About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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141114 Ten-en Hiking Course, Kamakura (鎌倉の天園ハイキング)

Date: Nov. 14, 2014 (Friday) Fine

Hiking Place: Ten-en Hiking Course, Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hiking Course: JR Kamakura Station – Tsurugaoka Hachiman-Shrine (鶴岡八幡宮) – The Grave of Yoritomo (源頼朝の墓) – Egara Tenjin Shrine(荏柄天神社) – Kamakura-gu (鎌倉宮) – Ten-en Hiking Course - Kenchō-ji (建長寺) – Kobukurozaka Bus-Stop – JR Ofuna Station.

It was a fine day. When I got up in the morning, I felt like walking in the mountain. So, I headed for Kamakura from Ofuna by Yokosuka Line train.

I got off at JR Kamakura Station and began walking to Tsurukaoka Hachiman-gu (鶴岡八幡宮), then turned right to Egara Tenjinsha(荏柄天神社).

[The 3rd Torii of the shrine, 鶴岡八幡宮の第3の鳥居、쓰루가 오카 하치만 3 번째 도리]

[Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, 鶴岡八幡宮、쓰루가 오카 하치만구우]

[AtTsurugaoka Hachimangu, 鶴岡八幡宮にて、쓰루가 오카 하치만구우에서]

[A street in Kamakura, 鎌倉の裏通り、가마쿠라의 뒷골목]

[A stone monument, 裏通りの石碑、뒷골목의 비석 ]

["Shirahata Shrine", 『白旗神社』、"시라 하타 신사"]

[The tomb of Yoritomo, 頼朝の墓、요리토모의 무덤]

["HokkeDo" remains、法華堂跡、「법화당」유적]

[A Picture of "Kamakura", 鎌倉の絵、가마쿠라의 그림]

[The shrine gate of "Egaratenjin", 荏柄天神の鳥居、에가라 텐진 의 도리이]

This shrine enshrines “Sugawarano Michizane菅原道 August 1, 845 – March 26, 903)” who a scholar, poet, and politician of the Heian Period of Japan.

[The explanation of Egaratenjin, 荏柄天神の説明、에가라 텐진의 설명 판]

He is regarded as an excellent poet, particularly in Chinese poetry, and is today revered in Shinto as the god of learning, Tenman-Tenjin (天満天神, often shortened to Tenjin).

[Egara-Tenjin, 荏柄天神、에가라 텐진]

[Giant ginkgo tree, 巨大なイチョウの木、거대한 은행 나무]

[Giant ginkgo tree, 巨大なイチョウの木、거대한 은행 나무]

The shrine was built by the order of Minamoto-no-Yoritomo (源 頼朝, May 9, 1147 – February 9, 1199) in 1104 as a guardian shrine against “Kimon鬼門” or “demon gate.”

There used to be an entrance of Ten-en Hiking Course behind the shrine, but it was abandoned and not used anymore.

There is "Efudezuka" on which 154 cartoonists such as Ryuichi Yokoyama or Kon Shimizu drew "Kappa" picture drawings.

[Efudezuka, 絵筆塚、에후데쓰카]

There is alos a gigantic ginkgo tree in front of the shrie. It is said to be over 900 years old.

After visiting Egara Tenjin, I went to “Kamakura-gu” which is a shrine built eary years of Meiji Period (1868-1912.) It enshrines Prince Morinaga who worked for Kenmu Restration (1333 - 1336).

[Kamakuragu Torii, 鎌倉宮の鳥居、마쿠라 궁의 도리]

[Misfortune macadam at Kamakuragu Shrine, 鎌倉宮にて「厄割石」、가마쿠라 궁에서 "수땜돌"]

[At a restaurant, Kamakuragu Shrine, 鎌倉宮の茶屋にて、가마쿠라 궁 찻집에서]

I dropped in a “Chaya” or a Japanese style restaurant in front of the shrine. It was about 10:30 and I bought “Yakionigiri 焼きおにぎり” or “grilled rice balls.”

[Grilled rice balls, 焼きおにぎり、구운 주먹밥]

The rice balls contained “shirasu” or “dried young sardines.” It costed 300 yen for two and I thought it was reasonable price.

I passed the bus stop for Kamakuragu and came to the entrance of the hiking course. There were some bamboo bushes, then came to the gentle ridge.

[At the entrance of hiking course, ハイキングコース入口、등산로 입구]

[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]

There was a joint of trails: one for Zuisenji, and the other for Kenchoji Temple.

