About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


141213 The 5th visit on Korea in the year of 2014: The 3rd day, Hiking to Waryongsan(臥龍山와룡산801m), with Bernardo in AhToSan Hiking Club.

Destination: Mt. Waryong, Sacheon, GyongNam Regeon, Korea

Hiking Date: Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014.

Hiking Course: Namyang Reservor – Yongjusa Temple – Saeseom Rock – Mt. Waryong – Baekcheonsa Temple (Parking Lot)

Hiking Colleagues; About 25 including Bernardo from Mexico.

It was snowing in Daejeon, but it was fine at GyongNam Province, though it began to snow after hike in Sacheon.

It snowed heavily previous night. BJ kindly drove me to Nammun Parking Lot where the bus stopped. Marta was with us and we met Bernardo there.

Marta presented Bernardo some small ornament. It is nice of her to give such a present to him. It would be a good memory for Bernardo since he would return to Mexico soon.

[At Nammun Parking Lot, 南門駐車場にて、남문 주차장 앞에서]

There were only one AhToSan member took the bus beside Bernard and I at Nammun Parking Lot. So, I worried about the lack of participants for this hike (it would be short of budget to charter the bus.) But quite a lot of people joined us afterward. When we stopped at Daejeon IC, total number became 25.

[At Imsam Service Area, インサムランド・サービスエリアにて、인삼 랜드 휴게소에서]

We had a special award ceremony on the bus. It was for Bernardo for his 50th attendance for AhToSan regular hike. It is quite a something for a non-Korean man joining this hiking club planned hike for 50 times. (No one beside myself, can achieve such a great number!)

[On the way in the bus, 往路のバス内にて、가는 길에 버스 내에서]

[On the way in the bus, 往路のバス内にて、가는 길에 버스 내에서]

Mt. Waryong locates in Southern Eastern tip of Korean peninsula. So it was warmer than Daejeon. Therefore it was not snowing and no snow on the mountain.

We arrived at the foot of the mountain at around 10:20 a.m. I am not good at upsloe climbing, and I soon became the last hiker among all members.

[Our bus arrived at the destination, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 목적지에 도착]

One of the reasons for the difficulties was I wore too much, esp. under the pants. So, when they were having a “Makgeollii” rest at the first pass, I took my long johns off. After taking off my underwear, I felt much lighter, and I never became the last person.

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

When we came up to the ridges it was about noon, so I had lunch with the hikers around me. But Bernardo walked fast and ahead of us, so I could not have lunch with him.

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심]

But he was waiting for me a little further at the most difficult ridge area. We walked together on the rocky trail, therefore I could take many good pictures. And soon we had reached at the top of the mountain.

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

There were two peaks at Waryongsan and there were two stone monuments respectively. I was happy to take pictures with Bernardo and our AhTosan friends.

[On the top of Mt. Waryong, 臥龍山山頂にて、와룡산 정상에서]

[Near the summit, 頂上付近にて、정상 부근에서]

[Near the summit, 頂上付近にて、정상 부근에서]

[Near the summit, 頂上付近にて、정상 부근에서]

[On the 2nd top of Mt. Waryong, 臥龍山第2の山頂にて、와룡산 제 2 정상에서]

After this moment, we never separated all the way until the goal. Bernardo and I were in the 2nd group after the fastest group.

[On the way down from the top,下山路にて、하산로에서]

Among this second group there was the president of AhToSan this year, Jeongjeong. She told me that they were having a special hike to Hallasan in Jeju island in January, 2015.

[Near the parking lot, 駐車場近くにて、주차장 근처에서]

Hallasan is the highest mountain (1964m) in South Korea and I climbed this mountain with AhToSan people for 3 or 4 times and my first hike to Hallasan was in winter.

[Near the parking lot, 駐車場近くにて、주차장 근처에서]

Anyway, this time, I cannot join them because I already had a plan to attend the 10 day-fasting prayer camp in January 2015. I would join AhToSan hike after the fasting, but not Hallasan, somewhere else in Korean peninsula.

[At the ceramics shop, 陶磁器店にて、도자기가게에서]

Going down from Waryongsan was not too difficult at all. I arrived at the parking lot with Bernardo at 3 p.m. We killed the time by visiting a pottery shop near the parking lot.

