About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140426 Hinatayama (日当山히나타야마404m)、Isehara-shi, Kanagawaken

Date: April 26 (Sat), 2014, fine


Public Access: Ofuna – Fujisawa – Isehara – Hinatayakushi

Hiking Course: Bus-Stop – Hinatayakushi – Hinata Bairin – Hinatayama – Hinata Bairin – Bus Stop

After attending Saturday Morning Bible Study, I went to Isehara for a light trekking.

There are two courses available from Isehara. One is to Mt. Ohyama, the other is Hinatayakushi(日向薬師).

[At the bus stop at Isehara ST. 伊勢原駅前のバス停、이세하라역 앞 버스 정류장]

There were many people heading for Ohyama. So, I quit going to Ohyama and took a bus to Hinatayakushi.

[Kumquat trees、キンカンの木、금귤 나무]

I visited this temple about 5 years ago. It was under repair construction.

[The guide map ofHinatayakushi, 日向薬師案内図、 히나타야쿠시 안내도]

According to the record which this temple holds it was founded in 716 AD by Gyoki, the high ranking monk in Nara Period.

["Yaezalira", 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

But no remains found inside the temple ground which dated back to Nara Period (710-794), so it was founded during the 10th century.

[A pretty wild flower, 綺麗な野草、예쁜 야생화]

It is recorded in the historical documents “Azuma Kagami吾妻鏡” that the founder of The Kamakura shogunate (Japanese: 鎌倉幕府, Kamakura bakufu), Minamoto no Yoritomo (源頼朝) visited this temple several times.

[Dandelion fluff、タンポポの綿帽子、민들레의 솜털]

[Flowers of iris, アヤメの花、붓꽃]

[Flowers of white wisteria, 白い藤の花、하얀 등나무 꽃]

[The guidepost of "Kanto Fureaino Michi",『関東ふれあいの道』里程標、"칸도 만남의 길" 이정표]

[Looking back to the bus-stop, バス停方面、버스 정류장 방면]

He prayed for the safe labor of his wife, Hojo Masako (北条政子) and recovery from the serious sickenss of their daughter Ohime(大姫).

I visited this temple after climbing Ooyama 5 years ago. That time, I walked from the opposite direction. So it was my first time to walk from the main street through the “Sanmon” or “Mountain Gate.”

There are two statutes of “Kongōrikishi (金剛力士)” or “Niō (仁王)” which were made in 1833.

[The statute of "Nio", 日向薬師の仁王像、히나타야쿠시의 금강 역사 상]

The main path was in the woods of big trees which reminded me of Mt. Haguro in Yamagata prefecture.

[The main path to the temple, 仁王門から見た参道、산문에서 본 참배로]

[Jizo statutes along the path, 参拝路の地蔵、참배로 옆 지장 보살상]

[The main path to the temple, 参拝路、참배로]

[A big tree along the path, 参拝路脇の巨木、참배로 옆 거대한 나무]

The main building of Hinatayakushi was originally built about 1200 years ago. They repaired the temple twice in a big scale.

[The notice of the major repair, 平成の大修理の告知、헤이세이의 대수리 공지]

The first repair was about 630 years ago. The 2nd repair was 350 years ago. Now this 3rd repair will be finished in 2017.

[The main hall was under the repair construction, 修理中の本堂、본당은 수리중]

[Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, 虚空蔵菩薩、허공장보살]

I went through Hinatayakushi and climbed a small mountain called Hinatayama.

[A guidepost at the entrance, 登山道入り口の里程標、등산로 입구의 이정표]

There was a plum orchard called “Hinata Baien” at the foot of Hinatayama.

[At Hinata Ume Grove, 日向梅園にて、히나타 매화 숲에서]

I took a short rest at the table in the orchard.

Then I walked a gentle slope of Hinatayama.

I saw a Japanese striped snake called “Shimahebi(縞蛇)” along the trail.

[a Japanese striped snake, シマヘビ、산무애뱀]

Then I came to the pass with a guidepost. From this point to the top of the mountain was only 500 m along the ridge.

