About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


KR #9 “Cotton rosemallow or Drunken Hibiscus mutabilis,”“Climbing Mt. Fuji,”“Oze National Park and Climbing Mt. Shibutsu”KR#9「酔芙蓉」「富士登山」「尾瀬ヶ原と至仏山登山」「취후유」「후지 등산」「오제가하라와 지불산 등산」

“Cotton rosemallow or Drunken Hibiscus mutabilis,”“Climbing Mt. Fuji,”“Oze National Park and Climbing Mt. Shibutus”

“Cotton rosemallow or Drunken Hibiscus mutabilis”

There is a pond near my house before I was born. Originally, it was a reservoir to supply water for rice planting to farmers' rice fields. It is "Yato Pond" as the local people call it.

When I was in elementary school, Yoshino cherry trees were planted around Yatoike. Today, the trees are probably 60 years old, and in the spring it becomes a beautiful cherry blossom viewing spot.

In April of this year, when I returned to Japan from Australia for the first time in three years, the cherry blossoms were already fallen. They became "Hazakura", but from around the end of August, I noticed that many beautiful white flowers about 10 cm in diameter were blooming around this pond.

I take an hour walk every morning before breakfast. At that time, I pass around Yato Pond halfway around, and there are many white flowers blooming just above eye level.

The color of the flower changes to a faint pink around noon. In the afternoon, when I pass by, the color of the same flower is even darker pink.

[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) in the morning, 朝のスイフヨウ、아침의 보용]

[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) at around noon, 昼のスイフヨウ、낮의 보용]

When I walk in the evening, the pink becomes even darker, almost turning red. It's like a flower turned red when drunk.

[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) in the evening, 夕方のスイフヨウ、저녁의 보용]

When I posted it in the line group, I was told that this flower must be "Suifuyo酔芙蓉". Indeed, when I searched with Google Camera, I got the answer that it would be 'Suifuyo' or “Cotton rosemellow or Confererate rose.”

[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) in the evening, 夕方のスイフヨウ、저녁의 보용]

The buds of this flower form a pyramid shape and bloom from the bottom. After the flower changes in a day, it withers away in the evening while remaining dark pink. And the next day another bud opens white.

It's now October, but there are still buds left, and according to what I heard on the radio, I can enjoy it for the rest of this month. However, the change in color of the flowers seems to be related to the temperature, and it seems that they will remain white on days when the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees Celsius this week.

Flowers of crape myrtle and rose of Sharon are also like cotton rosemallow, that keep blooming one after another.

“Climbing Mt. Fuji”

In July, I challenged Omote Ridge in Tanzawa Quasi-National Park. I had walked this trail many times, but I had been away for nearly 3 years, so I was not sure I could make it.

I took a 7:20 bus at Hadano and arrived at Yabitsu Pass at 8 am. I climbed on Mt. Ninotou, Mt. San’notou, Karasu Ridge, Mt. Gyojagatake, Shindainichi, then arrived at the peak of Mt. Tounotake at 2:30 pm.

I expected to see the gracious mountain, Mt. Fuji from Tounotake, but she was too shy and hided behind the cloud.

I walked down the Ohkura Ridge and arrived at the bus-stop of Ohkura at 6:50 pm. It took me a bit long time, but otherwise not a big problem. This encouraged me to challenge Mt. Fuji as my 22nd trial.

I went to Gotemba on the 8 of August. It was cloudy in the morning. I took 8:35 bus at Gotemba station which arrived at 9:35 at the 5th station of Subashiri route.

[A pair of huge sandal at Gotemba Station, 御殿場駅の巨大な「わらじ」、고텐바 역의 거대한 "와라지"]

There are 4 main routes to the top of Mt. Fuji. I walked all of them and I like this route the best because I can enjoy the nature for long time (up to nearly the 7th station, while other courses, mostly up to the 6th station.)

[Trail at the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji, 須走五合目付近の登山路、후지산 스바시리 오합목 부근의 등산로]

The weather was not too good, it was cloudy until 3 pm. For hikers, it was not too hot and good condition for climbing the mountain.

