About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140809 Climbing Mt. Fuji the 4th Time of the year #2 [「日の出」鑑賞、「お鉢巡り」、下山(吉田口ルート)第2日目]"일출"감상 "분화구 일주", "하산 (요시다구치 루트) "후지산 등산 둘째 날

140809 Climbing Mt. Fuji the 4th Time of the year #2

Climbing Route: “Fujisan Hotel” Lodge at the 8th ST (3400m) – Kusushi Shrine on the summit – Yamaguchiya – Jojudake (3734m) – Asama Taisha (post office) – Kengamine (3776m) – Kusushi Shrine – Downtrail to Yoshidaguchi – the 5th Station of Yoshidaguchi (Subaru) Bus Stop.

Return Trip by Bus: the 5th Station – “Yurari” Hot Spring - Shinjuku

Partners: Yuna and Dolko-nim (Koreans), Mario & Susan (Germans)

I went to the bed soon after the dinner (at around 7 pm.) I woke up once for toilet during the night and got up at 1:30 am. We prepared for the hike at night and left the lodge a little before 2 am.

Dolko-nim seemed dizzy. Later he said he could not sleep well. Mario seemed that he would like to eat something, so I recommended “Oshiruko” or “sweet red-bean soup” to him.

[Susan eating "Oshiruko",お汁粉を食べるスーザン、단팥죽을 먹는 수잔]

It costs 400 yen. Since it was rather cold, a bowl of warm sweet “oshiruko” was good for us.

The trail from Fujisan Hotel to the top of Mt. Fuji was crowded as I expected. “Overpassing lane” was open for fast-hikers. Unlike most of “group hikers” we could take this “Overpassing lane” but my Korean friends seemed to have altitude illness. So, we frequently held short breaks. Yet we could arrive at the summit of Mt. Fuji before 4 am.

After taking “recognition pictures” at the stone post in front of Kushushi Shrine, we could enter “Yamaguchiya” as the 1st customers.

[In front of Kusushi Shrine, 久須志神社前にて、구수시 신사 앞에서]

We all ordered “Miso ramen” and we ate it together with the lunch box food provided by the lodge we stayed last night.

[Inside of Yamaguchiya, 山口屋内部の様子、야마구치야 내부의 모습]

[Yamaguchiya Miso Ramen, 山口屋の味噌ラーメン、야마구치야의 된장라면]

After having ramen, we tried to see sunrise at the observation area. But it was too crowded. So we went toward Mt. Jojugadake (3734m) around the edge of the crater. But the wind blew very strong that morning.

[The sunrise that day, この日の日の出、이날 일출]

We stopped behind the rock where we could avoid the direct wind and could see the sunrise well.

<[Behind the rock, 強風を避けて岩陰へ、강풍을 피해 바위 그늘에]

[At the moment of sunrise, 日の出の瞬間、일출의 순간]

Mario took a bottle of champagne from his bag. So we had toast with his champagne. I like all of my buddies and this pleasant atmosphere.

[Mario pours champagne, マリオ、シャンパンを開ける、마리오, 샴페인을 연다.]

[Mario opens champagne, マリオ、シャンパンを注ぐ、마리오, 샴페인을 붓는다.]

[Having toast with shampagne, シャンパンで乾杯、샴페인으로 건배]

[Mario and Susan after the toast, 乾杯後のマリオとスーザン、건배 후 마리오와 수잔]

After seeing the sunrise and having toast, we began walking around the crater clockwise. We arrived at the temporary post office in front of Sengentaisha Okunoin. We dropped postcards into the post at the post office.

[We began walking around the crater, 火口一周開始、분화구 일주 시작]

[At the edge of the crater, 富士山火口の縁にて、후지산 분화구의 가장자리에서]

[At the post office, 臨時郵便局にて、임시 우체국에서]

Then we headed for Kengamine, the highest peak of Mt. Fuji. Unfortunately it was cloudy that morning so that we could not see the shadow of Mt. Fuji at all.

[The sun in the cloud, 雲の中の太陽、구름 속에 태양]

We took group pictures at the stone-mark of Kengamine (3776m, the highest point in Japan), then kept trekking around the crater and came to the point of down trail at 7 am.