[The trail on the ridge, 稜線の登山路、능선의 등산로]

I arrived at the top of Hinatayama at 11:49. I had lunch there.

[Near the top of the mountain, 頂上付近、정상 부근]

There was a small shrine made of stone. Benzaiten was enshrined.

[The top of the mountain, 日向山頂上、히나타야마 정상]

[At the top of the mountain, 日向山頂上にて、히나타야마 정상에서]

There were two groups of hikers there, but they were all whom I met during the hike.

[A guidepost on down trail, 下山路の里程標、하산 길의 이정표]

[Field mustard,菜の花、유채꽃]

[On the way to the bus stop, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

I went back to the bus stop via diffent trail from Mt. Ohyama via “Shirahige Shrine”

[“Shirahige Shrine”, 白髯神社、시라시게 신사]

[Kerria japonica,ヤマブキ(山吹),황매화(黃梅花)]

[Wisteria floribunda (common name Japanese wisteria)、フジ、등(藤, 참등)]

I came back to the bus stop a little after 1 pm.

I came back to Ofuna at around 2:30 pm. So, it was a light easy hike on a fine day.

It was my 4th hike in Japan in April.












[Arriving at Hinatayakushi, 日向薬師に到着、히나타야쿠시에 도착]


[The guide map ofHinatayakushi, 日向薬師案内図、 히나타야쿠시 안내도]


[A stone guide post, 石の標識、돌 표지판]

[A pretty wild flower, 綺麗な野草、예쁜 야생화]

[Spring of "Ishiba", 衣裳場湧水、"이시바" 약수]

[Flowers of iris, アヤメの花、붓꽃]

[Flowers of white wisteria, 白い藤の花、하얀 등나무 꽃]


[Explanation of "Ishiba", 衣裳場(いしば)の説明、"이시바" 설명 ]


仁王門へと上がる階段下辺りは「いしば」と呼ばれている。 源頼朝が日向薬師に参詣の折りに旅装から白装束に着替えたところで「衣裳場」と呼ばれていたが、「いしょうば」が訛って「いしば」となったという。


[The stone steps to the temple, 参道の石段、참배 길의 돌계단]


[The statute of "Nio", 日向薬師の仁王像、히나타야쿠시의 금강 역사 상]

[The main path to the temple, 仁王門から見た参道、산문에서 본 참배로]

[The main path of the temple, 参拝路、참배로]

[A jizo statute along the path, 参拝路の地蔵、참배로 옆 지장 보살상]

[The main path of the temple, 参拝路、참배로]


[The explanation of Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, 虚空蔵菩薩の説明、허공장보살의 설명]

[Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva, 虚空蔵菩薩、허공장보살]



[Ume Grove of Hinata,日向梅林、히나타 매화 숲]


[A guidepost along the trail, 登山路の里程標、등산로의 이정표]




[A guidepost on the ridge, 稜線の里程標、능선의 이정표]

[A big fir tree, モミの大木、거대한 전나무]


[The top of the mountain, 日向山頂上、히나타야마 정상]


[Near the top of the mountain, 頂上付近、정상 부근]


この時期は何処を歩いても花が多く、気持ちの良いトレッキングである。途中で韓国では「トゥングルレ둥굴레」と呼ばれ、その根っこを乾かしてお茶にする、「アマドコロ」の花を見た。ウィキペディアによると学名は"Polygonatum odoratum"と言い、"angular Solomon's seal" とか"scented Solomon's seal"とも呼ばれるらしい。

[Polygonatum odoratum, アマドコロ(甘野老),둥굴레]

[White dandelion, 白いタンポポ、하얀 민들레]

[On the way to the bus stop, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[“Shirahige Shrine”, 白髯神社、시라시게 신사]

白髯神社の詳細を説明するブログ:↓ http://5.pro.tok2.com/~tetsuyosie/kanagawa/iseharasi/sirahige/sirahige.html

[Kerria japonica,ヤマブキ(山吹),황매화(黃梅花)]



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