[A mushroom along the trail, 登山路のキノコ、등산로 옆의 버섯]

As I expected, I could see many flowers and trees along the trail. Among many flowers and fruits, I liked wild-strawberries the most.

[Wild strawberries, ワイルドストロベリー、등산로 옆의 야생 딸기]

[Campanula punctata or spotted bellflowers, 六合目付近のホタルブクロ, 육합목의 초롱꽃]

When I passed the 6th station, it began to rain. It was not too hard, but it lasted for about two hours and I reached at the forest limit on the 7th station.

[The forest around the 6th station, 六合目付近の森林、육합목 부근의 숲]

When I looked back, I could see a beautiful rainbow.

[A rainbow I saw at the 7th Station, 七合目付近で見た虹、칠합목 부근에서 본 무지개]

I arrived at the mountain lodge named “Kami-Edoya” located on the 8th station at 6:30 pm. It was almost the time of sunset. It took me nearly 9 hours from the 5th to the 8th station.

[In front of "Edoya" at the 8th Station,本八合目「江戸屋」の前で、'혼'팔합목 「에도야」 앞에서]

You need to reserve the lodges on Mt. Fuji. I reserved before taking the bus in the morning. I was lucky to do so. When I checked reservation situation at the entrance of the trail at the 5th station, there was no seat at “Kami-edoya.”

[Supper at the lodge, 山小屋の夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]

The supper was provided at 7 pm. At this time, the sky was full of stars. I could see the milky way clearly.

There were plastic shields that separate each bed. The capacity of each lodge is much limited, therefore much comfortable than before. Before the pandemic, trails of Mt. Fuji were always crowded, or jammed especially about the 8th station. This time, no crowd or jams at all. I got up at 3 am on the 9th of August. I could see the Milky Way and constellations of Orion and Canis Majoris, etc.

[The sunrise I saw at the 9th Station, 富士山九合目で見た日の出、후지산 구합목에서 본 일출]

The only trouble was the temperature. It was too low (maybe 1 or 2 degree centigrade, but it blows hard and I felt so cold.)

[At the top of Mt. Fuji, 富士山山頂にて、후지산 정상에서]

I saw the sunrise at the 9th station. When I reached the top of Mt. Fuji, I felt so cold and gave up the idea of “Ohachi-meguri” or walking around the crater of Mt. Fuji.

Last time when I climbed Mt. Fuji was in 2018. I guided 12 Koreans (among them 10 were from Australia.)

Among 12, only 4 of them made the top of the mountain, and only 2, out of 12, could make “ohachi-meguri”then.

Anyway, this time, I hurried to walk down to the bus stop of Subashiri 5th station. It was 10 am. I missed the 9:50 bus. The next bus leaves at 11:45. Oh, no. I had to wait for nearly 2 hours!

[The down trail of "Sunabashiri" to the 5th Station. 須走五合目への砂走下山路、스바시리 오합목으로의 오래길 모래언덕]

So, while waiting for the next bus, I took an optional hike to “Kofuji (Small Mt. Fuji) trail.” It is a parasitic cone near Subashiri bus stop. It took me for about 60 minutes.

[The Holizontal trail to Mt. Kofuji, 寄生火山「小富士」への散策路、기생 화산 「코후지」로의 산책로]

[Lunch I had at the 5th Station, バスを待つ間に食べた昼食、버스를 기다리는 동안 먹은 점심]

After the short trip to Kofuji, I had an early lunch at one of restaurants near the bus stop, then I took the bus to Gotemba station.

Total walking distance for the day was 19.3 km, 28,767 steps and 42 floors.

“Oze National Park and Climbing Mt. Shibutus”

From September 12th to 14th, I went to Oze National Park. I took a night bus from Shinjuku to Oshimizu on Monday the 12th. There were only 6 passengers including myself on the 10 o'clock bus from Shinjuku Bus Terminal. Moreover, I was the only passenger who got off at the first bus stop, Oshimizu.

