About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Sydney Report #15 “Summer Holidays, New Year and New Life in Sydney"シドニーレポート15号 「シドニーにて夏休み、新年、そして新しい生活」"시드니에서 여름 방학 새해, 새로운 삶"

Sydney Report #15 “Summer Holidays, New Year and New Life in Sydney"

Happy New Year, every one! My wife and I observed the New Year of 2019 separately. My wife joined the cruise for seeing Sydney Harbor Fireworks, while I went to see the event alone by train.

[Sydney Harbor Fireworks from the cruise,クルーズ船からみた花火、유람선에서 본 불꽃 놀이]

I took a train from Chatswood to Milsonpoint at 9 pm on December 31. Milsonpoint is the station at Sydney Harbor Bridge and it seemed the best location to observe fireworks.

[At Milsonpoint Platform, ミルソンポイント駅のプラットホームにて、밀송 포인트 역 플랫폼에서]

The fireworks were launched twice, at 9 pm and 12:00 pm midnight. The platform of the station seems the best place to observe the fireworks, but passengers were NOT allowed to stay there. The railway staff people urged the passengers to move on, and it seemed that they THEMSELVES enjoyed seeing the fireworks and taking pictures of them.

What a difference of the railway man’s spirit from Japanese “Poppoya” or “Railwayman” written by Jiro Asada.


Anyway, Australian railway staff people seem humanistic and peaceful to me. (No hiroic behaviour at all.)

From December to January, it’s a long summer holyday season in Australia. My son’s family enjoyed a two-week trip to Shanghai, and my daughter-in-law enjoyed re-union of her old friends and relatives there.

My wife and I stayed in Sydney and took a role of house-keeping. After having “osechi” or Japanese style new year “bento” set, I went out for my first bush-walking in the nearest park.

[Osechi, Japanese New Year bento, おせちセット、오세치(설날 요리)세트]

Then I found a big tree fallen down over the track. I tried to go through over the fallen three, then a swarm of angry bees seemed to attack me! Actually a bee stuck my left ear, and I ran away for my life.

["Angry Bee" sign, 「ハチ注意」の警告、"벌 주의"경고]

On the 2nd day, my wife and I visited Pastor Hayman’s apartment near Dee Why Beach. Pastor Hayman had been sent to Asahikawa, Hokkaido for about 40 years. He cherished friendship with the famous Christian writer, Ayako Miura. We can find his name in Ayako’s essay books such as “Nakutehanaranumonoなくてはならぬもの(Essential Things)” or “Isumieno Shotai泉への招待(The Invitation to Spring).”

[New Year Bible Meeting, 新年の聖書の集い、새해 성경 모임]

We listened to his message and episode of being captured by Chinese pirates in Shanghai when he was a young boy.

[China Daily 1935/2/2,海賊からの解放を伝える1935年2月2日の新聞記事、해적으로부터의 해방을 전하는 1935 년 2 월 2 일 신문 기사]

After the whole family of our son returned to Sydney, then we joined their extended holidays to Kiama, a resort area in the south of Sydney.

[Summer House in Fox Ground, フォックスグラウンドのサマーハウス、폭스 그라운드의 여름 별장]

It was our 2nd time to spend holidays in Kiama. Last time, we enjoyed the life near the beach. This time, we lent a big house in the ranch land. The location is called Fox Ground and there are many pastures.

[A pasture in Fox Ground, フォックスグラウンドの牧場、폭스 그라운드의 목장]

I walked around the summer house and found that there were cliffs and mountains as well as pastures of cow and horses and I even saw a group of kangaroos!

[A wild kangaroo in Fox Ground, フォックスグラウンドの野生のカンガルー、폭스 그라운드의 야생 캥거루]

Just before going to Kiama, we found a good property to start our new life in the same suburb of our son’s family.

Our older son, Hajime and his wife Louise have 4 children. The first two daughters have their own room, but the 3rd and the 4th kids live in the same room. Since the 4th child, their only boy, turns to be 12 years old and his high school life starts in February, we were to move out from their house, so every kid has their own room.

[The shared house we are living now, チャッツウッドのシェアハウス、채스우드의 쉐어 하우스]

Our new residence is a so-called “shared house.” There are 5 rooms and one kitchen, two bath rooms with shower facilities and a broad dining room. Each room was occupied by 5 couples including us and the rest of the facilities, we all share.

[Our room in the shared house,シェアハウスの我々の部屋、쉐어 하우스의 우리 방

Our neighbors (tenants) are; Chinese, Filipinos, Spaniards and Vietnamese, all different ethic couples and they are young (late 20s or eary 30s.) We are the only couple who are 70s.

[In front of Pig Balloon, 豚(今年の干支)の風船の前で、돼지 (올해 띠) 풍선 앞에서]

[Note: My wife and I were born in the year of "wild boar" which is "pig" in Korea and Chine. They celebrate Lunar New Year.]

Our new life starts in February. My wife and I go to a local choir group every Monday evening. We also go to Taichi practice together every Wednesday afternoon. My wife I go to different English Bible Study separately. Adding to these activities, I enrolled Ukulele class and pre-intermediate Chinese class at MOSAIC (community culture center), and of course, I never skip 2 times a week Blue Mountain hike with Korean friends.


シドニーレポート15号 「シドニーにて夏休み、新年、そして新しい生活」


[Sydney Harbor Fireworks from the cruise,クルーズ船からみた花火、유람선에서 본 불꽃 놀이]


[At Milsonpoint Platform, ミルソンポイント駅のプラットホームにて、밀송 포인트 역 플랫폼에서]





[Osechi, Japanese New Year bento, おせちセット、오세치(설날 요리)세트]

 元日、私は「歩き初め」に近所のRail to River Trailを歩きました。すると大きな古木がトレイルを塞ぐように倒れていて、その倒木をまたごうとすると、なんと倒木にはハチの巣がかかっていたようで、怒ったハチが群れで私に襲い掛かり、ほうほうの体で退散しましたが、耳の下に一撃を受け、大変痛い思いをしました。

["Angry Bee" sign, 「ハチ注意」の警告、"벌 주의"경고]


[New Year Bible Meeting, 新年の聖書の集い、새해 성경 모임]


[At New Year Bible Meeting, 新年の聖書の集いにて、새해 성경 모임에서]


[Summer House in Fox Ground, フォックスグラウンドのサマーハウス、폭스 그라운드의 여름 별장]


[A pasture in Fox Ground, フォックスグラウンドの牧場、폭스 그라운드의 목장]


[A wild kangaroo in Fox Ground, フォックスグラウンドの野生のカンガルー、폭스 그라운드의 야생 캥거루]


[The shared house we are living now, チャッツウッドのシェアハウス、채스우드의 쉐어 하우스]


[Our room in the shared house,シェアハウスの我々の部屋、쉐어 하우스의 우리 방



[In front of Pig Balloon, 豚(今年の干支)の風船の前で、돼지 (올해 띠) 풍선 앞에서]



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