About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140605 Memorial Service for Mr. Walter #2 (Sightseeing downtown of Seattle, The Museum of Flight, House Party)

Date: June 5 (Thu) Fine

Sightseeing: Japanese Town/The Wingluke Asian Museum, Museum of Flight, House Party at the Katos

Accommodation: Craig and Lois’s home in Seattle

I slept at Craig’s study on the first floor. They put futon on the floor, and bedding on it. I could sleep well.

We had breakfast of oatmeal and salad. Very healthy.

[Healthy breakfast, 健康的な朝食、건강한 아침 식사]

[The house of my friends, 私の友人の家、제 친구의 집]

[Seattle Japanese Town/The Wingluke Asian Museum]


[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

Lois took me to Japanese Town of Seattle. We visited the Wingluke Asian Museum.

[At the Wingluke Asian Museum, シアトルのアジア系アメリカ人に関する博物館にて、시애틀의 아시아계 미국인에 관한 박물관에서]

[At the Wingluke Asian Museum, シアトルのアジア系アメリカ人に関する博物館にて、시애틀의 아시아계 미국인에 관한 박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

We could learn the tough history of Japanese Americans, esp. during World War Two. Their estate was confiscated and they were put into concentration camps.

[A strange truck in front of the museum, 博物館前の奇妙なトラック、박물관 앞에 이상한 트럭]

After seeing the museum, we went out to the Japanese down. We went to a Japanese shop called Kobo, then next shop called Momo.

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

We saw a video of the Japanese sisters called Aya and Masa. One of them reminded me of Mr. Shinoda’s mother in Fujisawa.

Then we walked up to the slope and went to the church (Faith Baptist Church). Craig took us by car and went to their home.

[Heading for the church, 教会へ向かう、교회로 향했다.]

Craig and I went to a restaurant and bought a bagful of fried chickens for lunch.

We had lunch at their backyard. Lois made brawn rice balls and we ate them with fried chickens.

[Lunch at the backyard, 裏庭で昼食、뒤뜰에서 점심]

[Lunch at the backyard, 裏庭で昼食、뒤뜰에서 점심]

[Museum of Flight]

[Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館、보잉 항공 박물관]

After having lunch, Craig and Lois took me to the Museum of Flight. It seems a private museum of the Bowing Company.

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

It was a huge museum. I could learn the history of aviation. The really airplanes were on display. It was really nice.

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

After enjoying the sightseeing of the museum, we went to a nice house in the suburbs.

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

[Mount Rainier, レーニア山,레이니어 산]

[House Party of the Katos]

We were invited to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Kato. Mr. Kato is a 2.5-sei Japanese Americans. His wife’s name is Reiko. She reminded me of my 4th elder sister when she was healthy about a decade ago.

[Visiting a Japanese American's house, 日系人の家を訪ねた。일본계 미국인의 집을 찾았다.]

Mr. & Mrs. Kato have 3 boys: Makoto, 25 is a student at seminary in Portland.

[At the Kato's home, 加藤家にて、카토 씨의 집에서]

Shou, 22 is a senior at a medical school and now is going to be sent to India as a volunteer medical staff for 2 months.

[The main dish, メインディッシュ、메인 요리]

Ken, 18 is going to enter a college in East Coast, and going to study technologies.

[At the home party, ホームパーティにて、홈 파티에서]

I forgot to ask Reiko where she comes from. She sounds like Kansaijin. She told me about her uncle’s illness and death after having stroke. That reminded me of my won father’s case.

[At the end of the party, パーティの終わりに、파티의 끝에서 단체 사진]

Gary, her husband took care of the party very well. He even cooked most of the meals and he reminded me of my first son, Hajime in Australia.

Main meal was curry and I also liked purple sweet potatoes. We enjoyed the party until 10 pm and went home rather late.








[Healthy breakfast, 健康的な朝食、건강한 아침 식사]

[The house of my friends, 私の友人の家、제 친구의 집]


[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

午前中はロイスがシアトルの日本人街にある日系人の歴史博物館(The Wingluke Asian Museum)へ連れて行ってくれた。

[The Wingluke Asian Museum, シアトルのアジア系アメリカ人に関する博物館にて、시애틀의 아시아계 미국인에 관한 박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]

[At the museum, 博物館にて、박물관에서]


[A strange truck in front of the museum, 博物館前の奇妙なトラック、박물관 앞에 이상한 트럭]

Higo→Koboという日系人の店と、その隣のMomoという店にも入った。この店のカウンターにはAya and Masa Murakamiという姉妹らしい二人の女性の写真があり、1993年にボランティアがインタビューしたときのビデオが見られるようになっていた。このうちの一人は篠田均さんの母上によく似ている。

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]

[At Japanese Town, シアトルの日本人街にて、시애틀의 일본인 거리에서]


[Heading for the church, 教会へ向かう、교회로 향했다.]


[Lunch at the backyard, 裏庭で昼食、뒤뜰에서 점심]

[Lunch at the backyard, 裏庭で昼食、뒤뜰에서 점심]



[Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館、보잉 항공 박물관]

4時過ぎにボーイング社のThe Museum of Flightを見学した。巨大な博物館に多くの航空機がそのまま展示されていた。

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]

[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]


[At Museum of Flight, ボーイング社の航空博物館にて、보잉 항공 박물관에서]


[Mount Rainier, レーニア山,레이니어 산]


[Visiting a Japanese American's house, 日系人の家を訪ねた。일본계 미국인의 집을 찾았다.]

ご主人は2.5世のお医者様というDr. Gary Katoの家で、奥さんはRiekoさん。

[At the Kato's home, 加藤家にて、카토 씨의 집에서]




[At the home party, ホームパーティにて、홈 파티에서]

彼の彼女も招かれていてZoe Thatcherという賢そうな娘さん。ちかじかインドへボランティア・スタッフとして2か月行くことが決まっている。


[At the end of the party, パーティの終わりに、파티의 끝에서 단체 사진]




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