When all hikers arrived at the bus, we moved to a restaurant at the seashore by bus. There we had “After-hike Paty” with local couisine “fish-pot” and “sashimi” course. It cost 15,000 won.

[The restaurant near the shore, 海岸近くの刺身食堂、바다 근처의 생선회 식당]

[At the restaurant, 刺身食堂にて、식당에서]

[At the restaurant, 刺身食堂にて、식당에서]

["Beondegi" or steamed pupa, ポンテギ(蚕の蛹を蒸した食べ物),번데기]

Bernardo brought a bottle of tequila. Its alchohol degree was 25%, rather mild, and tasted good. He gave almost all members, at least a sip, by visiting each table.

[Bernardo and a bottle of tequila, ベルナルドとテキーラ、르나르도과 데킬라]

[Bernardo and a bottle of tequila, ベルナルドとテキーラ、르나르도과 데킬라]

[Alain Delon and Bernardo、アランドロンとベルナルド、알랭 들롱과 베르나르도]

["Maeuntang" or spicy fish pot, メウンタン(辛味鍋), 매운탕]

["Sannakji" or a living octopus sashimi, サンナクチ(生タコの踊り食い),산낙지]

[George eats "Sannakji", ジョージがサンナクチを食している所、조지가 산낙지를 먹고있다]

The part was over at 5 pm and we returned to Daejeon at 8 p.m. Bernardo and I got off the bus at Government Conpartment, and we went to his hotel and I took a taxi to Hanpit Apartment where Marta and BJ waiting for me.

I always enjoy hiking with AhToSan, and when I have a good friend like Bernardo, I enjoyed the hike most.


分類:登山、韓国、冬山, 旅行、韓国



登山コース:ナムヤン貯水池(남양저수지) ⇒ 龍珠寺(ヨンジュサ용주사) ⇒ トアムジェ(도암재) ⇒ セソムパウィ(새섬바위) ⇒ 臥龍山(와룡산) ⇒ ペクチョンジェ(백천재) ⇒ 百泉寺(ペクチョンサ백천사)(駐車場)






[At Nammun Parking Lot, 南門駐車場にて、남문 주차장 앞에서]



[At Imsam Service Area, インサムランド・サービスエリアにて、인삼 랜드 휴게소에서]


[On the way in the bus, 往路のバス内にて、가는 길에 버스 내에서]


[Our bus arrived at the destination, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 목적지에 도착]


[A group picture before hiking, 出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]


[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]


[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way up to the top, 頂上へ向かう往路にて、정상으로 향하는 등산로에서]


[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심]


[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[On the top of Mt. Waryong, 臥龍山山頂にて、와룡산 정상에서]

[Near the summit, 頂上付近にて、정상 부근에서]

[Near the summit, 頂上付近にて、정상 부근에서]

[On the 2nd top of Mt. Waryong, 臥龍山第2の山頂にて、와룡산 제 2 정상에서]

途中、一時、チョンジョン会長とも話をした。次期会長は百里香(ペンニヒャン)だという。また、来年1月17日~18日に漢拏山(ハンラサン한라산) に行こいう話をしたが、これは私は10日間の断食中だから不可ということがあとで気づいた。

[On the way down from the top,下山路にて、하산로에서]


[Near the parking lot, 駐車場近くにて、주차장 근처에서]

[At the ceramics shop, 陶磁器店にて、도자기가게에서]

[At the ceramics shop, 陶磁器店にて、도자기가게에서]


[At the restaurant, 刺身食堂にて、식당에서]

[At the restaurant, 刺身食堂にて、식당에서]

[Patinopecten yessoensis (Yesso scallop), ホタテガイ、가리비]


[Bernardo and a bottle of tequila, ベルナルドとテキーラ、르나르도과 데킬라]

[Bernardo and a bottle of tequila, ベルナルドとテキーラ、르나르도과 데킬라]

[Jeongjeong and Bernardo、チョンジョンとベルナルド、정정과 베르나르도]

["Maeuntang" or spicy fish pot, メウンタン(辛味鍋), 매운탕]

["Sannakji" or a living octopus sashimi, サンナクチ(生タコの踊り食い),산낙지]

[George eats "Sannakji", ジョージがサンナクチを食している所、조지가 산낙지를 먹고있다]



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