Arrived at "Oshimizu" bus stop at 3:30 am. Of course, it was before dawn, so it was pitch darl. After using the toilet with headlight, I walked slowly for an hour and a half under the moonlight on a vacant forest road and arrived at the Ichinose trailhead at dawn.

[Near Ichinose Trail Head, 一ノ瀬登山口付近にて、이치노세 등산로 입구 부근에서]

From the Ichinose trailhead, I walked along the river toward Sanpei Pass. The first time I walked this course was about 55 years ago when I was 20 years old.

[This sign says "Be Aware of Bear", 「クマに注意」の警告、'곰에 주의' 경고]

I took the local late night train from Ueno with some of my seniors at the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation and we got off at Numata station. We took a bus from Numata to Oshimizu. We began walking from Oshimizu.

["Ozenuma"and "Mt. Hiuchigatake", 尾瀬沼と燧ケ岳、'오제누마'와 '히우치게타케']

At that time, “Mizubasho (水芭蕉 or Asian skunk cabbage)” started to bloom and there was still snow. Also, there were a lot of hikers at the time of the climbing boom. This time it was out of season, so from Ichinose to Sampei Pass(三平峠), I didn't see any people at all, just a young deer crossing in front of me.

Whenever I walked this course, I used to climb Mt. Hiuchi (燧ヶ岳), then went down to Miharashi (見晴らし) Field, then checked in a lodge. This time, I began to walk Chou-ei Shindo (長英新道) but I felt pain in my legs and felt no confidence in my physical strength.

[Guideposts along Ozenuma, 尾瀬沼付近の道標、오제 누마 부근의 도표판]

So I took an easier course: Kojiri (湖尻) to Shirasuna Pass (白砂峠) and arrived at Miharashi Field at 1:30 pm. It was a bit early to check in, but I already walked for 10 hours that day.

Check-in time of lodges in Oze is 4 pm. But I could check in much earlier.

[The lodge, "Ozegoya", 「尾瀬小屋」山荘、"오제고야"산장]

Taking a bath time is 3:30, and Supper time is 5:30 pm.

Bath in Oze is not natural hot-spring but they heat nice water from Mt. Hiuch. The temperature was a bit high, I we needed to add cold water into the bath. There were 3 men taking bath before I entered the bath room.

There was only one place available for washing with tap and shower. I had to wait for my turn, but while waiting, the temperature became suitable to bathe.

When I entered the bath tub, two of the predecessors were out. I talked with the one remained in the tub. He said that someone witnessed a pair of bears, a mother bear and her cub at the skirt of Mt. Shibutsu. Such couple are most dangerous for hikers.

I regretted that I did not bring a bear bell. In stead, I had a potable radio. It might be all right if I listen to the radio by speaker. I went to the dinning room at 5:30 pm. Only two people can sit at each table. Solo hiker can use the table by him/her self. The menu for supper was a Hamburger set meal. I bought a large mug of beer and enjoyed the supper with the beer.

[Dinner table at Ozegoya, 尾瀬小屋の夕食、"오제 고야"의 저녁 식사"]

The cost of staying one night at the lodge with two meals was 11.500 yen + a mug of beer, 1000 yen.

Total distance for the day was 23 km, 34,810 steps and climbing floor was only 6 stories. Wow, so few stories I climbed. The exercise app did not count much for the long up-hill walk from Ohshimize to Sampei Pass. I had a good sleep that night.

Next day, 14th of September, I wake up 4:50 am. I prepared for the daily hike and had breakfast at 6 am. I was the first guest to enter the dining room. There were about a dozen of guests, but much fewer than last night.

[The breakfast at Ozegoya, 尾瀬小屋の朝食、산장의 아침 식사]

Maybe some of them already started their daily hike. I also started my walk at 6:30 am after the breakfast, and headed for Yamanohana (山の鼻) across the Oze Field.

[Mt. Shibutsu in the morning from Oze Field, 朝の至仏山、아침의 지불산]

[Oze Field and East Asian yellow water-lily, 池塘とオゼコウホネ、오제가하라의 개연 꽃]

It was a bit cloudy in the morning and I could not see Mt. Hiuchi nor Mt. Shibutsu, but I walked toward Yamanohana, it began to clear up.

