About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


DR #181 "Flower-viewing Party" and "White dandelions" in Korea

DR #180 “Flower-Viewing Party” and "White dandelions" in Korea

Spring in Daejeon has come with the flower of forsythia (or the golden bell-tree). We (AhToSan hikers) kept going to south of the peninsula for seeking “flowers” in the mountain.

I saw “Jindalle” or Korean azalea in Jindo (See my blog of March 6) for the first time this year. Then Jindalle has come toward north, little by little, and its peak was at YongChuiSan on April 10 (See my blog of April 10.) The whole mountain was covered with Jindalle.

This reminded me of a Japanese mountain song named “Bougatsuru Sanka.”

You can listen to this song by Youtube as below:


Its English version goes as below:
Banks of wild Azaleas are now in full bloom and at their best, Dying Taisen Mountain a deep, purplish red. And you, mountain-climbing men, look up at the mountain top, And you will surely feel that life is sweet as a mountain-flowers' heart.


Now the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Daejeon.

[Cherry blossoms along River Tandong, 炭洞川沿いの桜、탄동천가의 벚꽃]

There are several places famous for cherry blossoms in Korea.

One is Jinhae, GyeongSangNamDo. The navy base there is widely known as its cherry blossom festival in the 1st week of April.
Another is Yeouido, Seoul. It also holds Cherry Blossom Festival, this year from April 15 to April 19.

One big difference between Japanese “Ohanami” and Korean “cherry blossom viewing” is people’s behavior under the cherry blossoms.

Japanese people have “party” while Korean people just enjoy seeing the beauty of flowers.

There are several places in Daejeon for seeing cherry blossoms. But I never saw people having party under the cherry blossoms. They even do not “light-up” cherry blossoms during the night.

It seems that Japanese people love cherry blossoms so much that they take much longer time under cherry blossoms while drinking and eating even in the evening.

I used to enjoy “Ohanami” with KEC people at Genjiyama Park in Kamakura during the first week of April. I sometime miss such a time of entertainment.

[Magnolia, モクレンの花、목련의 꽃]

Korea people also enjoy cherry blossoms, but they can enjoy other flowers such as “Jindalle,” forsythia, magnolia, violet, dandelions, and “Ssariko” in Korean. “Ssariko” is very white, just like snow from distance.

[Violets, スミレの花、제비꽃]

Talking about “white” I found white dandelions on my way to the college. Since I had never seen white dandelions, it looked strange, and I enjoy seeing “white” dandelions.

[White dandelions, 白いタンポポ、흰 민들레]

DR#181 「韓国のお花見と白いタンポポ」





[Cherry blossoms in front of Currency Musium, 貨幣博物館前の桜、화폐박물관앞의 벚꽃]









[Magnolia, モクレンの花、목련의 꽃]


["Spiraea thunbergii" or "baby's breath spirea," 日本原産の「ユキヤナギ」、일본 원산 「유키야나기」]


[White "violet"? 白いスミレ?흰 제비꽃?]

[White dandelions, 白いタンポポ、흰 민들레]

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