About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121225 Christmas Day Trekking in Daejeon (Daedeok Science Road)

Date: Dec. 25 (Tue) Snow, then fine

Place: KAIST and ChungNam Univ. Back-Mountain (A part of Daedeok Science Road)

Course: KAIST Main Gate – KAIST Back-Mountain – KAIST West Gate – ChungNam Univ. Agriculture Building – Gazebo – Daejeon Observatory – Shinseongdong (2 + 5 km, 5.5 hours)

Partners: Mr. & Mrs. George Furst and Beebee, Michael (France), Eric (China), Ayla (Korea)

It began snowing on the privios night. Snow was still falling heavily in the morning. So Ayla called me when I was walking toward the observatory at 8 am.

[I began walking at 8 am, 私は8時にKAISTへ向かって歩き始めた。나는 8시에 KAIST을 향해 걷기 시작했다.]

Meeting time was at 10 am at KAIST Main Gate. Yet I left my studio apartment because it was snowing heavily.

[A group picture before the trekking, トレッキング前の集合写真、트레킹 전 단체 사진]

My hunch was right. It was – 17℃ in Daejeon that moring. Therefore it was completely frozen on the street. I had to walk slowly and it did take me 2 hours.

The weatherman said it would stop snowing in the morning, but it was snowing heavily while I was walking toward the main gate of KAIST.

I was very happy to see Michael, Eric, Ayla and Mr. & Mrs. George Furst in spite of this bad weather.

First we headed toward KAIST Back Mountain from the main gate. I saw a dozen of swans in the pond. So I began feeding them at the edge of the pond.

[George released Beebee at the pond, ジョージは池の近くでピピを放した。조지는 연못 근처에서 피피를 놓았다.]

When they began approaching to me, then Beebee came out of the bag of Mrs. Furst. As soon as Beebee rushing toward the pond, all birds flew away under the bring. Too bad.

[The birds flew away under the bridge, 鳥たちは橋の下へ逃げた。새들은 다리 아래로 달아났다.]

It was my first time to climb the hill within KAIST. There was an observation deck on the top of the hill. I like the view from the deck. We could see KAIST buildings and the Gapcheon River from the deck.

The trail was broad and easy to walk. We took a short rest at the gazebo on the hill.

I brought a lot of foods in my bag. It was a snack and fruits and a bottle of coffee. Mrs. Furst also brought German cockies. I liked the cockies, too.

[We had a short rest at the gazebo, KAIST裏山の亭子にて小休止、KAIST 뒷산 정자에서 짧은 휴식]

Then we walked down from the hill. It was close to the dormitory where Eric lives.

[At the guide-post on the hill in KAIST, KAIST裏山の里程標にて、KAIST 뒷산의 이정표에서]

[Ayla and Michael going down to the KAIST, 我々はKAIST裏山を下った。우리는 KAIST 뒷산을 내려갔다.]

[A map of "Mt. Eoeun-dong" 『魚隠洞山』or『KAIST裏山』の地図、"어은동산"or "KAIST 뒷산"지도]

We went back from KAIST back gate to KAIST West Gate. Then we went to ChungNam Univ. Agriculture Building.

[We walked from the back gate to the west gate of KAIST, 我々はKAIST裏門から西門へ向かった。우리는 KAIST 후문에서 서문에 걸었다.]

[At ChungNam Univ. Agriculture Building,忠南大農学館にて、충남대 농학관에서]

After taking another short rest at Agriculture Building, we began climbing another mountain, ChungNam Univ. Back Mountain.

This was exactly the same trail I took on the way to KAIST Main Gate. So I led the whole group.

We took the 3rd rest at the gazebo behind ChunNam Univ. It was rather cold that day. Beebee was shivering from the coldness.

[Beebee is shivering in her bag, ピピがバックの中で震えている、피피가 백속에서 떨고있다.]

After the short break, we continued the ridge walking toward Citizen Observatory. On the way, there was a second-story old watch-building.

[Michael and George coming down from the gazebo, 亭子から緩やかな坂を下るマイケルとジョージ、마이클과 조지가 정자에서 완만 한 비탈을 내려가고 있다.]

George Furst climbed the ladder inside the building, so I followed suit. The ladder was rusted and partically broken. Yet I climbed on the roof of the building.

[George and I climbed to upstairs, ジョージと私は2階に上がった。조지와 나는 2 층에 올라 갔다. ]

I asked Eric to take pictures of myself on the roof. This “mountain” is my regular training place. I was happy to take nice pictures of myself on the roof.

We continued to walk on the ridge. Finally we came to Daejeon Observatory at 1 pm. We took another group picture in front of the observatory.

[In front of the observatory, 大田市民天文台の前で、대전 시민 천문대 앞에서]

The trail from the observatory to the street was steep and rather dangeours without climbing irons. I was the only one who put the spikes on my trekking shoes. So I advised to take the road for automobiles, but Michael, the young French guy followed me.

[Michael is walking down the frozen trail, マイケルが凍った坂道を歩いている、마이클이 얼어 붙은 언덕길을 걷고있다.]

He used my sticks to balance himself. He used the sticks skillfully, yet he slipped twice until he safely reached at the bottom of the mountain.

It was the end of the hiking and we walked on the flat, yet frozen street to Shinseong-dong restaurant.

I suggested to go to “Keongil Shikdang” or “Big Street Restaurant where they serve “Cheonguk-jang” strong smell soup with fermented soybeans.

[At "Keungil Shikdang", 『クンギル・シクタン』にて、"큰길 식당에서" ]

Cheongul-jang smells like “natto” Japanese traditional food and I like it very much. Some Koreans do not like them because of the smell. Mr. & Mrs. George Furst love it like me. Ayla also likes it, but Eric and Michael did not like it.

They ate Daenjang-JJigae and/or Kimchi-jjigae and we all sartisfied having rice and many dishes accompanied by these main dishes.

After having blunch, Mr. and Mrs. George Furst, Beebee and Eric went back to KAIST Main Gate by taxi while Eric and Ayla took a bus to go home.

It was about 3 pm when I took Mr. and Mrs. George Furst and Eric to the taxi stand.

It was my 65th hike for this year. I began packing my things for the travel to Japan next day.









[I began walking at 8 am, 私は8時にKAISTへ向かって歩き始めた。나는 8시에 KAIST을 향해 걷기 시작했다.]





[A group picture before the trekking, トレッキング前の集合写真、트레킹 전 단체 사진]





[Beebee in George's coat, ジョージの懐に入ったピピ、피피가 조지의 품에 들어갔다. ]

Mrs. Furstが持参したドイツのクッキーもおいしかった。亭子で15分ほど休憩してから、エリックの寄宿舎のそばへ下山し、平坦な道を歩いてKAIST西門へ向かった。

[At the guide-post on the hill in KAIST, KAIST裏山の里程標にて、KAIST 뒷산의 이정표에서]

[A map of "Mt. Eoeun-dong" 『魚隠洞山』or『KAIST裏山』の地図、"어은동산"or "KAIST 뒷산"지도]








[George and I climbed up to the roof, ジョージと私は建物の屋根に上がった。조지와 나는 건물의 지붕에 올랐다.]



[Michael is walking down the frozen trail, マイケルが凍った坂道を歩いている、마이클이 얼어 붙은 언덕길을 걷고있다.]


[At "Keungil Shikdang", 『クンギル・シクタン』にて、"큰갈 식당에서" ]





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