About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


141024 Ridge Hike at Tanzawa Mountains (丹沢表尾根縦走 탄자와 앞쪽 능선 종주)

Mountains: Mt. Tounotake (Front Ridge of Tanzawa Mountains)

Date: Oct. 24, 2014 (Friday) Cloudy, then Fine

Access to the starting point: JR Ofuna – Ninomiya (Bus) to Hadano (Bus) to Yabistsu Pass

On the way back: Okura (Bus) Shibusawa (Odakyu) to Odawara (JR) to Ofuna (JR)

Partner: None

Trekking Course: Yabitsh Pass(ヤビツ峠) – Fujimi Bridge (富士見橋) – Ninoto (二の搭) – San-no-tou (三の塔) – Karasu Ridge (烏尾根)– Gyoshagatake (業者ケ岳) – Shindainichi (新大日) – Tonotake (塔の岳) – Okura Ridge (大倉尾根) – Okura Bus-Stop (大倉バス停)

Weatherman said it would be a fine day, so I went on hiking “Front Ridges of Mt. Tanzawa,”

I took Tokaido Line from Ofuna to Ninomiya, then took a bus to Hadano. There were many hikers waiting for the 8:25 bus to Yabitsu.

[At the bus stop in front of Ninomiya, 二宮駅前バス停、니노미야 역앞 버스 정류장]

Kanachu Bus Company set the 2nd bus for the bus as an additional extra-bus. I took the 2nd bus and could a nice seat.

[At Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠にて、야비쯔 고개에서]

[At Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠にて、야비쯔 고개에서]

Two buses arrived at Yabitsu Pass within 5 minutes interval. I began walking at 9 am.

[At Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠にて、야비쯔 고개에서]

It’s a 2-km paved road from the bus stop to Fujimi Bridge. I arrived at 9:25. The two “mountain girls” were walking before or ahead of me. I saw them all the way to Mt. Tounotake as if they were my company.

[A thistle, アザミの花、엉겅퀴 꽃]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]

[Fruits of Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima,ウラシマソウの実、"우라시마소우"의 열매]

The clouds covered the ridges from Ninotou, so I could not have good views along the ridge. Yet I could see many flowers with water drops.

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로 야생화]

Among them, I noticed there were “gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian). Most of them were closed, not blooming in the morning.

[At Mt. Ninotou, 二の搭にて、니노토에서]

[At Mt. Ninotou, 二の搭にて、니노토에서]

[Autumn color along the ridge, 稜線の紅葉、능선의 단풍]

They were working the construction works near Sannotou. There were also repairing the trails there as well.

[Sannotou Lodge, 三の搭山荘、산노토우 산장]

[Pieris japonica, the Japanese andromeda or Japanese pieris,アセビ(馬酔木), 마취목 ]

[A thistle, アザミの花、엉겅퀴 꽃]

While walking along the ridge, I could see nice autumn colors when it cleared the clouds.

[From the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로 야생화]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로 야생화]

At the rocky trails at Gyoshagadake, I was just behind the two “mountain girls” I saw at the beginning of the hike.

[From the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]

[Autumn color along the ridge, 稜線の紅葉、능선의 단풍]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Karasuo Lodge, 烏尾山荘、카라수오 산장]

[At "Karasuo", 烏尾山頂にて、카라수오 정상에서]

[Autumn color along the ridge, 稜線の紅葉、능선의 단풍]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[At Gyoshagatake, 業者が岳にて、겨자가타케에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

When I reached at Shindainichi Sheldter, it was 12:45 and I ate my lunch there. I ate “rice balls” and a cup noodle and drank a can beer. I had a symptom of asthma after having lunch.

[Lunch at Shindainichi, 新大日にて昼食、신다이니치 에서 점심]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]

I arrived at Tounotake (1,491 m) at 2 pm. I could see blue sky, but I could not see Mt. Fuji this time.

[Sonbutsu Lodge on Mt. Tounotake, 塔の岳の尊仏山荘、토우노타케의 선불산장]

[At Mt. Tounotake, 塔の岳山頂にて、토우노카케 정상에서]

[At Mt. Tounotake, 塔の岳山頂にて、토우노카케 정상에서]

I walked down the Okura Ridge all right. It took me about 2 hours and I arrived at the bus-stop of Okura at 4:30 pm

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]

While waiting for 4:52 bus, I talked with a group of hikers about our hike. They said they could see Mt. Fuji clearly at Mt. Nabewari, the western part of Tanzawa Mountains.

[A lodge on the down trail, 下山路の山荘、하산로의 산장]

[The gate to Hadano, 秦野の門、하다노의 문]

They said they were from Tokyo, Yokohama and Yokosuka. They got together at JR Odawara, and took Odayu and began walking at “Kenminno-Mori” or “Kanawawa citizen’s Woods” to Mt. Nabewari.

[Unattended vegetable shop, 無人の野菜売店、무인 야채 매점]

They went back to JR Odawara from Shibusawa Station of Odayu. So, I also took Odayu to Odawara, and went back to Ofuna from Odawara Station by JR. It was 8 pm when I arrived at Ofuna Station.




登山月日:2014年10月24日(金) 曇りのち晴れ








[At Hadano Bus Stop, 秦野バス停にて、하다노 버스 정류장에서]


[At Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠にて、야비쯔 고개에서]

[At Yabitsu Pass, ヤビツ峠にて、야비쯔 고개에서]


[At Fujimi Bridge, 富士見橋にて、후지미바시에서]


[Fruits of Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima,ウラシマソウの実、"우라시마소우"의 열매]

[Hikers in fog, 霧の中のハイカーたち、안개 속 등산객들]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]


[At Mt. Ninotou, 二の搭にて、니노토에서]


[At Sannotou, 三の搭にて、산노토우에서 ]

[A thistle, アザミの花、엉겅퀴 꽃]


[A statute of Ksitigarbha, 登山路の地蔵、등산로 지장 보살]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로 야생화]

[From the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]


[From the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]

[Pieris japonica, the Japanese andromeda or Japanese pieris,アセビ(馬酔木), 마취목 ]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Guidepost at Karasuo, 烏尾の里程標、카라수오의 이정표]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로 야생화]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Campanula punctata (spotted bellflower), ホタルブクロ、초롱꽃]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[At Gyoshagatake, 業者が岳にて、겨자가타케에서]

[Along the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[Lunch at Shindainichi, 新大日にて昼食、신다이니치 에서 점심]


[Lunch at Shindainichi, 新大日にて昼食、신다이니치 에서 점심]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]


[At Mt. Tounotake, 塔の岳山頂にて、토우노카케 정상에서]

[A bad of Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian),リンドウ、용담 꽃 봉오리]


[A lodge on the down trail, 下山路の山荘、하산로의 산장]

[The gate of Tanzawa, 丹沢の門、탄자와의 문]



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