[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]

[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]

[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]

I took the course to Kenchoji Temple. There were many hikers on the trail to Kenchoji that day. I saw a group of youth, seeming high school students, as well as young couple.

From the ridge trail, I could see Yuigahama Beach on the left side, and Bay Bridge and Landmark Tower in Yokohama on the right side.

[Landmark Tower in Yokohama, 横浜のランドマークタワー、요코하마 랜드 마크 타워]

[Guide post near Kenchoji, 建長寺近くの道しるべ、겐쵸지 근처의 이정표]

Then about one hour hike, I came to a part of Kenchoji called “Hansobo.” From the observation deck, I could see Mt. Fuji in the distance.

[Mt. Fuji from the observatory, 展望台から見た富士山、전망대에서 본 후지산]

When I came down to the temple, I saw many statutes of “Tengu.” That part of the temple called “Hansobo (半僧坊).”

[Tengu statue at Hansobo, 半僧坊の天狗の像、"한소보" 텐구의 동상]

[Tengu statue at Hansobo, 半僧坊の天狗の像、"한소보" 텐구의 동상]

[At Hansobo, 半僧坊にて、"한소보"에서]

[At Hansobo, 半僧坊にて、"한소보"에서]

[At Hansobo, 半僧坊にて、"한소보"에서]

There was a big statute of “Bodhidharma”from Hansobo to the Mountain Gate of Kenchoji Temple.

[Statute of“Bodhidharma,”達磨大師の像、달마 대사의 동상]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[Kenchoji Mountain Gate, 建長寺山門、겐쵸지 산문]

I went out from Kenchoji Gate, and went down along Kobukuro Slope until a bus stop.

I took a bus to Ofuna Station and it was the end of the hiking.

It was about a half day autumn hiking in Kamakura. I enjoyed the historical atmosphere as well as the autumn in Kamakura.

I went to a “super sento”called “Yukai-sokai-Taya Spar”in Ofuna. I really enjoy taking the spar after the hike.








[The 3rd Torii of the shrine, 鶴岡八幡宮の第3の鳥居、쓰루가 오카 하치만 3 번째 도리]

[At Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, 鶴岡八幡宮にて、쓰루가 오카 하치만구우에서]

[At Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, 鶴岡八幡宮にて、쓰루가 오카 하치만구우에서]

[A street to Egara Shrine, 荏柄天神への道、에가라 텐진으로가는 길]

["Shirahata Shrine", 『白旗神社』、"시라 하타 신사"]

[The tomb of Yoritomo, 頼朝の墓、요리토모의 무덤]

[Autumn color at Egara Shrine, 荏柄天神の紅葉、에가라 텐진의 단풍]

[Egara-Tenjin, 荏柄天神、에가라 텐진]


[Giant ginkgo tree, 巨大なイチョウの木、거대한 은행 나무]

[Giant ginkgo tree, 巨大なイチョウの木、거대한 은행 나무]



[Efudezuka, 絵筆塚、에후데쓰카]


[Grilled rice balls, 焼きおにぎり、구운 주먹밥]

[At Kamakuragu Shrine, 鎌倉宮にて、가마쿠라 궁에서]


[Misfortune macadam at Kamakuragu Shrine, 鎌倉宮にて「厄割石」、가마쿠라 궁에서 "수땜돌"]

[At a restaurant, Kamakuragu Shrine, 鎌倉宮の茶屋にて、가마쿠라 궁 찻집에서]


[At the entrance of hiking course, ハイキングコース入口、등산로 입구]

[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]

[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]


[On the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]




[View of Kamakura Beach,尾根道から見た鎌倉海岸,능선 길에서 본 가마쿠라 해안]

[Landmark Tower in Yokohama, 横浜のランドマークタワー、요코하마 랜드 마크 타워]



[Mt. Fuji from the observatory, 展望台から見た富士山、전망대에서 본 후지산]


[Tengu statue at Hansobo, 半僧坊の天狗の像、"한소보" 텐구의 동상]

[Tengu statue at Hansobo, 半僧坊の天狗の像、"한소보" 텐구의 동상]

[At Hansobo, 半僧坊にて、"한소보"에서]

[At Hansobo, 半僧坊にて、"한소보"에서]

[At Hansobo, 半僧坊にて、"한소보"에서]


[Bamboo woods of Hansobo, 半僧坊の竹林、"한소보"의 죽림]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]

[At Kenchoji, 建長寺にて、겐쵸지에서]


[Kenchoji Mountain Gate, 建長寺山門、겐쵸지 산문]




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