About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


KR (Kamakura Report) #3 “Oze National Park: Mt. Hiuchi (燧ヶ岳)and Mt. Shibutsu(至仏山)” 「尾瀬国立公園:燧ヶ岳、至仏山登山」"오제 국립 공원"

KR (Kamakura Report) #3 “Oze National Park: Mt. Hiuchi (燧ヶ岳)and Mt. Shibutsu(至仏山)”

Typhoon Faxai (No.15) hit Kanto area Sep. 8-9 and some of my guide helper works were cancelled because of the typhoon. Yet I worked 24 missions in September.

My wife flew in Kamakura from Sydney on Sep. 13 and she joined me enjoining lives in Japan now.

As for my hobby life; climbing mountains, I went to Oze National Park (9/3 – 5) and North Yatsugatake Mountains (9/25 – 26) in September.

Here, I will report on hiking in Oze National Park(尾瀬国立公園.)

Just like my last hike in Mt. Okudainichi in Toyama Prefecture, it began with the bad weather.

I took the night bus on Sep. 3rd. There was thunder and heavy rain in Kanto area that day.

There was cloud-to-ground discharge in Yokohama, so I had difficulties to access Shinjuku Bus Terminal that evening.

I could manage to arrive on time of the night bus departure (22:20.) There were a few passengers, yet the bus arrived at Oshimizu (大清水) next morning on time.

[The 1st day in Oze: Mt. Hiuchi (燧ヶ岳2356m) 9/4]

The bus arrived at Oshimizu (大清水) at 3:45 a.m. I had early breakfast and began walking at 4 a.m.

Shuttle buses go to Ichinose (一ノ瀬), but of course, there was no bus service before 7 am. Fortunately it was not raining, and I walked for 90 minutes with head light.

[Shuttle Bus Stop at Ichinose, 一ノ瀬シャトルバス停、이치노세 셔틀버스 정류장]

When I arrived at Ichinose, the day broke and it took another 90 minutes to arrive at Sampei Pass (三平峠) from Ichinose entrance.

[The entrance of the trail, 一ノ瀬登山口付近、이치노세 등산로 입구 부근]

It began to rain at Sampei Pass and when I arrived Lake Ozenuma (尾瀬沼), it was raining heavily.

[At Sampei Pass, 三平峠にて、산페이 고개에서]

[Lake Ozesuma and Mt. Hiuchi, 尾瀬沼と燧ヶ岳、오제누마 와 히우찌가다케]

I took a temporary shelter at Chozogoya (長蔵小屋) lodge. I also visited Oze Visitors’ Center there. Then the rain was letting up.

[Original "Chozogoya" Lodge, 元長蔵小屋、원래 조우조 산장]

I began climbing Mt. Hiuchi by walking “Choeishindo(長英新道).” I found some bright-color mushrooms and a sleepy-eyed toad along the way.

[A mushroom along the trail, 登山路で見つけたキノコ、등산로에서 본 버섯]

[A toad I found along the trail, 登山路で見つけたヒキガエル、등산로에서 본 두꺼비]

There are two peaks in Mt. Hiuch; one is Manaitagura (俎嵓2346m) and the other is Shibayasugura (柴安嵓2356m).

[At the top of Manaitagura, 俎嵓(まないたぐら)山頂にて、마나이타구라 정상에서]

Manaitagura was a pile of rocks. There was no hiker but me. There was only a wooden pole on the summit.

[At the top of Shibayasugura, 柴安嵓(しばやすぐら)山頂にて、시바야스구라 정상에서]

From Manaitagura to Shibayasugura, I walked down for about 50 meters, then I climbed up the steep slope for another 50 meters. When I arrived at Shibayasugura, there were two lady hikers on the summit.

I could see Ozegahara (尾瀬ヶ原) field from the summit clearly. I ate a cup noodle and some “onigiri” for my lunch.

[Lake Ozenuma from Mt. Hiuchi, 燧ヶ岳からみた尾瀬沼、히우찌가다케에서 본 오제누마]

When I began descending the summit, I slipped and fell down. I took the trail called “Miharashi Shindo (見晴新道)” but it was really a bad trail.

[A thistle flower along the trail, 下山路のアザミの花、하산로 엉겅퀴 꽃]

The slope was steep and muddy. I slipped 4 more times until I completely came down to Miharashi area.

There are several lodges in Miharashi and I checked in “Ozegoya (尾瀬小屋)” which is located next to Ozegahara field.

It was 4 p.m. so I just walked 12 hours that day. I could take a bath in the lodge and supper time was at 5:30 p.m.

