About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


Sydney Report No. 12 "Spring Holidays and Mulberry Picking” シドニーレポート12号 「10月の春休み」と「桑の実採り」"10 월의 봄 방학"과 "오디 따기"

Sydney Report No. 12 "Spring Holidays and Mulberry Picking”

It’s already 2 month-and-half passed since I came to Sydney on August 1.

For the first two months, we had fine weather every day. I read a web news which said Australia had been suffering the worst drought in 50 years.

But in October, we have quite a few rainy days. I even wondered that they had “rainy season” at least, in Sydney.

Yet, I keep bush walking even we have a little rain. I constantly go to Blue Mountains twice a week every week.

In October, they have spring school holidays in NSW, so I took our third and only grandson to Blue Mountains twice during his spring holidays.

[Noah in front of a weeping cherry, ヤエザクラの前で、천엽벚나무 앞에서 손자"노아"]

Our grandson, Noah likes computer games and reading, rather than going out and play outdoors. So my daughter-in-law, his mother gets worried about his health, or balance between indoor and outdoor activities and asked me to go hiking with him.

[Mr. Yoon and Noah, ユンさんと孫のノア、윤 씨와 손자 노아]

When Noah and I go together for hiking, he walks much fast, so I made him wait for me. I took him to Wentworth Falls, and Leura Forest in Blue Mountains, and he adjusted his pace well this time.

[Double cherry blossoms in Leura, ルーラのヤエザクラ、"룰라"의 천옆벚나무]

From Chatswood where we live, to Blue Mountains area, it takes 2 hours and half by train. It takes 5 hours for a round trip whenever I go to Blue Mountains. We read a lot of books on the train (I use kindle every time.)

[In front of Leura Cascade, ルーラ・カスケードの前で、룰라 폭포 앞에서]

There is a middle sized city called “Penrith” on our way to Blue Mountains. Actually it locates at the edge of Sydney region along the Nepeon River.

[Mulberry trees at Penrith, ペンリスの桑の木、펜리스의 뽕나무]

There is a reserve area along the river. And there are a lot of mulberry trees in the reserve. One of my hiking friends who lives in Penrith told me that these mulberry trees bore a lot of mulberries last year. He guided me to the place and I picked up quite a lot of mulberries last year.

[Mulberries in a plastic bag (2.6 kg), 収穫した桑の実(2.6kg)、수확 한 오디 (2.6kg)]

So, early in October, I visited the reserve area with a lot of mulberry trees alone. I did find a lot of mulberries ripe enough to eat. I picked up 4.6 kg of mulberries for my first picking day.

Last week, my daughter-in-law drove my wife and me, and her 2 small kids and we visited the reserve with some stools. If we stepped on the stools, we could pick up mulberries much easily I thought. I was right. We began picking up mulberries, then about 30 minutes later, suddenly it began to rain dogs and cats all of the sudden.

We ran into the car, but it was a lot of fun. Mulberry picking was so effective with stools, so we could pick about the same amount within 30 minutes.as I did alone for two hours a week ago.

We can make mulberry jam and eat with bread, yogurt and ice-ream. And more important for me, I can cook young mulberry leaves and eat them with vinegar-soy source as one of side dishes when I eat brawn rice porridge as my regular diet. Eating mulberry leaves makes my blood-sugar rate low.

I hope hiking and picking up mulberry experience will be some good memories for my grandchildren.

[Noah at the bottom of Wentworth Falls, ウェントワース滝底にて、웬트워스 폭포 아래에서 손자 "노아"]



シドニーレポート12号 「10月の春休み」と「桑の実採り」






[Noah in front of "Weeping Rock", 「ウィーピングロック」の前で、"슬피 록" 앞에서 손자"노아"]


[With Mr. Yoon at Wentworth Falls, ユンさんとウェントワース・フォールズにて、윤씨와 웬트워스 폴스즈에서]


[Double cherry blossoms in Leura, ルーラのヤエザクラ、"룰라"의 천옆벚나무]


[At Leura Forest, 「ルーラの森」にて、"룰라의 숲" 에서]



この途中で、シドニー区域とブルーマウンテンズ区域の境にペンリスという地方都市があり、Nepeon Riverという境を流れる川のほとりの緑地地帯に桑の木の並木がある。

[Mulberry trees at Penrith, ペンリスの桑の木、펜리스의 뽕나무]


[Mulberry trees at Penrith, ペンリスの桑の木、펜리스의 뽕나무]






[Mulberries and our granddaughter, Lily, 桑の実と孫娘「リリー」、오디와 손녀 "릴리"]



[George at the bottom of Wentworth Falls, ウェントワース滝底にて、웬트워스 폭포 아래에서]


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