About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


141027 Mount Kumotori (雲取山쿠모토리야마2017m) the First Day (雲取山登山記第1日目)

Mountain: Kumotoriyama (雲取山 2,017m) in Tokyo (東京都), Saitama Prefecture (埼玉県) and Yamanashi Prefecture (山梨県), One of One Hundred Famous Mountains in Japan (日本百名山)

Date: October 27(Mon) – 28 (Tue) Access: Ofuna – Musashikosugi – Tachikawa – Okutama (JR) – Kamosawa (Bus) [5.5 hours]

Hiking Course: Kamosawa Bus Stop – Kosode Norikoe – Mt. Nanatsuishi – Lodge Kumotori (5.5 hours)

Partner: None,

Since I got exited for this hike, I woke up at 2:30 am It was a bit early, but I prepared for the hike and took 5:45 train bound for Chiba.

I changed from Sobu Line to Nanbu Line at Musashikosugi. I went to Tachikawa from there.

I changed trains again to Oume Line at Tachikawa, and went to the terminal; Oume at 8:34 am.

[In front of Okutama Station, JR奥多摩駅前にて、JR 오쿠 타마 역앞에서]

Since the bus left at 8:37, I was in a hurry. It was full but I could take the last seat on the bus.

[Bus Time Table, バスの時刻表、버스 시간표]

The bus went on to Lake Okutama, and it arrived at Kamosawa Bus Stop at 9:30 am, almost one hour later.

[In front of the bus stop, 鴨沢バス停の前で、카모사와 버스 정류장 앞에서]

There were 7 or 8 passengers who got off at this bus-stop including myself. They all seemed to be heading for Mt. Kumotori.

[Lake Okutama near the bus-stop,バス停付近からみた奥多摩湖、버스 정류장 근처에서 본 오쿠타마 호수]

The entrance of the trail was above the bus stop. I walked along the paved road according to the guideposts, and there was an warning “Caution to Bears!”

[I began walking, 登山開始、등산 시작]

[At the foot of Mt. Kumotori, 雲取山の麓にて、쿠모토리야마 기슭에서]

[At the foot of Mt. Kumotori, 雲取山の麓にて、쿠모토리야마 기슭에서]

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山口、등산로 입구]

There must be thousands of bears in Honshu Island in Japan. I put small bells on my bag.

[The trail to the mountain, 登山路の開始、등산로의 시작]

[Abandoned lodge, 廃屋、폐가]

There was a gentle slope toward the mountain peak. The trail went through the woods of evergreen and deciduous trees.

[Along the trail, 登山路から空を見る。등산로에서 하늘을 보았다.]

[Broad-leaved woods, 広葉樹の林、활엽수의 숲]

[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]

It seemed that were more evergreen trees than deciduous trees. It was a bit dark under evergreen trees, and blight through deciduous woods.

[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]

[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]

One reason is autumn color. Deciduous trees turned red or yellow, while evergreen trees remained as dark green.

[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]

After walking for 2 hours, I came to the fork point for Nanatsuishi Mountain and “Roundabout trail” of it. I took the roundabout trail to the peak.

[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]

I felt hot while walking because I was wearing summer trousers. When I reached at the end of the roundabout trail, it became foggy and I went into the cloud.

[Autumn colors near the ridge, 稜線近くの紅葉、능선 근처의 단풍]

I saw a small lodge with zinc roofing but it was not the Kumotori Lodge. It was “Okutama-Yamanoie” which was operated by Okutama-cho (town).

[On the trail near the ridge, 稜線近くの登山路にて、능선 근처 등산로에서]

It seemed that I came completely into the cloud. There was no sunshine, and dark. I felt cold this time. So, I hurried my way to the lodge “Kumotori Lodge.”

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの眺め、능선로부터의 전망]

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの眺め、능선로부터의 전망]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Okutamagoya Lodge, 町営『奥多摩小屋』、마을 운영 "오쿠 타마 오두막"]

Then I came to the folk point again.The guide post showed that the upper trail was for Mt. Kumotori/Mitsumine, ad the lower trail was to Kumotori Lodge. So, I took the lower trail.

