About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


SR (Sydney Report)# 22 “A Bolt Out Of The Blue,” “The Move” and “New Life Under COVIT-19 Crisis in Sydney.” 「青天の霹靂」、「引っ越し」、「新コロナ感染拡大防止規制下のシドニーにおける新生活」

SR (Sydney Report)# 22

“A Bolt Out Of The Blue,” “The Move” and “New Life Under COVIT-19 Crisis in Sydney.”

“A Bolt Out Of The Blue”

The number of confirmed cases in Australia was rising day by day, and the government began to say; Avoid 3 Cs (“Confined spaces,” “Crowded places,” and “Close contact with people,”) in the middle of March, I walked 7 km from our share-house in Victoria avenue to the house of Mike Gartner, the leader of Bible Study Group in Burns Bay, I arrived a bit earlier than 10 a.m. when the study started. When I checked e-mails with my smart phone, I got “a bolt out of the blue” mail. It says as follows.

[At Wednesday Bible Study Meeting, 水曜日の聖書研究会にて、수요일 성경 스터디에서]

“Termination of share accommodation agreement at 113 Victoria avenue Chatswood"

“Dear Taiji and Kikuko, as per our conversation, the owner of the property will not be continuing my lease and so I will have to move out. I am writing to give you 21 day notice to vacant the above premises by 7th April, 2020.”

[The old share-house on Victoria Ave., ビクトリア通りの旧シェアハウス、빅토리아 거리의 구 쉐어 하우스]

We had been living in the share-house since January 2019. Since our neighbors in Room 5 moved out in December, we moved in Room 5, because it was a little more spacious and convenient, and we were happy about it.

Then only less than 3 months, all of the sudden, we got this announcement. You can imagine how big shock we got. But our agent wrote at the same note: I have alternative accommodation for you at 34 Albert Ave Chatswood. Please let me know if this is of interest to you.

So, we asked the agent to inspect the new share-house in 34 Albert ave that afternoon. It locates much closer to the station, and it has 7 rooms. The agent says that Room One is available and the rent is the same as the current one. Both my wife and I liked the new share-house, besides, we have not much other choices.

[The new share-house on Albert Ave., アルバート通りの新シェアハウス、알버트거리 새로운 쉐어 하우스]

It was really “A bolt out of the blue” but a phrase from the Bible also came into my mind.

1 Corinthians 10:13 New International Version (NIV)

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

“The Move”

My wife and I liked the old share-house at 113 Victoria Ave., Chatswood. We could enjoy spacious common space. I like the big common desk which I used every day. It was set at the big window from which I could see the spacious garden and a set of table and chairs under the roof of attached facility.

Our neighbors; Ari and Kenny are Spanish young couple. Kenny has a brother who often visits them and three of them used to have parties outdoors.

[Little party with our neighbors at the old share-house, シェアハウスの隣人たちと小パーティ、쉐어 하우스의 이웃들과 작은 파티]

Kenny and his brother own motorcycles and they often manipulate their machines together. (When they complete their job, they tried to start the engines, and that sound sometimes bothered us, though.)

[Little party with our neighbors at the old share-house, シェアハウスの隣人たちと小パーティ、쉐어 하우스의 이웃들과 작은 파티]

Ari and Kenny were also asked to leave their room. One evening we had a little party with a bottle of wine and some pickled cucumbers.

They may move to another share-house which the agent suggested. Anyhow our lives are full of “hello” and “good-bye.”

The agent gave us the room keys of the new share-house. I began to carry my things from old house to new house, little by little after the day of inspection.

D-Day was April 1st. My son together with his 2nd daughter, Anna, came to our old share-house by his car. Helped us by using car and tripped three times and our move was completed.

By the end of March, Australian cabinet put on the strict rules to prevent the spread of COVIT-9 viruses. No more than 2 people are not allowed indoor or outdoor, but activities related “move” are exception. When we move from old house to new house, I suddenly feel nostalgic about the old neighborhood.

There is a small park along Victoria Ave. and when I passed the park, I saw a lady (probably Chinese) practicing Taichi along with a fan in her hand.

[A lady practising Taichi in a park, 公園で太極拳を練習する婦人、공원에서 태극권을 연습하는 여성]

Our move was completed by noon on April 1, 2020

“Life in Sydney Under Mild-Lockdown in April”

Australia is one of the first countries which refused the entry of foreigners who came from mainland China after Chinese government locked-down Muhan city at the end of January.

Yet, the number of people who were confirmed as COVIT-19 infection had been increased rapidly until its peek of 460 nationwide as of March 28.

[New confirmed cases, daily count, 日々確認された新規感染者数の推移、매일 확인 된 신규 감염자 수의 추이]

The Cabinet imposed the strict measurements one after another like followings:

The following facilities were restricted from opening from midday local time 23 March 2020:

• pubs, registered and licensed clubs (excluding bottle shops attached to these venues), hotels (excluding accommodation)

• gyms and indoor sporting venues

• cinemas, entertainment venues, casinos and night clubs

• restaurants and cafes will be restricted to takeaway and/or home delivery

From 12:00am on 26 March, these restrictions were extended to the following:

• food courts (except for take away)

• auction houses, real estate auctions and open houses

• personal services (beauty, nail, tanning, waxing and tattoo salons)

• spa and massage parlours, excluding health related services such as physiotherapy

• amusement parks, arcades and play centres (indoor and outdoor)

• and so on (six more industries.)

And all churches are closed, and any social gathering indoor or outdoor, more than 2 people are banned on March 29.

Therefore, Sunday church services, as well as Wednesday Bible Study Meetings are conducted by utilizing internet service called “Zoom” this month.

