About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140808 Climbing Mt. Fuji the 4th Time of the year #1 (2014年4度目の富士山登頂:吉田口ルート)第1日目、2014 년 4 번째 후지산 등정 : 吉田口 루트 제 1 일째)

140808 Climbing Mt. Fuji the 4th Time of the year #1 (2014年4度目の富士山登頂:吉田口ルート)第1日目)

Climbing Route: The 5th Station of Yoshidaguchi – The 6th ST. – The 7th ST. – “Fujisan Hotel” Lodge at the 8th ST.

Partners: Yuna and Dolko-nim (Koreans), Mario & Susan (Germans)

This is the 4th hike on Mt. Fuji this year and since I made this hiking plan public to AhToSan members in Korea, the most important hike for me.

I am very happy to have these 4 members as my guests to Mt. Fuji. Yuna and Dolko-nim are two of my best Korean hiking friends in Korea, and Mfriendsario is one of the best foreign (non-Korean) hiking friends.

Mario had been working in Korea and his wife, Susan had been working in Egypt. They met together in Japan!

I took a 6:30 Shinjuku-Line train at Ofuna and arrived at Shinjuku at 7:20. The meeting place for Sunshine Tour was at Shinjuku Center Building. I arrived there much earlier, before the meeting time.

Yuna and her husband, Dolko-nim came to the meeting place with their friends whom I saw at “Nono-budo” previous night.

[In front of Shinjuku Center Bldg., 新宿センタ―ビル前にて、신주쿠 센터 빌딩 앞에서]

Mario and Susan joined us soon. But the chartered bus left Shinjuku at almost 9 am.

As usual, we had a short stop at “Dangozaka” Service Area and headed for Subaru Line, Yoshidaguchi 5th Station Bus Stop.

[On the bus for Mt. Fuji, 富士山行バス内にて、후지산 행 버스 내에서]

It was a fine day and we could see Mt. Fuji clearly from the bus window. It is really nice to see Mt. Fuji while we are heading for. It makes us “high-tension” and feel really good.

[Mt. Fuji from the high way, 高速道路から見た富士山、고속도로에서 본 후지산]

We arrived at the bus stop at 11 am. Since I applied as “Free-climbing Plan” without any guide, we had all free time in the afternoon.

[We arrived at the 5 ST, 吉田口(スバル)五合目到着、요시아구치 (스바루) 고고메 도착]

[At the 5th ST, スバル五合目にて、스바루 고고메에서]

[A cyclist at the 5th ST, 五合目まで来たサイクリスト、고고메까지 온 자전거 타는 사람]

I took them in the wood next to “Mitake Shrine” where there were a couple of concrete tables and benches. We had lunch there.

[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심 식사]

After having the lunch, we had a brief sightseeing of Mitake Shrine. Then a group of “Yamabushi” or “mountain priests” visiting the shrine. It was my first experience to see such people.

[A group of "Mountain Priests", 山伏の一行、야마부시(수도자)의 일행]

[A group of "Mountain Priests", 山伏の一行、야마부시(수도자)의 일행]

[A huge mask of "Teng", 大天狗の面、거대한 텐구의 가면]

We enjoyed the sightseeing and began climbing Mt. Fuji after taking a group picture at the entrance of the trail at 12:50.

[At the entrance of the trail, 吉田ルート五合目登山口にて、요시다 루트 고고메 등산로 입구에서]

There were people collecting “Mount Fuji World Heritage Preservation Assistance Fund” at the 6th Station. I paid 1000 yen for the exchange of a badge.

We had a misty rain soon after we started. It was not too bad since the slight rain made the temperature low and we felt cool. Only regret was that we could not see the landscape of the foot of the mountain.

We could not see Lake Yamanaka, but we could see rather many kinds of alpine flora this time.

[Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica(goldenrod),ミヤマアキノキリンソウ(深山秋の麒麟草),메역취]

["Bell Flower",高山植物『ベルフラワー』、고산 식물 '벨 플라워']

[Lilium tsingtauense or"Twilight Lily",クルマユリ、하늘말나리]

[At "Izumigafuchi", 『泉が淵』にて、"이즈미가후치" 에서]

[Aquilegia flabellata or "Dwarf Columbine",ミヤマオダマキ、매발톱꽃]

[Alpine roses, シャクナゲ(石楠花)の花、석남 꽃]

[At the 6th ST., 六合目にて、록고메에서]

[Near the 6th ST., 六合目付近にて、록고메 부근에서]

[Artemisia pedunculosa,ミヤマオトコヨモギ(深山男蓬), 미야마 오토코 요모기(고산 식물)]

When we arrived at the 7th Station, it lit up and we could see blue sky. Since it was not too crowded, we had pleasant hiking.

