About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100403 GamAmSan (甘闇山:828m), Hapchon(陜川), GyongNam(慶南)

April 3, 2010(Sat) AhToSan No. 261st Hike to GamAmSan (828m) in Hapchon, GyongNam Province. (My 195th hike with AhToSan, and 16th hike in 2010.)

It was a super fine day. The chartered bus left Expo-South Gate at 7 a.m. and arrived at Daegi village at 10 a.m.

[About 40 people joined the hike, 約40人が参加した。 약 40명이 참가했다.]

Among 40 perticipants, there were only 2 foreigners, B (Mexican) and I. B bought a new camera, so he was eager to hike.

[At the first rocky slop, 最初の岩場、최초의 암석 지대]

GamAmSan locates just next to HwangMeSan National Park. It was really a rocky mountains, but there were not many hikers that day. One reason is it is not as famous as HwangMeSan. Yet it was challenging, and fun to climb rocks upon rocks.

[Members on the rock, 岩の上に立つ会員たち、바위 위에 서는 회원들]

The whole group became 3 small groups according to hiking pace. Top group, 2nd group, and 3rd group. B walked with Top group, but I walked with the 2nd group.

[The Hawk Rock, メパウィ(鷹岩) 매바위]

We did not see each other until the end of the hike. 5 and half hours later.
Top group made the peak of GamAmSan by noon, but the rest of us couldn’t. We had lunch on the big rock before GamAmSan.

[Lunch on the big rock、岩の上で昼食、바위 위에서 점심]

Afternoon hike was also challenging, but ridge hike was relatively easy because it was well facilitated with wires, ropes, and even steel steps.

[The steel steps, 鉄の階段、철계단]

The final peak was called BuAmSan (695m) then we descended to the village called “Igyo Maul.”

[The final peak, BuAmSan, 最後の峰・傅岩山、마지막 봉우리인 부암산]

The time difference of each group was about 30 minutes, each.

As for the tippuri party, they served spicy soup with big bones of pig. It was very spicy yet delicious. Both B and I enjoyed it with the rest of AhToSan hikers.

[After-the-hike party, ティップリは豚の骨汁、뒷풀이는 감자탕]



[B was eager to take pictures with his new camera,Bは新しいデジカメで熱心に写真撮影、B은 새로운 디카로 열심히 사진촬영]





[The top of GamAmSan, 甘闇山(カムアムサン山頂、감암산 정상]


[Steel steps, 鉄製の階段、철계단]


[Jindalle flowers at the skirt of the mountain, 麓に咲いていたチンダルレの花、기슭에 피어 있었던 진달래 꽃]


[Ume blossoms were in full bloom,梅の花は満開、매화꽃은 만발]



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