Especially when I came to a pond where the reflection of Mt. Hiuchi could be seen well. It was a point of “Sakasa Hiuchi (逆さ燧).” I could see the blue sky.

[The reflection of Mt. Hiuchi, 「逆さ燧(ひうち)」地点、"거꾸로 히우치" 지점]

There are many wildflowers blooming according to seasons. In autumn, you can see a lot of flowers such as “Oze-kohone”or “Nuphar japonica”in the ponds.

Besides “Oze-kohone” I like purple color flowers of “リンドウor gentians” and “Torikabuto (トリカブト) or aconite.”

I found a cluster of “Mousengoke(モウセンゴケ” or sundew, a carnivorous species of flowering plants. They reminded me of the Blue Mountains trails where I had seen a lot of clusters. After walking for about 45 minutes, the sky was cleared and I could see both mountains quite well.

I arrived at the skirt of Mt. Shibutsu at 8:15 am. Then I began climbing Mt. Shibutsu at 8:30 am.

I noticed that there were many butterflies along the trail, and I saw a big larva travelling (creeping) across the trail.

You can have very good views above the forest line of the mountain. When I turned back, I could see magnificent views of Oze Wet Field and surrounded mountains.

[Mt. Hiuchigatake and Oze Field from Mt. Shibutu, 至仏山中腹からみた燧ケ岳と尾瀬ヶ原、지불산 중복에서 본 히우치가타케와 오제가하라]

A few climbers, single as well as small groups came from behind me and took over me.

I reached at the top of Mt. Shibutu almost at noon. There were more than a dozen of hikers in a narrow space around a stone monument of the mountain.

[At the top of Mt. Shibutu, 至仏山山頂にて、지불산 정상에서]

The upward trail from Yamanoha was one-way, only up, up, up. You cannot use as the downward trail. I saw several female hikers. They must be walking to the top from Hatomachi Pass and returning back to the pass.

Mt. Shibutsu is made of serpentinite rocks. Serpentite rocks are very slippery and you must be really careful not to slip. It took me more 1 hour from the top of Mt. Shibutus and Mt. Ko-shibutsu.

The views from the trail between two peaks were also wonderful that day. Slipping and falling may cause big problems for hikers so I was really careful.

[A view from the ridge of Mt. Shibutsu, 至仏山稜線からみた尾瀬ヶ原、지불산 능선에서 본 오제가하라]

I enjoyed walking down the trail, but I noticed that my pace of walking got much slower than before. Last time, I could arrive the bus stop at around 2 pm, but this time it was 2:30, and I missed 2:15 bus to Tokura. The next bus was 3:15, an hour later.

I used a local train from Numata to Takasaki, the Shinkansen from Takasaki to Tokyo.

I changed trains at Tokyo to Ofuna. I used the limited express, “Shonan” leaving Tokyo Station at 8 pm and arrived at Ofuna at 8:40 pm. I was blessed by God to have wonderful weather and esp. no accident and safe trip.

Total walking distance was 21.1 km, 32,235 steps, and 54 floors a day.







[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) in the morning, 朝のスイフヨウ、아침의 보용]


[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) at around noon, 昼のスイフヨウ、낮의 보용]


[Cotton reosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis) in the evening, 夕方のスイフヨウ、저녁의 보용]







7月に丹沢国定公園の表尾根縦走に挑戦した。何度も歩いたコースだが、3年のブランクがあり、自分がどの程度か試してみたかった。 秦野発7時20分発のバスで、ヤビツ峠8時到着。二の塔、三の塔、烏尾根、行者が岳、新大日、塔の岳と縦走し、大倉尾根を下り、バス停には夕刻6:50到着で、ほぼ10時間要したが、大きな問題なく完走した。