[We arrived at the 7th ST., 七合目到着、나나고메 도착]

[Lingonberry or cowberry,コケモモ、월귤]

[Pyrola japonica、ベニバナイチヤクソウ(紅花一薬草)、노루발]

[Pyrola japonica、ベニバナイチヤクソウ(紅花一薬草)、노루발]

[Rhododendron brachycarpum、ハクサンシャクナゲ、만병초]

[Mario & Susan at the 7th ST., 七合目にてマリオ夫妻、나나고메에서 마리오 부부]

[Mario at the 7th Station, 七合目にてマリオ、나나고메에서 마리오]

[Near the 8th St.,八合目付近にて、하치고메 부근에서]

I brought some candies and chocolate which I bought at a 100-yen shop in Ofuna. We enjoyed these sweets when we had short rests.

When we came close to the 8th station, Susan had a leg cramp. Mario began massaging her legs. Susan seemed to revive on her feet.

[Mario massaged her leg. マリオはスーザンの足をマッサージ、마리오는 수잔의 발을 마사지했다.]

We arrived at Taishikan where I stayed at my first hike in July at 4:30 pm. Sunshine Tour designated our lodge at higher level, “Fujisan Hotel” so we kept climbing the mountain.

[In front of Taishikan, 太子館の前で、타이시관 앞에서]

[At the 8th St., 八合目にて、하치고메에서]

[At Gansomuro (3250m),八合目元祖室にて、하치고메 간소무로(3250m)에서]

[Looking down at the 8th St., 八合目にて下方を見る、하치고메에서 아래를 본다.]

We arrived at “Fujisan Hotel” lodge (3,400m) at 6 pm. They already began serving the supper (curry and rice).

[Arriving at "Fujisan Hotel" Lodge, 『富士山ホテル』へ到着、"후지산 호텔"산장에 도착]

Dolko-nim brought a pet bottle of whisky. I regret that I did not bring the set of small cups which Elena gave me. However, we utilized the caps of pet-bottle and gave a toast for the success of our hike.

[Supper at the lodge, ロッジの夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]

After the dinner, we were led to the sleeping place which was very narrow, much narrower then “Taishikan.” I went to sleep soon, but Yuna and Dolko-nim had difficult time to sleep, I heard later. It must be “altitude illness” because of thin air.


分類:登山、富士山(Mt. Fuji)








[In front of Shinjuku Center Bldg., 新宿センタ―ビル前にて、신주쿠 센터 빌딩 앞에서]


[In front of Shinjuku Center Bldg., 新宿センタ―ビル前にて、신주쿠 센터 빌딩 앞에서]


[Mt. Fuji from the high way, 高速道路から見た富士山、고속도로에서 본 후지산]


[We arrived at the 5th ST., 吉田口(スバル)五合目到着、요시아구치 (스바루) 고고메 도착]

[At the 5th ST, スバル五合目にて、스바루 고고메에서]


[Post Office at the 5th ST, 五合目の郵便局、고고메 우체국]


[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심 식사]


[A group of "Mountain Priests", 山伏の一行、야마부시(수도자)의 일행]

[A huge mask of "Teng", 大天狗の面、거대한 텐구의 가면]


[At the entrance of the trail, 吉田ルート五合目登山口にて、요시다 루트 고고메 등산로 입구에서]


[Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica(goldenrod),ミヤマアキノキリンソウ(深山秋の麒麟草),메역취]

["Bell Flower",高山植物『ベルフラワー』、고산 식물 '벨 플라워']

[Lilium tsingtauense or"Twilight Lily",クルマユリ、하늘말나리]

[At"Izumigafuchi", 『泉が淵』にて、"이즈미가후치" 에서]

[Aquilegia flabellata or "Dwarf Columbine",ミヤマオダマキ、매발톱꽃]

[Alpine roses, シャクナゲ(石楠花)の花、석남 꽃]

[At the 6th ST., 六合目にて、록고메에서]

[At the 6th ST., 六合目にて、록고메에서]

[Alpine flora at the 7th ST., 七合目の高山植物、나나고메의 고산 식물]


[Mario & Susan at the 7th.,七合目にてマリオとスーザン、나나고메에서 마리오와 수잔]

[Lingonberry or cowberry,コケモモ、월귤]

[Pyrola japonica、ベニバナイチヤクソウ(紅花一薬草)、노루발]

[Pyrola japonica、ベニバナイチヤクソウ(紅花一薬草)、노루발]

[Rhododendron brachycarpum、ハクサンシャクナゲ、만병초]

[At the 7th ST.,七合目にて、나나고메에서]


[Mario massaged her leg. マリオはスーザンの足をマッサージ、마리오는 수잔의 발을 마사지했다.]


[In front of Taishikan, 太子館の前で、타이시관 앞에서]

[At the 8th St., 八合目にて、하치고메에서]

[At Gansomuro (3250m),八合目元祖室にて、하치고메 간소무로(3250m)에서]

[Looking down at the 8th St., 八合目にて下方を見る、하치고메에서 아래를 본다.]

[Arriving at "Fujisan Hotel" Lodge, 『富士山ホテル』へ到着、"후지산 호텔"산장에 도착]

[Supper at the lodge, ロッジの夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]


[Toast with a small cup of whiskey.]ウィスキーで乾杯!위스키으로 건배!]



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