I found this “Zoom” quite useful as my wife and I joined a local choir practice together. Moreover, this “Zoom” makes me possible to join even international study group, as I rejoined my old English study group in Japan.

[A screen of Zoom choir meeting, Zoomを使ったコーラスのミーティング、Zoom을 사용한 코러스의 모임]

It seems that the government’s strict measurement imposing successful. On April 16, Australian Cabinet issued Media Statement and it says;

“National Cabinet noted new modelling that has confirmed that measures put in place to suppress the virus have largely been successful in slowing and reversing the growth of cases in Australia to ensure our health system has the capability to manage the epidemic.

It is estimated that overall, Australia is currently detecting approximately 92 per cent of all symoptomatic cases, with each state and territory individually detecting at least 80 per cent. Australia’s point estimate when compared with other countries is 84 per cent, the highest reported detection rate globally.

Modelling shows the current effective reproduction number, Reff for Australia and state and territories. For COVID-19 suppression strategies to be effective, Reff (the number of people a single case infects on average) needs to be less than 1.0. Currently, the results look very encouraging.”

And it says the Cabinet agreed to extend 4 more weeks!

There are many points became clear about COVIT-19; Aged people and those who have poor immunity due to having chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressures, asthma, tend to have serious problem and easy to develop [Muhan] pneumonia.

So, first of all, I will avoid the contagion of the novel corona virus by keeping high level hygiene, while keeping or strengthen my immune system and having peace in mind.

a) Adequate exercise: I used to walk in the Blue Mountains, but it is difficult for a while. Instead, I walk nearby trekking courses. Fortunately, there are several attractive trekking courses so I walk regularly almost every day. My daily target is to walk more than 10 km a day.

b) Adequate nutrition: Now my wife joined my diet, brown rice porridge for breakfast, and lunch. Thanks to the self-isolation regulation, now we eat breakfast and lunch together every day. I am happy to cook miso-soup or “wakame” soup plus “ham & egg” for the breakfast, and for lunch my wife may cook carry and rice, or I cook hamburger or whatever available. I am happy to have more occasions to have meals together.

c) Peace in mind: We are aware that we shall die whether we survive this new corona crises or not. Now both of us believe the existence of the Creator of the world. A few years ago, my wife happened to listen to the messages of “Youtube messenger of Gospel” Mr. Goichiro Takahara. This year, we access a website, “The Bible and the Gospel”. https://biblegospel.org/ by smartphone and listen to the “backnumbers” of the messages from #1 to #1048. I am very happy that we both believe in Jesus Christ as our savior. Due to prevent the novel corona virus pandemic, all churches have been closed in Australia, but we can attend Sunday service by using Internet service “Zoom.” We join a local church service together with our son’s family and see each other through Internet. This is something good thing that this crisis brought to me.

The COVIT-19 pandemic has completely changed the world. We are not sure when this crisis will be over. May God lead us to the better world, I just pray.

Who ever predict that almost the whole international flights are cancelled? Who ever imagine the crude oil price in the future become minus? Who ever thought that Tokyo Olympic 2020 be postponed or even in the danger of cancellation?

We never know the world of tomorrow. Yet, I’d like to listen to the voice of infinitive. I’d like to enjoy the pleasures that God allows me to enjoy whatever the situation is.

Now I see silver lining under the cloud of COVIT-19 crisis. We have cleaner air than before. Maybe less CO2 because less flights and transportation movement. More importantly, we have closer relationship with our spouses.


SR #22



オーストラリアにおける感染者数が日々増加して、いわゆる「3密(密集、密着、密閉)」を避けるため、「ソーシャル・ディスタンシング」や「集会の自粛」が言われ始めていた3月15日水曜日の朝、私は10人程度の聖書研究会(BS: Bible Study)に出席するため、ビクトリア通りに面したシェアハウスから7km離れたバーンズベイのマイケルの家に向かっていた。

[At Wednesday Bible Study Meeting, 水曜日の聖書研究会にて、수요일 성경 스터디에서]


[The old share-house on Victoria Ave., ビクトリア通りの旧シェアハウス、빅토리아 거리의 구 쉐어 하우스]



[The new share-house on Albert Ave., アルバート通りの新シェアハウス、알버트거리 새로운 쉐어 하우스]

これまでは駅から1.5kmほど離れた、バス通りに面したいわば街の外れであったが、今度は駅から500m以内の街中の洒落た外装の家で、通りを挟んで警察署がある。この街、チャッツウッドでもっとも治安がよい場所かもしれない。我々は、新シェアハウスへ移ることにした。 急に住居を探さなければならない状況は、我々にとって「青天のへきれき」ではあったが、聖書にある「神は脱出の道を備えてくださる(第一コリント10:13)」を体験した出来事となった。




[Little party with our neighbors at the old share-house, シェアハウスの隣人たちと小パーティ、쉐어 하우스의 이웃들과 작은 파티]



[Little party with our neighbors at the old share-house, シェアハウスの隣人たちと小パーティ、쉐어 하우스의 이웃들과 작은 파티]





[A lady practising Taichi in a park, 公園で太極拳を練習する婦人、공원에서 태극권을 연습하는 여성]






[Daily change in total confirmed cases, 新規感染者数の総感染者数に対する割合の変化、신규 감염자 수의 총 감염자 수에 대한 비율의 변화]



[Comulative number of known cases since the 100th case, 100人目の感染者が発見された日から、指数係数的に増加するのに要した日数、100 번째 감염자가 발견 된 날부터 지수 계수으로 증가하는 데 걸린 일수] これを見ると心配になるのはわが故国日本の状況である。「緊急事態宣言」はレストランも食堂もイベントもあくまで自粛要請で、事業者に対する補償もクリアでない気がする。





A) 適度な運動。


B) 適切な栄養


C) 心の平安。







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