そこで、4年ぶりに富士山に挑んだ。コースは4年前と同じ須走ルート。決行日は8月8日から9日。同行者はなし。 第1日目(8/8) 初日の天候は曇り。御殿場駅発8:35のバスで須走五合目着9:35。

[In front of a restaurant at the 5th station, 富士山須走五合目の茶屋、후지산 스바시리 오합메의 찻집]

[The Signpost near the fifth station, 五合目付近の道標、오합목 부근의 표지판]


[Wild strawberries, ワイルドストロベリー、등산로 옆의 야생 딸기]

[Campanula punctata or spotted bellflowers, 六合目付近のホタルブクロ, 육합목의 초롱꽃]

[The forest around the 6th station, 六合目付近の森林、육합목 부근의 숲]

[A rainbow I saw at the 7th Station, 七合目付近で見た虹、칠합목 부근에서 본 무지개]


[I arrived at "Kami-Edoya" in the evening, 「上江戸屋」に到着した、「우에에도야」에 도착했다.]


[In front of "Edoya" at the 8th Station,本八合目「江戸屋」の前で、'혼'팔합목 「에도야」 앞에서]






[The sunrise I saw at the 9th Station, 富士山九合目で見た日の出、후지산 구합목에서 본 일출]



[The map of the crator at the top of Mt. Fuji, 富士山山頂の地図、후지산 정상의 지도]



[The down trail of "Sunabashiri" to the 5th Station. 須走五合目への砂走下山路、스바시리 오합목으로의 오래길 모래언덕]


[The parasitic volcano "Kofuji", 寄生火山「小富士」、기생 화산 「코후지」]





[Near Ichinose Trail Head, 一ノ瀬登山口付近にて、이치노세 등산로 입구 부근에서]

一ノ瀬登山口からは水量の多い谷川に沿って三平峠に向かって歩く。私が初めてこのコースを歩いたのは55年前で私が20歳の時だった。 当時の電電公社の先輩たちと上野発の夜行鈍行列車で沼田で下車してローカルバスで大清水に着いたものだった。


[At Sanpei Pass at Oze National Park, 尾瀬国立公園の三平峠にて、오제 국립 공원의 삼베이 고개에서]


[The boadwalks and monkshood around Ozesuma,尾瀬沼付近の木道とトリカブト、오제 누마 근처의 목도(나무길)와 투구꽃)]

[The sign board of Shirasuna Pass, 白砂峠の道標、백사 고개의 표지판]


[The lodge, "Ozegoya", 「尾瀬小屋」山荘、"오제고야"산장]





[Dinner table at Ozegoya, 尾瀬小屋の夕食、"오제 고야"의 저녁 식사"]


[The breakfast at Ozegoya, 尾瀬小屋の朝食、산장의 아침 식사]



[Mt. Hiuchi in the morning, 朝の燧ケ岳、아침의 히으치가다케]

[The reflection of Mt. Hiuchi, 「逆さ燧(ひうち)」地点、"거꾸로 히우치" 지점]



["Rindo" or Japanese gentian, リンドウ(竜肝)の花、용담 꾳]

[Oze Field and East Asian yellow water-lily, 池塘とオゼコウホネ、오제가하라의 개연 꽃]



[Mt. Hiuchigatake and Oze Field from Mt. Shibutu, 至仏山中腹からみた燧ケ岳と尾瀬ヶ原、지불산 중복에서 본 히우치가타케와 오제가하라]


[At the top of Mt. Shibutu, 至仏山山頂にて、지불산 정상에서]




[A view from the ridge of Mt. Shibutsu, 至仏山稜線からみた尾瀬ヶ原、지불산 능선에서 본 오제가하라]

前回はバスの時間を気にして走った覚えがある。今回は鳩待ち峠発13:45、14:15、15:15の3本をメモしていたが、結局鳩待峠に着いたのは14:30だった。 下山路では立派なアザミが目についた。鳩待ち~戸倉のバス代は1000円で、待ち時間中にハイボールを1缶買って飲んだ。15:45に戸倉のバス停に着いたが沼田行きのバスは16:07で、沼田から高崎行きの鈍行は18:02発。



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