About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120807 Mt. Yatsugatake The 2nd Day, Yokodake(2,829m), Iodake(2760m) (八ヶ岳・横岳/硫黄岳 第2日目 야쓰가타케・요코다케/이오다케 /제2일째)

Hiking Date: Aug. 7 (Tue) Fine

Destination (mountain): Yatsugatake/Yokodake (2,829m) & Iodake (2760m)

Hiking course: Temboso (5:20) – Sansamine (6:39) – Yokodake (2829m)(6:57) – Iodake Sanso (7;40) – Iodake (2760m)(8:14) - Akaishinoatama (8:35) –Akadake-Kosen (9:50) – Minotosanso (11:50) – Minotoguchi Yatsugatakesanso (12:30) [14:55 bus – Shinjuku 18:30]

Partner: None

I got up at 4:30 and had breakfast at 5 am with the same hikers I had on the previous day.

[Breakfast at the lodge, 赤岳天望荘の朝食、『아카다케 덴보소』 산장의 아침 식사 ]

While having breakfast, I saw outside from the window. It was foggy, but while having meal, it began clearing up.

[The sea of clouds from the lodge, 山荘から見た雲海、산장으로부터 본 구름바다]

Mr. Sasahara from Chigasaki said he would climb Mt. Akadake, then would go to Yokodake, but I already climbed Akadake on the previous night, so, I soon left the lodge after the breakfast.

[Amidadake (2805m) seen from the lodge, 山荘から見た阿弥陀岳(海抜2805m)、산장으로부터 본 아미다다케(해발2805m) ]

It was a clear day. I found Mt. Fuji just left side of Mt. Akadake. It looked very nice.

[Mt. Fuji on my left and the lodge on my right, 左に富士山、右に天望荘、 왼쪽으로 후지산, 오른쪽으로 『덴보소』(산장)]

[Looking back "Temboso" and Akadake, 赤岳と赤岳天望荘を振り返る、

The trail from Temboso to Yokodake was along the steep ridge. There were many rocky places you have to climb and go down carefully.

[Looking back Amidadake and its ridges, 阿弥陀岳を振り返る、 아미다다케를 뒤돌아본다.]

[Akadake and Amidadake and the ridge connecting these two peaks, 赤岳(2899m)と阿弥陀岳(2805m)、아카다케와 아미다다케]

[The "jizo" and the ridge of Akadake, 地蔵と赤岳の稜線、지장과 아카다케 능선]

Yet along these trails, there were plenty of alpine flora. I could see even “Komakusa” which I saw in front of the lodge for the first time on the previous day.

The views from the ridge were also superb. Facing toward Yokodake and Iodake, the ridges looked nice, and when I looked back, I could see the peaks of Akadake, Nakadake, Amidadake and so on.

[A view of Yokodake fro the ridge to Sansamine, 三叉峰へ行く尾根から横岳を見る、삼차봉으로 가는 능선로부터 요코다케를 본다.]

[Rhodiola rosea (also Golden Root, Rose Root, Roseroot, Aaron's Rod, Arctic root, King's Crown, Lignum Rhodium, Orpin Rose), イワベンケイ(岩弁慶)、고산 식물, 『이와벤케이』]

[The ridge between Akadake (2899m) and Yokodake (2829m)、赤岳・横岳間の稜線、아카다케와 요코다케 사이의 능선]

I saw a group of young people on the way to Sansamine. They said they were students of Waseda university. They must be 20 years old or so.

[At "Daigonngen", 『大権現』(日本の神の神号の1つ)にて、다이곤겐(일본 신의 칭호의 하나)에서]

[A group of young hikers, 早稲田大学の山岳サークルの学生たち、와세다대학 산악 써클(동호회) 학생들]

[“Leontopodium japonicum”, known as “Usuyuki-sō” in Japan, ウスユキソウ(薄雪草), 솜다리]

["Hakusan-hatazao" and "Iwagikyo", ハクサンハタザオ(白山旗竿)とイワギキョウ(岩桔梗),고산 식물인 『하쿠산 하타자오』와『이와기쿄』]

I arrived at Sansamine at 6:38 and Yokodake at 6:57,

["The Queen of Alpine Flora",“Dicentra peregrine” or Japanese “Komakusa”, 高山植物の女王「コマクサ(駒草)」, 『고산 식물의 여왕』이라고 불리는 『고마쿠사』]

The weather was perfect, and the views were perfect.