After a while, I kept walking along the lower trail, actually it was a roundabout, I saw a deer with graceful horns. Seeing upon me, it turned back and walked away. I chased him, but soon it disappeared.

[A sign of fork point, 分岐点、분기점]

For about one hour I walked from the fork point, finally I saw “Kumotori Lodge.” It was 4:10 pm when I arrived at the lodge.

[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]

There was a middle-aged man sitting at the front desk. I paid 7800 yen for a night with two meals. My roommate was a young man named Yoshiyuki Kamisawa who works at a automobile related company in Utsunomiya. He is quite friendly and we talked about hiking.

[Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘、쿠모토리 산장]

There was a relief of Juji Tanabe who introduced Okuchichibu mountains to the world about hundred years ago. (Jūji Tanabe (田部 重治 Tanabe Jūji, August 4, 1884 - September 22, 1972) was a Japanese literature scholar, teacher, and mountain climber.

[Relief of Juji Tanabe, 田部重治のレリーフ、"타나베 주지"의 부조]

The dinner time was at 6 pm. We went to the dining room together. He had a good appetite and required helping with “large size” of rice.

[At Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘にて、쿠모토리 산장에서]

Next to our table, a couple who were talking each other with sign language.

Our room for sleeping was rather spacious, but there was only a filament lamp. Mr. Kamisawa took his LED “lantern” which was much brighter, from his bag.

[At Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘にて、쿠모토리 산장에서]

They turned off the room lamp at 8:30 pm. The rest-room was apart from main building. It was a flush toilet, but Japanese style.

[At Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘にて、쿠모토리 산장에서]

When I went out for the toilet at night I could see the beautiful sky with full of shining stars.












[In front of Okutama Station, JR奥多摩駅前にて、JR 오쿠 타마 역앞에서]



[A huge hornet's nest,巨大なスズメバチの巣、거대한 말벌의 둥지]


[A map near the bus stop, バス停付近の地図、버스 정류장 부근의지도]

[I began walking, 登山開始、등산 시작]


[At the foot of Mt. Kumotori, 雲取山の麓にて、쿠모토리야마 기슭에서]

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山口、등산로 입구]


[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima,ウラシマソウの実、"우라시마소우"의 열매]

[Moss along the trail, 登山路の苔、등산로의 이끼]

[Broad-leaved woods, 広葉樹の林、활엽수의 숲]


[Conifers woods, 針葉樹の林、침엽수 숲]

[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]


[On the way to the ridge, 稜線への登山道にて、능선으로가는 등산로에서]


[The fork point, 分岐点、분기점]

[Lodge Nanatsuishi,七ツ石小屋、나나쯔이시 산장]

[Autumn colors near the ridge, 稜線近くの紅葉、능선 근처의 단풍]


[Autumn colors near the ridge, 稜線近くの紅葉、능선 근처의 단풍]

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの眺め、능선로부터의 전망]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[Okutamagoya Lodge, 町営『奥多摩小屋』、마을 운영 "오쿠 타마 오두막"]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[On the ridge trail, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[Sign for Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘を示す里程標、쿠모토리 산장을 나타내는 이정표]


[Shooting deer operation, ニホンシカ捕獲作戦実施中、사슴 포획 작전 실시 중]


[Arriving at Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘へ到着、쿠모토리 산장에 도착]


[Relief of Juji Tanabe, 田部重治のレリーフ、"타나베 주지"의 부조]


[Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘、쿠모토리 산장]



[A jetboil burner,ジェットボイル・バーナー、제트 보일 버너]



[At Lodge Kumotori, 雲取山荘にて、쿠모토리 산장에서]


水場は小屋の前の右手で飲み水が豪勢に流れっぱなし方式。雲取山荘0494-23-3338 1泊2食で7,800円

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