About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140502 Nabewariyama(鍋割山1,272m), Nishitanzawa, Kanagawa-ken, Japan

Date: May 2, 2014 (Fri) Fine

Course: Yadoriki – Roubai-en – Kunugiyama – Kurinokidou – Okura Fork Point – Mt. Nabewariyama – Tounotake Fork Point – Okura Bus Stop

Partner: None

Took a train leaving Ofuna at 6:04, changed trains at Kozu and arrived at Matsuda at 7:49.

The bus bound for Yadoriki left at 7:30, so I had to wait for 40 minutes there. I could not use the “Suica” card at Matsuda Station, because the railway companies are different! What an irrational system it is! They are in the same JR group companies!

[The map of main trails in Tanzawa, 丹沢の主要登山ルート図、탄자의 주요 등산로지도]

I rarely use Gotemba Line, so it was interesting for me to see the sceneris from the train windows. I could see the beautiful Mt. Fuji covered with snow very well.

[Mt. Fuji from the train, 車窓から見た富士山、차창에서 본 후지산 ]

Matsuda Station of JR and Shin Matsuda Station of Odakyu are very close each other.

The fare of JR was 760 yen. The bus fare was 520 yen, but it took only 20 minutes from Matsuda to Yadoriki.

[Near the bus stop, 『寄(やどりき)』バス停付近にて、버스 정류장 부근에서 ]

There were many carp streamers hanging over the Nakatsu River. It was just that season of “Koinobori (Carp Streamer).

[Carp streamers over the Nakatsu River, 中津川のこいのぼり、나카츠가와의 잉어 드림]

There were not so many passengers on the bus. It seemed only one hiker beside me; a young guy who seemed interested in seeing so many carp streamers, therefore he also took the pictures of them.

「Flowers on the wall, 石垣の花、돌담의 꽃 」

The trail to Nabewariyama was clear and big. But there was no indication of distance or time at all.

[Double‐flowered cherry tree,ヤエザクラ、천엽벚나무]

While I was climbing a gentle up-hill among the tea trees, I soon arrived at “Robaien” and I took a short break there. “Shibazakura (Phlox subulata)” were in full bloom and they were just beautiful.

[“Shibazakura (Phlox subulata)”,シバザクラ、꽃잔디]

There were wired fences on the trail, so I had to open the door in order to go through. There wired fences prevent deer to go through.

[Wired fence to prevent deer, 鹿進入防止柵、사슴 진입 방지책]

[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima,ウラシマソウ、"우라시마소우"]

There were almost no hikers until I arrive at Okura Fork Point. During the two hours, I met only a couple of hikers.

The trail went through the “Hinoki” woods and very comfortable. I arrived at Kunugiyama (810m) at 9:47.

[Near "Kunugiyama" 「くぬぎ山」山頂付近、"쿠누기야마"정상 부근]

[The top of "Kunugiyama" 「くぬぎ山」山頂、"쿠누기야마"정상]

I could not see good view on the top of the mountain, so I hurried to go ahead toward the next summit, Kurinokido (908m). I could not see good view either.

[The top of "Kurinokido",栗の木洞頂上、 "리노키도우" 정상]

After Kurinokido, the trail went down the steep slope. The bottom of the down slop was the junction from Okura route.

[A view near Kurinokido, 栗の木洞付近からみた稜線、"쿠리노키도우" 부근에서 본 능선]

There were many hikers from this route. It must be the route I came with Mr. Matsumoto and some Korean friends about 15 years ago.

[A ride trail near the top of Nabewariyama, 鍋割山山頂付近の登山道、나베와리야마 정상 부근의 등산로]

["Mamezakura" or "Fuji cherry", マメザクラ(豆桜), 마메자쿠라 (벚꽃의 일종)]

["Mamezakura" or "Fuji cherry", マメザクラ(豆桜), 마메자쿠라 (벚꽃의 일종)]

The slope from the junction was steep and jigzag trails. I saw “Asebi” and “Mamezakura” along the ridge. I also noticed “Jindallae”-like “mitsuba tsutusji” with soft pink color.

