About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


KR#4 “Typhoon Hagibis” and “North Yatsugatake Hiking” KR #4台風19号と「北八ヶ岳登山」# 4 태풍 하기비스 와 북 타케 등산"

KR #4 “Typhoon Hagibis” and “North Yatsugatake Hiking”

September in Kanto area was hot, just like mid-summer. And the aftermath of Typhoon Faxai remained for long period.

Then in October, another big typhoon hit not only Kanto area, but also Tohoku, or Shinshu, or Koshu areas, and the damage was much bigger than previous typhoon.

Compared in Sydney, we have lots of natural disasters in Japan. Yet, I went climbing mountains as I planned beforehand.

[Hiking at North Yatsugatake 9/25 -26]

I originally planned to go to South Yatsugatake where I could walk through summits from Akadake (赤岳2899m) to Iodake (硫黄岳2760m).

In order to carry out my original plan, I needed to use a night bus, arriving Minotoguchi(美濃戸口) entrance early in the morning, and just like my first day hike of Mt. Hiuchi(燧ヶ岳), more than 10 hour-hike to Mt. Akadake(赤岳).

Unfortunately, there was no night bus to Minotoguchi entrance during the weekday so I had to change my destination from South Yatsugatake to North Yatsugatake

[North Yatsugatake first day: Kita-yokodake (北横岳2480m) 9/25]

I left my house early on Sep. 25, and took the special limited express “Azusa No. 3” leaving Shinjuku at 7:30 a.m.

[Special Limited Express "Azusa", 特別急行列車「あずさ」、특별 급행 열차 "아즈사 "]

It was quite comfortable and I arrived at Chino(茅野) at 9:52 a.m. I took a bus from Chino to North Yatsugatake Rope Way Station, leaving at 10:20 and arriving the Rope Way Station at 11:20 a.m.

[The Rope-Way Station. 北八ヶ岳ロープウェイ駅、 북 야쓰가타케 로프웨이 역]

The rope-way is operated every 20 minutes and it took only 7 minutes to bring people to the summit station (2237m).

I arrived at the summit station before noon that day.

[At "Tsuboniwa" area, 坪庭の散策路にて、"쓰보니와" 산책로에서]

It was a beautiful day. I could see the magnificent views of mountains such as South Yatsugatake, South Alps, Central Alps, Mt. Ontakesan (御岳山3067m) and North Alps mountains.

Nearby the ropeway station, there is an area called “Tsuboniwa.”

“Tsuboniwa” is a nature park of lava plateau at the foot of Mt. North Yokodake.

[The sign of "Tsuboniwa", 「坪庭」の標識、"쓰보니와"의 표지판]

I reserved a lodge called “Shimagare Sanso (縞枯山荘)” for a night. It is close to Tsuboniwa (坪庭) (only 15 minutes on foot.) I left my bag and climbed Mt. Kita-yokodake (北横岳) without carrying my bag.

[Shimagare-Sansou Lodge, 縞枯山荘、시마가레 산장]

It took only an hour from the lodge to the summit of Kita-yokodake. It was an easy hike and I could enjoy better views from the summits.

[At the top of Kita-yokodake, 北横岳山頂にて、북 여코다케 정상에서]

Just like Hiuchigadake (燧ヶ岳) in Oze there are two summits on Kita-yokodake; one is South Summit and the other is North Summit. Unlike Hiuchigadake, these two summits are closely located, and the ridge trail is short and almost flat.

[A view from the top of the mountain, 山頂から見た南八ヶ岳、정상에서 본 남 야쓰가타케]

Anyway, I could return to the lodge at around 3 p.m. The supper was served at 5:40 p.m.

The lodge is 3 story-hut, not so spacious. There were a group of hikers from Nara prefecture(奈良県), 18 people, consisting of 13 ladies and 5 men.

Then an international group from Hong Kong, total 3 consisting of two men and a lady hiker.

Another group was a couple of 60s from Shizuoka prefecture (静岡県). I was only a single hiker among 24 hikers staying at the lodge that night.