[2nd Day at Oze: Mt. Shibutu (至仏山2228m) 9/5]

Breakfast was served at 6 a.m. I had a good appetite and ate a couple of bowls of rice. I left the lodge at 6:30.

[Breakfast at the lodge, 山小屋の朝食、산장의 아침 식사]

I walked on wooden trails toward Mt. Shibutu. Oze fields are divided into two parts: Fukushima side and Gunma side.

[Mt. Hiuchi in the cloud, 雲がかかる燧ヶ岳、구름이 걸린 히우찌가다케]

Oze field in Fukushima side looked like less water than Gunma side. I like Gunma side where there are more “chito (池塘)” ponds with “Oze kohone (オゼコウホネNuphar japonica or East Asian yellow water-lily).”

[At Oze Field, in front of Mt. Hiuchi, 尾瀬ヶ原にて、오세가하라에서]

Probably because of unfavorable weather, a few hikers walking in the field. I passed by only a few hikers that day.

[At Oze Field National Park, 尾瀬国立公園内の尾瀬ヶ原にて、오제 국립 공원의 오세가하라에서]

[Mt. Hiuchi and "Chito" pond, 燧ヶ岳と池塘、히우찌가다케과 "지탕"]

I enjoyed nice views of Mt. Hiuchi when I looked back, and I also enjoyed viewing Mt. Shibutsu while waking ahead.

I reached at Yamanohama (山の鼻) after walking for about 90 minutes. Yamanohana is at the bottom of Mt. Shibutsu. There are several lodges there. I took a short break there, then began climbing Mt. Shibutsu.

[At Yamanohana area,山の鼻付近にて、야마노하나 부근에서]

The track leads to the summit of Mt. Shibusu was much better than those of Mt. Hiuchi. There was no muddy part and I could see Oze Field whenever I looked down.

[At the entrance of the trail,至仏山山頂に至る登山道入り口、시부쓰산 정상에 이르는 등산로 입구]

I reached at the summit of Mt. Shibutsu at around noon. There were several hikers, all together about 10 people.

[At the top of Mt. Shibutsu, 至仏山山頂にて、시부쓰산 정상에서]

I saw magnificent views of far-away mountains from the summit.

It took about two hours from the summit to “Hatomachi Pass (鳩待峠)” from which shuttle buses are available to Tokura (戸倉).

I was supposed to change buses but I misunderstood the bus stop for the direct bus to Shinjuku from Tokura.

The shuttle bus stop where I got off was not the bus stop for the direct bus to Shinjuku.

When I realized my mistake, it was after the direct bus gone.

I had to take a local bus to Numata (沼田) from Tokura. Then I took JR train from Numata to Ofuna via Takasaki (高崎).

My carelessness cost extra time and expense that day. I should be more careful when I travel next time.


KR (Kamakura Report) #3「尾瀬国立公園」









[The entrance of the trail, 一ノ瀬登山口付近、이치노세 등산로 입구 부근]


[At Sampei Pass, 三平峠にて、산페이 고개에서]


[Lake Ozesuma and Mt. Hiuchi, 尾瀬沼と燧ヶ岳、오제누마 와 히우찌가다케]

[Free Lodge of "Chozogoya". 長蔵小屋無料休憩所、조우조 산장 무료 휴게소]


[A mushroom along the trail, 登山路で見つけたキノコ、등산로에서 본 버섯]

[A toad I found along the trail, 登山路で見つけたヒキガエル、등산로에서 본 두꺼비]


[At the top of Manaitagura, 俎嵓(まないたぐら)山頂にて、마나이타구라 정상에서]




[A thistle flower along the trail, 下山路のアザミの花、하산로 엉겅퀴 꽃]




[A thistle flower along the trail, 下山路のアザミの花、하산로 엉겅퀴 꽃]





[Breakfast at the lodge, 山小屋の朝食、산장의 아침 식사]


[Mt. Hiuchi in the cloud, 雲がかかる燧ヶ岳、구름이 걸린 히우찌가다케]


[At Oze Field, in front of Mt. Hiuchi, 尾瀬ヶ原にて、오세가하라에서]


[At Oze Field National Park, 尾瀬国立公園内の尾瀬ヶ原にて、오제 국립 공원의 오세가하라에서]

[Mt. Hiuchi and "Chito" pond, 燧ヶ岳と池塘、히우찌가다케과 "지탕"]


[At Yamanohana area,山の鼻付近にて、야마노하나 부근에서]


[At the top of Mt. Ko-shibutu, 小至仏山山頂にて、코시부쓰산 정상에서]





[In front of JR Numata Station, JR沼田駅前、JR 누마타 역 앞]




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