About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Sydney Report #5 “Health Problem”and “Medical Service”シドニーレポート第5号 健康と医療サービス(건강과 의료 서비스)

Sydney Report #5 “Health Problem”and “Medical Service”

“Definition of Health”

According to the Constitution of World Health Organization, “Health is a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

I read the following statement, “In our lives, health is not everything, but if you lose your health you lose everything.”

As for me, I believe in the above statement seriously. This is because my parents were not healthy when I was in the middle of teens. And I witnessed many close relatives and friends not happy because of bad health situation.

I found myself diabetic when I was late 20s. During my stay in Korea (May 2003 – March 2014), I had medication for both diabetic and high blood presser.

That was a big factor why I began hiking constantly.

When I returned to Japan from Korea, I tried to keep my eyes to what I eat/drink (not to take too much calories) but it is difficult because of too many temptations.

In Sydney, it is rather easy not to give in to temptations, because I live with my first son and his wife (who are Christians) and this time with my wife.

When I took a blood test in September (2 weeks after we arrived in Sydney), my Ha1c was 8.1. There months later, it was 6.6!

I also lost my wight with 5 kg from 65 kg to 60 kg. (My BMI is 21)

Since I got permanent visa, I got “Senior Card”, “Medicard”, and“Snior Opal Card.”

[Opal Card is a rechargeable contactless smart card used for trains, buses and subways in Sydney area. With Senor Opal Card”owners and use these transportation systems by being charged up to 2.5 Australian dallors (about 250 yen.)]

When I use medical services, I use this “Medicard”and seeing GPs (General Practioners” cost nothing including blood test.

When you see “Specialists” such as an ophthmologist (eye-doctor) or a pedicurist (foot doctor), it was also free. But it might be charged depend on “Specialists,”I was warned.

As for mental and spiritual well-being, and also “social” well-being, human relationship plays the most important role.

It is really good if your human relationships are good among family members, and among socical groups.

We all go to church together, although my wife is not a believer. Yet we develop our relationships with other people, staring from at church.

During the four months, we expanded to several social groups such as a community choir group, Japanese choir group (Sydney Sakura Choirs), Tai Chi Practice Group (Japanese Social Group) and my case, two different Korean hikers groups and Ukulele class as well as men’s Bible Class while my wife explored to social dance groups.

During the 4 months, I went to Blue Mountains twice a week, and Sydney Bay trekking courses, and Lane Cove National Park.

I walked average 12 km, 18,000 steps and 50 floors per day.

We shall go home in Japan, soon. We hope we can come back to Sydney next July/August, and we hope we can stay longer than 6 months next time.


シドニーレポート第5号 健康と医療サービス






こちらへ来ても定期的にかかりつけの医者(General Practioner)の診療を受け、助言に従って生活している。




[「オパールカード」とは「Suica Card」のような交通カードで、電車、バス、地下鉄、シドニーのフェリーなどに利用できる。シニア用のオパールカードはこれらの交通機関を適用区域内なら何度でもどこまででも1日2.5ドルで利用できる。ちなみに私の住むチャッツウッドからブルーマウンテンズのどの駅でも往復5時間かかるが、1日の料金は2.5ドルで頭打ちとなる。]











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