About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120709 Taronga Zoo (タロンガ動物園타롱가 동물원), Sydney

Date: July 9, 2012 (Mon) Fine

Place: Taronga Zoo in Sydney

Course: Entrance (Pool for Australian wild birds) – Restaurant – Siberian Tiger – Zebras – Mountain goats – Chimpanzees – Reptiles – Koalas – Three-climbing kangaroos – Rustic Bridge – Skysafari

Partners: Hajime (my son), Noa (Hajime’s son), Mihoko, Hideko, Shigeko and K (my wife met on the plane to Sydney)

It became annual visit to Sydney for my wife and I ever since our son, Hajime married Louise in 1999, This year, my wife took 3 of her friends with us who came to Australia for the first time.

We left Narita in the evening of July 8 by Qantus and arrived at Sydeny in the morning. My wife met a Japanese traveler, K and became friends. K joined our trip to Taronga Zoo this day.

[Arriving at Sydney in the morning, シドニー空港へ着陸、시드니공항에 착륙]

My son’s home is in Chatswoods near Sydney. He took us to his home, first. My wife preferred to stay with our granddaughters at home.

[Morning tea at Chatswood, 息子の家でティータイム、아들 집에서 티타임]

My son took his son with him, and he drove to Talonga zoo by his car. Entrance fee is 44 dollars, but he used discount coupon (33 dollars for each), but 3 of us could enter the zoo by 31.5 dollars using senior advantage (over 64 years old.)

[In front of the Taronga Zoo, タロンガ動物園の前で、타롱가 동물원 앞에서]

[A pond near the entrance of the zoo, 動物園入口近くの池、동물원입구부근의 연못]

We arrived at zoo at 11:30. It took my son to buy tickets for 15 minues because of the long line. While waiting, we could enjoy seeing various kinds of wild birds in the zoo, just next to the gate.

[We entered in the zoo at last, ようやく入園した、드디어 입장했다.]

We had lunch together at the restaurant, then separated into three groups (my family, 3 women, and K) and began 2 hour-sightseeings.

[Mountain goats & Sydney Harbor Bridge, マウンテンヤギとシドニー・ハーバー・ブリッジ、염소와 시드니·하버·브릿지]

The interesting animals I saw were below:

- A Siberian Tiger which was walking fast between the glass window and the other side of his domain.

[A Siberian Tiger, シベリアトラ、시베리아 호랑이]

- Mountain goats which were on the steep rocky mountains.

- Chimpanzees, esp. one which picks up a box of drink in the pond and opened the box and licked its inside.

- Many defferent kinds of reptiles including poisonus snakes and fantastic lizards.

[A tortoise, リクガメの一種、거북이의 일종]

- Cute koalas climbing the wood in their domain.

[Koala bears on the wood, 木の上のコアラ、나무 위의 코알라]

- Kangaloos on the tree. (They were good at climbing trees!)

[A tree-climbing kangaroo, 木の上に登ったカンガルー、나무 위에 오른 캥거루]

[A bird which eating banana flowers, バナナの花をついばむ鳥、바나나 꽃을 쪼아 먹는 새]

- Rustic Bridge and the views of Sydney from the bridge.

[At Rustic Bridge, ルスティック・ブリッジにて、루스틱·브릿지에서]

- The Aquariam in which penguins were swimming rapidly.

[Penguins were swimming fast in the a water tank, 水槽の中を泳ぎまわるペンギン、수조 안을 해엄쳐 다니는 펭귄]

- Skysafari (ropeway) ride and the views of the zoo from the sky.

[The Sydney Harbor and Sydney from Skysafari, ロープウェイから見たシドニー湾とシドニー、케이블카로부터 본 시드니만과 시드니]

We ended our indivisual tours at 3 p.m. wne went back to Chatswood. On our way, we stopped at Sydeny Opera House and had a short vist.

[At Sydney Opera House, シドニー・オペラハウスの前で、시드니·오페라·하우스 앞에서 ]

Also, my son drove K to his hotel in downtown and headed to his house in Chatswood. He had to send two of three visitors to their hotel (about 20 minuts-drive) after dinner.





コース:ゲート~レストラン~トラ~シマウマ~マウンテン・ヤギ~チンパンジー~爬虫類~コアラ~木登りカンガルー~Rustic Bridge~Skysafari

同行者:Hajime(運転)withNoah、Mihoko, Hideko, Shigeko, K青年


[Shopping at a supermarket in a town, 市内のスーパーで買い物、시내 슈퍼에서 쇼핑]



[In front of the Taronga Zoo, タロンガ動物園の前で、다론가 동물원 앞에서]


[A pond near the entrance of the zoo, 動物園入口近くの池、동물원입구부근의 연못]


[Zebras, シマウマ、얼룩말]

私は長男と孫の三人でトラ~シマウマ~マウンテン・ヤギ~チンパンジー~爬虫類~コアラ~木登りカンガルー~Rustic Bridge~Skysafariの順で廻った。


・ 息子が入園切符を購入するために列に並んでいる間に外部からみえる園内の池に憩っているペリカンなどの鳥たち

・ 最初の檻でみたシベリアン・タイバーの迫力。

・ 岩山の上に登ったマウンテン・ヤギ

[My son and grandson in front of mountain goats, マウンテン・ヤギの前の息子と孫、마운틴·염소 앞 아들과 손자]

・ 愛嬌のあるチンパンジー

・ 様々な種類の爬虫類

[A kind of lizard, トカゲの一種、도마뱀의 일종]

[A poisonous snake, 危険な毒ヘビ、위험한 독사]

・ 愛嬌のあるコアラ

[Koala bears on the wood, 木の上のコアラ、나무 위의 코알라]

・ 高い木の上に登ったカンガルー

[A tree-climbing kangaroo, 木の上に登ったカンガルー、나무 위에 오른 캥거루]

・ 由緒あるルスティック橋とそこから見るシドニー湾、及びシドニーのスカイライン

[At Rustic Bridge, ルスティック・ブリッジにて、루스틱·브릿지에서]

・ ペンギンが及びまわる水族館

[Penguins were swimming fast in the a water tank, 水槽の中を泳ぎまわるペンギン、수조 안을 해엄쳐 다니는 펭귄]

・ 動物園を一望にできるロープウェー(Sky safari)[乗車料は入園料に含まれていて無料]

[A view of zoo from the rope-way,ロープウェイから見た動物園、케이블카로부터 본 동물원]


[At Sydney Opera House, シドニー・オペラハウスの前で、시드니·오페라·하우스 앞에서 ]


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