge, 稜線にて先頭グループ、능선에서 선두들]


[The final climb to Wisangbong,義湘峰への最後の登り、의상봉에의 마지막 오르막][On the ridge near Wisangbong, 義湘峰近くの稜線にて、의상봉 근처의 능선에서][At the top of Wisangbong, 義湘峰にて、의상봉에서][With Jeongjeong near Wisangbong, 義湘峰にてチョンジョン総務と、의상봉에서 정정 총무님과 함께]


[Wrap-up party beside the road, 道路脇で「打ち上げ」、도로옆에서 뒤풀이]



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