[Group picture at Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰にて集合写真、켄가미네에서 단체 사진]

The down trail was a bit monotonous and might be painful for those who came to Mt. Fuji for the first time. Korean hikers and Mario are the good member of AhToSan hiking club. They are experienced hikers, but not so was Susan.

[Mario and Susan at the down trail, 下山開始、하산 시작]

She must have hurt his knees, so Mario supported her and walk down slowly, taking frequent breaks along the trail.

[On the down-trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

[On the down-trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

When we came down to the 6th Station, there were several horses for tired hikers. On behalf of Yuna, I asked a pack‐horse driver the fare for the ride. He answered that it was 12,000 yen.

[At the 6th Station, 下山路六合目にて、하산로 로구고메에서]

When we came down to the 6th station, we could see many alpine flora.

[Rosa nipponensis, タカネバラ、"타카네바라"(인가목조팝나무)]


[Rosa nipponensis, タカネバラ、"타카네바라"(인가목조팝나무)]

[Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica(goldenrod),ミヤマアキノキリンソウ,메역취]

[Alpine flora around 6th St.,六合目付近にて、로구고메 부근에서]


We arrived at “Unjokaku” where we were supposed to report our return for the bus at 10:20. Most of other hikers on the bus were already returned. The last hiker came back at 10:40 am.

[We came back to the 5th ST, スバル五合目にて、스바루 고고 메에서]

The bus left at the 5th Station of Subaru Line at 11 pm. On the way back to Shinjuku, we stopped at “Yurari,” a hot-spring facility.

At “Yurari” after bathing at the hot-spring, we had lunch together at the restaurant together.

[We stopped at "Yurari", 温泉で途中下車、온천에서 도중 하차]

[At the restaurant at "Yurari",『ゆらり』の食堂にて、"유라리"식당에서]

The return traffic was smooth and came back to Shinjuku at 3:40 pm.

[Coming back to Shinjuku,新宿へ到着、신주쿠에 도착]

I took 4 pm train from Shinjuku and came back to Ofuna before 5 pm. I really enjoyed this hike with good friends and I hope this will be a good memory for all of us.


分類:登山、富士山(Mt. Fuji)









[On the way to the top,山頂登山途上にて、정상 등반 도상에서]



[In front of Kusushi Shrine, 久須志神社前にて、구수시 신사 앞에서]


[Inside of Yamaguchiya, 山口屋内部の様子、야마구치야 내부의 모습]

[Yamaguchiya Miso Ramen, 山口屋の味噌ラーメン、야마구치야의 된장라면]



[The sunrise that day, この日の日の出、이날 일출]

[At the moment of sunrise, 日の出の瞬間、일출의 순간]


[Mario opens champagne, マリオ、シャンパンを開ける、마리오, 샴페인을 연다]

[Mario opens champagne, マリオ、シャンパンを注ぐ、마리오, 샴페인을 붓는다.]

[After the toast, 乾杯後、건배 후]

[At the edge of the crater, 富士山火口の縁にて、후지산 분화구의 가장자리에서]


[At the post office, 臨時郵便局にて、임시 우체국에서]


[The sun in the cloud, 雲の中の太陽、구름 속에 태양]


[Group picture at Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰にて集合写真、켄가미네에서 단체 사진]


[Mario and Susan at the down trail, 下山開始、하산 시작]

[On the down-trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

[On the down-trail, 下山路にて、하산로에서]


[At the 6th Station, 下山路六合目にて、하산로 로구고메에서]




[Rosa nipponensis, タカネバラ、"타카네바라"(인가목조팝나무)]

["Tomoeshiogama" alpine flora,トモエシオガマ、"토모에시오가마"(고산 식물) ]

[Alpine flora around 6th St.,六合目付近にて、로구고메 부근에서]


[We came back to the 5th ST, スバル五合目にて、스바루 고고 메에서]





["Shogayaki" lunch, 生姜焼き定食、돼지 구이 정식]


[Coming back to Shinjuku,新宿へ到着、신주쿠에 도착]


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