About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


141219 Welcome Marta and BJ to Japan The 1st Day, At Odaiba [お台場오다이바], Tokyo

141219 Welcome Marta and BJ to Japan Odaiba [お台場오다이바], Tokyo

Guests: Marta (Ukrainian) and BJ (Korean)

Sightseeing Place: Odaiba [お台場오다이바]

Course: Haneda Airport – Tennōzu Isle – Odaiba – Shimbashi –Ofuna

The guests are the couple who offered my accommodation whenever I visited Korea in 2014.

Now it is their turn to visit Japan. Unfortunately, we could not offer our house for their stay, so I introduced a nearby hotel in Ofuna where my house is located.

It is necessary for Marta to get Visa beforehand, even though it was a short stay for sightseeing.

So I started taking procedures for the visa application almost two months ahead.

Happily she got the visa and I went to see them at Haneda Airport at 2 pm on Dec. 19.

[BJ and Marta at Monorail Station, モノレール羽田駅にて、모노레일 하네다 역에서]

We took a monorail from the airport to Tennōzu Isle. There we changed to the subway to go to Odaiba.

[In the monorail, モノレール内にて、모노레일 내에서]

There are artificial beach in Odaiba, and well-facilitated trail for walk.

[In front of Tennozu Isle Station, 天王洲アイル駅前にて、텐노즈 아일 역 앞에서]

There is a replica of the Statue of Liberty sent by French Government.

[At Odaiba Beach, お台場海岸にて、오다이바 해변에서]

[At Odaiba, お台場にて、오다이바에서]

[At Odaiba, お台場にて、오다이바에서]

It is much smaller then the one in NY (11 m vs 46 m, 9 t vs 225 t), yet it is nice to see the statute in Tokyo.

[Statue of Liberty at Odaiba, お台場の『自由の女神像』、오다이바의 '자유의 여신상']

[Statue of Liberty at Odaiba, お台場の『自由の女神像』、오다이바의 '자유의 여신상']

It was just Christmas season, and we also enjoyed seeing extra decorations including “crown-like” monument made of glasses.

We had a short break at a coffee shop at a Star bucks at AQUA CiTY ODAIBA.

[At Starbucks at AQUA City, アクアシティのスターバックスにて、아쿠아 시티 스타 벅스에서]

[At Odaiba, お台場にて、오다이바에서]

I originally plan to take them to “Oedo Onsen Monogatari(大江戸温泉物語)” a complex of spars in Odaiba. But it was not their taste, so I skipped this plan and went to their hotel in Ofuna.

The name of the hotel is “Fresa Inn Ofuna” and it is very close to Ofuna Station (a couple of minutes on foot).

After check-in, we went out for dinner. They wanted to have “Ramen” so I took them to “Yokohama Ramen” near Ofuna Station.

[At Ramen Shop in Ofuna, 大船のラーメン屋にて、오후나 라면 집에서]

They liked the taste of “Yokohama Ramen”, but it contained too much calory for me who is diabetic.

It was a bit surprise for me that all service staff members at the ramen shop were Chinese, including the sheff. So it is internationalization even in Ofuna.

I went home after the dinner, leaving the young couple to enjoy the 1st night in Japan for themselves.

PS: Ukraine reminded me several things. Among them, one of the greatest “Yokozuna” wrestlers “Taiho (大鵬) Koki” was a son of Ukrainian father.

It is described as follows in Wikipedia:


Kōki was born on the island of Sakhalin (Karafuto Prefecture) to a Japanese mother Kiyo Naya and an ethnic Ukrainian father Markiyan Boryshko who had fled the Bolshevik Revolution.

However, he is regarded as having come from Teshikaga, Hokkaidō, where he moved to as a child after the Soviet Union took control of Sakhalin in 1945.

While on a sumo tour to the Soviet Union in 1965 he tried to locate his father, but without success.

Taihō was the first of three great yokozuna who all hailed from Hokkaidō, the most northerly of the main islands of Japan, and who among them dominated sumo during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

The others were Kitanoumi and Chiyonofuji.



分類:観光案内(Sightseeing Guide)










[BJ and Marta at Monorail Station, モノレール羽田駅にて、모노레일 하네다 역에서]



[Tennozu Isle Station、天王洲アイル駅、텐노즈 아일 역]


[At Odaiba Beach, お台場海岸にて、오다이바 해변에서]

[At Odaiba, お台場にて、오다이바에서]

[Statue of Liberty at Odaiba, お台場の『自由の女神像』、오다이바의 '자유의 여신상']

[Statue of Liberty at Odaiba, お台場の『自由の女神像』、오다이바의 '자유의 여신상']


[At Starbucks at AQUA City, アクアシティのスターバックスにて、아쿠아 시티 스타 벅스에서]


[At Odaiba, お台場にて、오다이바에서]




[At Ramen Shop in Ofuna, 大船のラーメン屋にて、오후나 라면 집에서]






大鵬の父、マルキャン・ボリシコ(Маркіян Боришко, 1885/88年 - 1960年11月15日)は、帝政ロシア時代のウクライナ東部ハリコフ県出身でサハリン州(樺太)に在住したウクライナ系ロシア人である。(Wikipedia)





再婚相手とは大鵬が10歳の時に離婚したため、大鵬は納谷姓に戻った。 中学校卒業後は一般の同世代の若者と同じ中卒金の卵として北海道弟子屈高等学校の定時制に通いながら林野庁関係の仕事をしていたが、1956年(昭和31年)に二所ノ関一行が訓子府町へ巡業に来た時に紹介され、高校を中途退学して入門した。


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