Dinner was good at 5:40 p.m. The dining room was packed with people.

[Supper at the lodge, 縞枯山荘の夕食、시마가레 산장의 저녁 식사]

After the meal, suggested by Shizuoka hikers, I went out to Tsuboniwa to look up the sky full of stars.

I could see the milky way clearly and even a shooting star across the milky way.

I had a very nice sleep that night.

[North Yatsugatake 2nd day: Mt. Shimagare (縞枯山2503m)9/26]

The name of the lodge is “Shimagare Sanso” and the mountain I climbed on the 2nd day is Mt. Shimagare.

“Shimagare (縞枯れ)” in English is “wage-regeneration.” According to Wikipedia, it is called “Fire wave”


It occurs every 100 year’s period. Very interesting.

Anyhow, again by following the suggestion made by the couple from Shizuoka prefecture, I went out to see “sunrise glow” before breakfast.

[Before the sun-rise near the lodge,夜明け前の風景、새벽 전의 풍경]

Breakfast was served at 5:40 a.m. I went out for the early morning hike at 6 a.m. toward Mt. Shimagare.

[I left the lodge in the morning, 朝早く山荘を出発した。아침 일찍 산장을 출발했다.]

It took less than one hour from the lodge to the summit of the mountain. It was another easy hike.

However the summit was surrounded by trees and no good view at all. I had to walk more to the place called “observatory of Mt. Shimagare” that is only 10 minute walk from the summit.

[At the top of Mt. Shimagare, 縞枯山山頂にて、시마가레산 정상에서]

The observatory however is a rocky place, difficult to walk. It was windy and unstable to stand firm.

[At the observatory of Mt. Shimagare, 縞枯山展望台にて、시마가게산 전망대에서]

The views from the observatory were magnificent like those at Kita-yokodake; Peaks of South Yatsugatake, South Alps, Chuo Alps, Mt. Ontake and North Alps mountains.

After taking pictures, I came down from the observatory. Then I saw the Shizuoka couple coming toward the observatory. It is nice to go hiking together by husband and wife. I was envy of them.

I went down from Mt. Shimagare and walked toward Gotsuji (五辻), then the rope-way statin.

I took 9:40 rope-way to go down to the bus stop. The capacity of the gondola is 100, and I was the only the passenger.

[I was the only-passenger of the rope-way, 私は唯一の乗客だった。나는 유일한 승객이었다.]

The fee of rope-way is expensive. One way costs 1000 yen. Next time, I should walk down, not using it and save money.

It was my 3rd big hike with one stay at lodge this year, and I could enjoy nice views from the summits of mountains.

I could say it was the best hike among the three hikes, at least - weather wise.


KR (Kamakura Report) #4台風19号と「北八ヶ岳登山」












[A view from the window of "Azusa", 特急「あずさ」の車窓より、특급 "아즈사"의 차창보다]


[The Ticket Window of the Rope-Way, ロープウェイ切符売り場、로프웨이 매표소]


[At "Tsuboniwa" 「坪庭」の散策路にて、"쓰보니와" 산책로에서]



[At the top of Kita-yokodake, 北横岳山頂にて、북 여코다케 정상에서]

[A view from the top of the mountain, 山頂から見た南八ヶ岳、정상에서 본 남 야쓰가타케]




[Supper at the lodge, 縞枯山荘の夕食、시마가레 산장의 저녁 식사]







[Before the sun-rise near the lodge,夜明け前の風景、새벽 전의 풍경]



[On the way to Mt. Shimagare, 縞枯山山頂への登山路、시마가레산 정상 등산로]。


[The land mark of Mt. Shimagae, 縞枯山山頂の標識、시마가레산 정상 표지판]


[At the observatory of Mt. Shimagare, 縞枯山展望台にて、시마가게산 전망대에서]



[I was the only-passenger of the rope-way, 私は唯一の乗客だった。나는 유일한 승객이었다.]



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