About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121228 “Year-End Party and Welcoming George Party by Suzuei-kai” at “Benibana”

Date: Dec. 28, 2012 (Fri) fine

Place: Restaurant “Benibana” in Sakae-ku, Yokohama

Course: “Otoshi” or “appetizer”→ “Kanpai” or “toast” → Complete set of dishes → “karaoke” → “home-made cakes” → Song by the host → “group picture”

Kikko held the year-end party for her class (English and Dance) and made it as “Welcome-home, George” party just the same as she did last year.

They used the same restrant called “Benibana” in Sakae-ku, Yokohama, which is close to Ofuna where our house is.

“Benibana” means Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) which came to Japan from abroad in 4th or 5th century via “Silk-road.”

“Benibana” has been used as dyestuff and famous product in Yamagata prefecture. I wonder if the owner/cook of the restaurant, Mr. Shinosawa came from Yamagata prefecture.

[The entrance of "Benibana" 郷土料理『べにばな』入口、향토 요리 "베니바나" or "홍화"입구]

When my wife introduced me to Mr. Shinosawa, as her husband who is living in Korea, Mr. Shinosawa showed me a piece of paper on which a name of Korea is written.

[With Mr. Shinosawa, the owner of the restaurant, マスターの篠沢さんと、가게 주인인 시노사와 씨와 함께,]

[A name card of Prof. Lee, 李王基さんのネームカード、이왕기 교수님의 이름 카드]

He said that the Korean visited his restaurant with a Japanese. When I saw the paper, I told him that the name of Japanese must be “Taro Yamamoto” a Japanese Korean with whom I studied Hangul some decades ago.

I told him that I knew the Korean “Wang-kee Lee” and his friend, “Taro Yamamoto” because they were my friends.

What a small world! My wife happened to see a Korean family in the train. She spoke to the man, saying her husband was studying Korean language, and asked his phone number.

I called the man and met him at Yokohama subway station and took him to the study group called “Hangul-kai.”

The man’s name is “Wang-kee Lee” who was a visiting professor to Yokohama National University.

We asked Prof. Lee to teach us Korean language and he taught us while he was in Japan.

It was the year 1992-1993 and he invited us to Daejeon World Expo in 1993!

Prof. Lee became the dean of Mokwon University in Daejeon and he build a private museum next to his house in Gyeryong city, next to Daejeon.

Later, together with one of Yokohama Hangul-kai, I visited his home and the museum a couple of years ago.

Well, members of “Suzuei-kai” and my wife and I enjoyed excellent dishes which Mr. Shinosawa made and we enjoyed “karaoke” as usual.

[Kikko is making "Ume-wari" for members, 妻が『梅割り焼酎』を作っている。아내가 회원을 위해 "매실 소주"를 만들고있다.]

[A kind of "otoshi" or "appetizer", 『お通し』の一種、"오토시" or"전채요리"의 일종]

[The members of "Suzuei-kai, 『鈴英会』のメンバーたち、"스즈에이회'회원들]

[A group picture at the end of the party, 忘年会の最後に集合写真、망년회의 마지막 단체 사진]

It was a nice party and I enjoyed a lot.





コース:お通し→乾杯→コース料理→カラオケ→手造りケーキのお披露目→分配→マスターの歌→大合唱・記念撮影 参加者:鈴英会の皆さん12人





[Kikko and Mt. Shinosawa, 妻と店の主人、篠沢さん、아내와 가게 주인, 시노사와 씨]









[A kind of "otoshi" or "appetizer", 『お通し』の一種、"오토시"or "전채요리"의 일종]


[The members of "Suzuei-kai, 『鈴英会』のメンバーたち、"스즈에이회'회원들]

[A member baked a big cake, 会員が大きなケーキを焼いた、회원이 큰 케이크를 구웠다.]


[A group picture at the end of the party, 忘年会の最後に集合写真、망년회의 마지막 단체 사진]


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