[I arrived at Yokodake (2829m) at 6:57, 横岳(海抜2829m)に6:57に到着、요코다케(해발2829m)에 6:57 도착]

[A view of South Yatugatake from the top of Yokodake, 横岳から見た南八ヶ岳の展望、요코다케에서 본 남야쓰가타케의 전망]

[Akadake (right) and Amidadake (left) from Yokodake, 横岳(2829m)から見た赤岳(2899m)と阿弥陀岳(2805m)、요코다케(2829m)에서 본 아카다케(2899m)와 아미다다케(2805m) ]

[The ridges between Yokodake and Iodake, 横岳と硫黄岳の間の稜線を歩く登山路、요코다케와 이오다케 사이의 능선을 걷는 등산로]

I saw clusters of “Komakura” on the right side of the trail. People put nets to profect “Komakusa” from deers. The number of “Komakusa” was amazing. It must be thousands of the flowers there.

[The cluster of "Komakusa," コマクサの群落、고산 식물의 여왕 『고마쿠사』의 군락 ]

After seeing the cluster of “Komakura” I arrived at Iodake Sanso (Lodge). I had a short break and used the restroom there.

[The lodge named "Iodake-sanso" 硫黄岳山荘、이오다케 산장]

[Two wild birds found near Iodake-sanso, 硫黄岳山荘付近で見かけた野鳥、이오다케 산장부근에서 본 들새]

[The Komakusa Shrine near Iodake-Sanso, 硫黄岳山荘付近の『駒草神社』、이오다케 산장부근의 『코마구사 신사』]

Then I walked toward Mt. Iodake. The trail was gentle, not steep at all. There were many towers of small stones along the trail.

[At a cairn on the way to Iodake (Below is Akadake and Yokodake and ridges, 硫黄岳途上のケルンにて、(下は赤岳・横岳の稜線、아래는 아카다케·요코다케의 능선]

I arrived at the top of Mt. Iodake at 8:14. It was a gentle-hill like mountain, but I was surprised to fine a huge crater on the other side of the mountain.

[At the top of Iodake (2760m)、硫黄岳山頂(海抜2760m)にて、이오다케 정상(해발2760m)에서]

[The explosion crater of Iodake, 硫黄岳頂上の爆裂火口、이오다케 정상의 폭열 분화구]

Iodake literally means, sulphur mountain. It has a huge explosion crater and it reminded me of “Grand Cannyon” in US.

[A shelter on the top of Iodake, 硫黄岳頂上の避難小屋、이오다케 정상의 대피소]

Then it becae a bit cloudy and I began descending the mountain.

I arrived at Akaishinoatama (it literly means the head of Red Rock) at 8:35 and it was the end of ridge hike. I began walking in the woods.

[The descending trail to Akadake-Kosen (you can see Akadake & Yokodake behind the woods, 赤岳鉱泉への下山路(木々の合間に赤岳・横岳が見える)、아카다케 광천에의 하산로(나무 사이에 아카다케·요코다케가 보인다)]

I saw “Hoshigarasu” or “Spotted Nutcracker” on the tree. I could take a picture of it and I felt very happy.

[“Hoshigarasu” or “Spotted Nutcracker", ホシガラス(星鴉)、『호시가라스』고산에 사는 까마귀의 일종]

Now I headed toward Akaishi-Kosen the place I took a rest on the previous day.

[The descending trail to Akadake-Kosen, 赤岳鉱泉への下山路、아카다케 광천에의 하산로]

I saw rather many hikers coming up toward Iodake. Some of them asked me how I came that moring.

