About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100417 Udusan (牛頭山 우두산 1046m), GeoChag (居昌)、GyeongNam(慶南)

Saturday, April 17, 2010.

AhToSan regular hike #263(My 197th with AhToSan): Name of the mountain is Udusan (Bull Head Mountain). There are 9 peaks in this mountain. The main peaks are UiSanBong and SangBong which are twin peaks. They say it looks like bull head, that’s how the name came.

“UiSan” comes from the famous monk named UiSanDaesa(AD625-702) during Silla period (BC57 to AD935) because UiSanDaesa meditated on this peak.


It is not very far from Daejeon. The bus left at 7 a.m. and arrived at the foot of the mountain at 9:30.

The course was from GeoGyonSa temple – JangGunBong – UiSanbong –SangBong – MaJangJae – GeoGyonSa: 14 km, 6.5 hour hike.

This time I had a young companion from Japan. M came to Daejeon last month and began working with B at the same research institute.

[Young researchers of Japan and Russia, 日露の若い研究者たち、일러의 젊은 연구자들]

This time, another foreigner, D from Russia also joined us. Actually, D has been a good hiker, and he already joined AhToSan hike more than 10 times. D and M are also colleagues, and they are same age (27), youngest among AhToSan members.

It was M’s first hike in Korea, but he used to hike in Japan, so he did good job as the first hike in Korea.

This course was a bit tough because we did a lot of rock climbing, up and down from the beginning to the end. Hiking distance was also long. So, it must be hard for M, but he did good job.

The weather was super fine. Although I saw a little bit some snow, and ice in the mountain, it was warm enough to wear only a short sleeved shirt.

[A little bit snow remained, 少し残雪があった、조금 잔설이 있었다]

The number of participants was only 22, half of the last time. But most of them were familiar to me, so I could enjoy the hike and the whole trip, esp. with my new pal, M. Though he speaks good English, we talked in Japanese from time to time.

The “tippuri” was fried eggs with chestnut “Makkori.” I enjoyed both fried eggs and chestnut “Makkori.”

[Tippuri was fried eggs and chestnut "Makkori", ティップリは卵焼きとクリマッコリ、뒷풀이는 달걀부침과 밤 막걸리]

PS: The destination was recently changed from Maisan (Horse Ear Mountain) to Bull Head Mountain. (Maisan is famous for its cherry blossoms.) This is because Maisan area was prohibited for hikers in order to prevent “bush fire.” In my opinion, the precipitation of Korean peninsula is much less than Kanto area in Japan. So, most of Korean mountains are in danger of bush fire. Actually, I witnessed the certain area along the route of this hike was burned because of bush fire. All pine trees in the area were burned and the trees were all dead. I guess fire-fighters did good job to stop the fire in the limited area.

[Burned pine trees, 山火事のため黒こげになった松林、산불 때문에 흑 눌음이 된 송림]



[The mark says "Bull Head Mountain" 牛頭山の石標、우두산의 돌표]










[Lunch time, 昼食の時間、점심 시간]


[Tippuri was fried eggs and chestnut "Makkori", ティップリは卵焼きとクリマッコリ、뒷풀이는 달걀부침과 밤 막걸리]

[Cooking fried eggs, 卵焼き料理中、달걀부침 요리중]


PS: 今回の登山地は、元来、全北・鎮安の桜で有名な「馬耳山(マイサン)」の予定だったものが、干ばつによる山火事防止のため登山禁止区域に指定されため、急遽変更されて決まったものだ。韓国はすくなくとも関東地方にくらべ、降雨量が少ないようで山火事の恐れは常にあるようだ。今回の登山ルートでも1カ所山腹から尾根まで松の林がすっかり丸焦げになっているところを目撃した。

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