About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


111008 MinDongSan (1119m), JeongSeonGun, GangWonDo江原道、旌善郡(정선군)のミンドゥン山(민둥산)

Hiking Date: Oct. 8, 2011 (Sat) Fine

Destination (mountain): MinDongSan (1119m), JeongSeonGun, GangWonDo

Hiking course: JeungSan Elementary School –Balgudeok Village – MinDongSan – JiEokSan – BulAmSa – HwaAm Spring – Parking Lot (15km, 5 hours)

Partner: About 40 AhToSan members including 3 Daedeok Students

I invited 3 of my students (Jeong Daun, Yon Daehwan and Jo Hyon.) They came all together from their dormitory to Expo South Gate by taxi. I saw them at Inliner Skate Line in front of Expo South Gate at 5:45. The bus left at 6:00 a.m.

The destination is MinDongSan in GangWon Province, a bit far. Unlike other mountains there is no Kanji characters for the name. “MinDongSan” is a pure Korean word which means a bald mountain (or treeless hill).

According to the AhToSan’s introduction of the mountain, local people burn the grasses to make them fertilizer for mountain vegitables annually. As the result the mountain remains treeless.

This hike, three of my freshmen students followed me, so I walked with them from the beginning to the end.

The nick name of the vice president of AhToSan is “Jeongdaun” which means “Good Relationship” or “Friendly.” The name of one of three students happens to be “Jeong Daun.” So, our vice president liked him very much.

There was a barnner in front of the elementary school gate at the starting point. It read “Friendly Elementary School which makes puplis dream.” In the sentence, we could read “Jeongdaun,” too.

[The Vice President, Jeongdaun and 3 students, チョンダウン副会長と3人の学生、정다운 부회장과 학생들]

So, the vice president urged the students to take a picture with her in front of the barnner when we arrived there at 9:43.

[A group picture before the hike in front of the elementary school, 出発前に小学校の前で集合写真、출발전에 초등학교앞에서 단체사진]

We began relatively easy hike from there. At first, we experienced a bit hard slope. But it was only about 30 minutes, then we came close to the ridge.

[Gentle slope at first, 最初の緩やかな登山路、먼저 완만한 등산로]

We had the first short break at 10:25 with mini-tomatoes and grapes and makgeolli. Each of my students enjoyed a sip of makgeolli, too.

[`At the first short break, 林の中で小休止、숲속에서 첫번째 휴식]

Then we came to the observation deck from which we could see the top of MinDungSan over “susuki” field. We could also hear songs of crickets.

[At the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서][Wild chrysanthemum、野菊の花、들국화][Close to MinDunSan, ミンドゥン山の手前で、민둥산 앞에서] - 「ミンドゥン山ススキの丘に昼の虫」黄山

We arrived a little bit before 11:30 at the top of MinDunSan, and we had lunch on the gentle slope near the top.

[Lunch near the top of MinDunSan, ミンドゥン山山頂付近で昼食、민둥산 정상부근에서 점심식사][At the top of MinDunSan, ミンドゥン山山頂にて、민둥산 정장에서]

I spread my sheet for lunch and my students sat around it. They brought sandwiches and rice balls which they bought at a convenient store. I expected other AhToSan members joined my table, so that they could share their wonderful lunch. It’s shame that nobody came but only my students, to my table. Anyway, they brought prenty enough food for themselves.

After lunch, my students and I started with the toop group of the members. But there was no AhToSan staff members in the top group, except myself. Unfortunately, we turned the wrong direction at the first fork in the trail.

After walking about 15 minutes in the wrong direction, we felt something wrong, and discussed the trail by seeing the map. Then we realized that we came the wrong trail. We returned to the first fork and followed other members.

The “susuki” was nice and beautiful in MinDunSan. I also noticed many other wild flowers such as “Gentiana scabra” or “Rindou” in Japanese, wild chrysanthemum, or “Aconitum” or “Devil's helmet” ("Torikabuto" in Japanese).

[“Gentiana scabra” or “Rindou” in Japanese,リンドウの花、용담꽃]

On the way, when we came to the forest road, one of my students, Daun felt making number one. He went to a restroom there, but he did not prepare paper with him.

Later, when I heard his necessity, I gave him some bathroom tissue, but he had to wait for another couple of hours to arrive another public restroom.

[Some autumnal wild flowers, 秋の野草、가을의 야생화][A butterfly on a grass,草に止まった蝶、풀에 앉은 나비]

When we came close to the final destination, we came to an unique spring called “HwaAmYakSu(화암약수).” The taste of the water was like soda with iron taste.

[At BulOmSa Temple, 仏厳寺の前で、불엄사 앞에서]

["HwaAm" Spring,画厳薬水(ファアムヤクス)、 화암약수]

We arrived at the parking lot at 3:20 as the last group. Yet, we could enjoy “wrap-up” party. The side dish was called “Memil Jeonbyong” (메밀전병) which was special delicacy in that local area.

[At the wrap-up party,打ち上げパーティにて、뒤풀이에서][The special delicacy, "Memil Jeonbyong” 旌善の特産品、「メミルチョンビョン蕎麦煎餅」、정선의 특산품, 메밀전병]

We fisnished the party at 4 p.m. and returned to Daejeon, Expo South Gate Parking Lot at 10 p.m.

This was my 54th hike for this year and 254th as my AhToSan regular hike.




登山コース:ジュンサン(증산)小学校-[パルクドク(발구덕)村]-ミンドゥン山(민둥산)-[ジオクサン(지억산)]-仏厳寺[プロムサ(불엄사)]- 画厳薬水[화암약수]-駐車場(約15km5時間)






アトサン副会長のニックネームが「チョンダウン(정다운)」。出発地点のジュンサン小学校の校門の上には「夢を育てるチョンダウン(仲が良い)小学校(꿈이 자라는 정다운 초등학교」と書いた横断幕があり、その前で、学生三人とチョンダウンが並んで記念撮影をした。

[A group picture before the hike in front of the elementary school, 出発前に小学校の前で集合写真、출발전에 초등학교앞에서 단체사진]


[With the 3 students, 三人の学生と、학생들과 함께]


[`At the first short break, 林の中で小休止、숲속에서 첫번째 휴식]


[At the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]


[Lunch near the top of MinDunSan, ミンドゥン山山頂付近で昼食、민둥산 정상부근에서 점심식사]


[At the top of MinDunSan, ミンドゥン山山頂にて、민둥산 정장에서]


[トリカブトの花、"Aconitum" or Devil's helmet,투구꽃]


[A public restroom beside the forest road, 林道脇の公衆トイレ、임도의 화장실]


[Some autumnal wild flowers, 秋の野草、가을의 야생화]


[At BulOmSa Temple, 仏厳寺の前で、불엄사 앞에서][The explanation of "HwaAm Spring", 画厳薬水(ファアム・ヤクス)の由来、화암약수의 유래]




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