[“Pyrolaceae” or “Ichiyakuso” in Japanese, イチヤクソウ(一薬草)、 노루발과『이치야쿠소』]

I answered that I started Akadake and came via Yokodake and Iodake, they were surpized at my fast pace.

[A mushroom near Akadake-Kosen, 赤岳鉱泉近くて見つけたキノコ、아카다케 광천부근에서 찾은 버섯]

Well, it was a pleasant hike. I enjoyed every minute of the hike.

[At Akadake-Kosen (name unknown), 赤岳鉱泉にて(花の名前は不明)、아카다케 광천에서(꽃 이름은 모른다)]

I arrived at Akadake-Kosen at 9:30. There I saw a young couple of Westerners. I talked with them.

[Albert and Patricia from Spain, スペインから来たアルバートとパトリシア、스페인에서 온 알버트와 패트리샤]

They were Albert and Patricia from Spain. They said they took a month long vacation and trekking in Yatsugatake for a week or so.

I was surprised at the length of their vacation! Wow, a month-long vacation!

They said they were camping utilizing Bivouac shelter. Thus they can enjoy the nature economically.

Wow, how nice! I rembered the young woman who was camping alone at Gassan in Yamagata prefecture a couple of years ago.

Some of Westerners seemed very brave and well experienced.

I arrived at Minobe-sanso where I took a shelter against rain, at 11:15. I had lunch there and drank a delicious milk (200 yen).

[I returned to Minoto-Sanso at 11:15, 美濃戸山荘へ11:15に到着、미노토 산장에 11:15에 도착]

[“Lagotis glauca” or “Urupso”, ウルップソウ(得撫草), 고산 식물 『우룻푸소』]

I arrived at the bus stop in front of Yatsugatake-sanso where I slept for 3 hours on Monday, at 12:30.

The bus left at 14:55 to Shinjuku. I arrived at Shinjuku at 18:30.

This was my 41st hike for this year.





登山コース:「八ヶ岳復路」赤岳天望荘(5:20)~三叉峰(6:39)~横岳(6:57)~硫黄岳山荘(7:40)~硫黄岳(8:14)~赤石の頭(8:35)~赤岳鉱泉(9:50)~美濃戸山荘(11:50)~美濃戸口八ヶ岳山荘(12:30) 入浴とビール。バス出発14:55新宿着18:30




[Amidadake (2805m) and its ridge, 阿弥陀岳(2805m)とその稜線、아미다다케(2805m)와 그 능선]


[The lodge and Akadake (2899m),『赤岳天望荘』と赤岳、『아카다케 덴보소』와 아카다케]



[Mt. Fuji and the slope of Akadake, 富士山と赤岳の頂上付近、후지산과 아카다케의 정상 부근]

[YAkadake and the lodge on my back, 私の後ろは赤岳と天望荘、나의 뒤는 아카다케와 덴보소(산장)]



[“Campanula lasiocarpa” or “Iwagikyo”in Japanese, イワギキョウ(岩桔梗), 『이와기쿄』고산에 피는 도라지의 일종]

[“Leontopodium japonicum”, known as “Usuyuki-sō” in Japan, ウスユキソウ(薄雪草), 솜다리]

[Rhodiola rosea (also Golden Root, Rose Root, Roseroot, Aaron's Rod, Arctic root, King's Crown, Lignum Rhodium, Orpin Rose), イワベンケイ(岩弁慶)、고산 식물, 『이와벤케이』]

[“Dicentra peregrine” or Japanese “Komakusa”, コマクサ(駒草), 『고산 식물의 여왕』이라고 불리는 『고마쿠사』]


[The ridge between Akadake (2899m) and Yokodake (2829m)、赤岳・横岳間の稜線、아카다케와 요코다케 사이의 능선]


[The group of Waseda students at Sansabon, 三叉峰に到達した早稲田の学生たち、삼차봉에 도달한 와세다 학생들]

[The peaks of the South Yatsugatake from "Daigongen", 大権現からみた南八ヶ岳の峰々、다이곤겐(일본 신의 칭호의 하나)에서 본 남야쓰가타케 봉우리들]