["Mamezakura" or "Fuji cherry", マメザクラ(豆桜), 마메자쿠라 (벚꽃의 일종)]

[Pieris japonica (Japanese andromeda),アセビ(馬酔木)、마취목.]

I arrived at the summit of Nabewariyama at around noon. I clearly remember the lodge which I visited with Mr. Matsumoto and some of my Korean friends 15 years ago.

[Nabewari Lodge, 鍋割山荘、나베와리 산장]

There were many hikers around the summit. The host of the lodge was selling “Nabeyaki udong” and many hikers were eating it. It cost 1000 yen, too expensive for me.

[At the summit, 鍋割山山頂にて、나베와리산 정상에서]

I ate my won diet, brown rice porridge and some other foods.

[Hikers eating lunch, 鍋割山頂にて、나베와리산 정상에서 ]

I took my won pictures using self-timer function at the guidepost of the summit.

Then I went on the trail toward Tounotake. From the junction near the summit of Tounotake to Okura Bus Stop, I took many times, every year.

[A guidepost on the summit, 頂上付近の里程標、정상 부근의 이정표]

[Hikers eating lunch, 鍋割山頂にて、나베와리산 정상에서 ]

[A small flower on the ridge, 稜線の小さな花、능선의 작은 꽃]

[At Okura Ridge, 大倉尾根にて、오오쿠라 능선에서]

[At Okura Ridge, 大倉尾根にて、오오쿠라 능선에서]

[The gate of Tanzawa, 『丹沢の門』、"단자와의 문"]

I arrived at the bus stop at 3 pm. So, it was a good pace. From Yadoriki to the summit of Nabewariyama, 4 hours, and down trail for 3 hours, not too bad.

I bought a bunch of rape-flowers for my side dish vegetable with 100 yen at unman-shop along the trail near the bus stop.

I came back to Ofuna at around 4:30, from Okura to Shibusawa, and Shibusawa to Ofuna via Sagami-Ono and Fujisawa (Odakyu).

It was a fine weather and a good hike.










[In front of Matsuda St. 松田駅前にて、마츠다 역앞에서]



[Double‐flowered cherry tree,ヤエザクラ、천엽벚나무]


[Carp streamers over the Nakatsu River, 中津川のこいのぼり、나카츠가와의 잉어 드림]


[A tea plantation,茶畑、차나무 밭]>



[Near the foot of the mountain, 麓近くの森、산기슭 근처의 숲 ]

[Thistle flower, アザミの花、엉겅퀴의 꽃]


[Wired fence to prevent deer, 鹿進入防止柵、사슴 진입 방지책]


[The top of "Kunugiyama" 「くぬぎ山」山頂、"쿠누기야마"정상]

[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima,ウラシマソウ、"우라시마소우"]


[Steep down trail from Kurinokido, 急な下り坂、가파른 내리막]


[Violets along the trail, 登山道のスミレ、등산로 제비꽃]


["Mamezakura" or "Fuji cherry", マメザクラ(豆桜), 마메자쿠라 (벚꽃의 일종)]


["Mamezakura" or "Fuji cherry", マメザクラ(豆桜), 마메자쿠라 (벚꽃의 일종)]


[A ride trail near the top of Nabewariyama, 鍋割山山頂付近の登山道、나베와리야마 정상 부근의 등산로]


[Nabewari Lodge, 鍋割山荘、나베와리 산장]

[Price List of Nabewari Lodge, 鍋割山荘料金表、나베와리 산장 요금표]

[Around the top of Nabewariyama, 鍋割山山頂付近、나베와리야마 산정 부근]


[At the summit, 鍋割山山頂にて、나베와리산 정상에서]


[A guidepost on the summit, 頂上付近の里程標、정상 부근의 이정표]

[A small flower on the ridge, 稜線の小さな花、능선의 작은 꽃]


[At Okura Ridge, 大倉尾根にて、오오쿠라 능선에서]


[At Okura Ridge, 大倉尾根にて、오오쿠라 능선에서]




[Okura Bus Stop, 大倉バス停、오쿠라 버스 정류장]


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