[Akamine and its ridge from Sansamine, 三叉峰付近から見た赤岳とその稜線、삼차봉부근에서 본 아카다케와 그 능선]


[I arrived at Yokodake (2829m) at 6:57, 横岳(海抜2829m)に6:57に到着、요코다케(해발2829m)에 6:57 도착]


[The ridge between Yokodake and Iodake, 横岳から硫黄岳方面の稜線、요코다케에서 이오다케 방면의 능선]

[Waseda students on Sansabon (Akadake on right and Amidadake on left), 三叉峰の学生ハイカーたち(後ろは赤岳と阿弥陀岳),삼차봉의 학생 하이커들 (뒤는 아카다케와 아미다다케)]


[The cluster of "Komakusa," コマクサの群落、고산 식물의 여왕 『고마쿠사』의 군락 ]


[The Komakusa Shrine near Iodake-Sanso, 硫黄岳山荘付近の『駒草神社』、이오다케 산장부근의 『코마구사 신사』]

[The Komakusa Shrine near Iodake-Sanso, 硫黄岳山荘付近の『駒草神社』、이오다케 산장부근의 『코마구사 신사』]


[Botanical garden of alpine flora at Iodake, 『硫黄岳高山植物園』の看板、『이오다케 고산 식물원』의 간판]


[A cairn on the way to Iodake (You can see Akadake and Yokodake and ridges behind the cairn), 硫黄岳途上のケルン(後ろは赤岳・横岳の稜線、이오다케정상에 가는 길 도중의 돌탑(뒤는 아카다케·요코다케의 능선]

[“Reynoutria japonica f. compacta” or “Onoeitadori” in Japanese, オノエイタドリ(尾上虎杖), 『오노에이타도리』,호장근의 일종]


[At the top of Iodake (2760m)、硫黄岳山頂(海抜2760m)にて、이오다케 정상(해발2760m)에서]

[A guidepost on the top of Iodake, 硫黄岳山頂の道標、이오다케 정상의 이정표]

[The explosion crater of Iodake, 硫黄岳頂上の爆裂火口、이오다케 정상의 폭열 분화구]


[On the ridge between Iodake and "Akaishino-Kasira", 硫黄岳と『赤石の頭』の間の稜線にて、 이오다케와 『아카이시의 머리』 사이의 능선에서]


[A guidepost at "Akaiwano-Atama" or "Head of Red Rock", 『赤岩の頭』の道標、『아카이와의 머리』 이정표]


[The descending trail to Akadake-Kosen (you can see Akadake & Yokodake behind the woods, 赤岳鉱泉への下山路(木々の合間に赤岳・横岳が見える)、아카다케 광천에의 하산로(나무 사이에 아카다케·요코다케가 보인다)]


[“Pyrolaceae” or “Ichiyakuso” in Japanese, イチヤクソウ(一薬草)、 노루발과『이치야쿠소』]



[“Hoshigarasu” or “Spotted Nutcracker", ホシガラス(星鴉)、『호시가라스』고산에 사는 까마귀의 일종]


[Albert and Patricia from Spain, スペインから来たアルバートとパトリシア、스페인에서 온 알버트와 패트리샤]

[At Akadake-Kosen (name unknown), 赤岳鉱泉にて(花の名前は不明)、아카다케 광천에서(꽃 이름은 모른다)]



[The menu of Minoto-Sanjan Restaurant, 美濃戸山荘の食堂メニュー、[미노토 산장 식당 메뉴]


["Yatsugatake Sanroku Milk" was delicious, 『八ヶ岳山麓牛乳』はうまかった。『야쓰가타케 산록우유』는 매우 맛있었다.]

[Flowers near Minoto-Sanso (name unknown), 美濃戸山荘付近にて(花の名前は不明)、미노토 산장부근에서(꽃 이름은 모른다.)]


[I arrived at Yatsugatake-Sanso(Bus Stop) at 12:30, 八ヶ岳山荘(バス停)には12時半に到着した。야쓰가타케 산장(버스 정류장)에는 12시반에 도착했다. ]


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