About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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140804 “Bullet Climbing” of Mt. Fujii #2「富士山弾丸登山パート2」“후지산 총알 등산” 두 번째

140804 “Bullet Climbing” of Mt. Fujii #2「富士山弾丸登山パート2」“후지산 총알 등산” 두 번째

Date: Aug. 4-5, 2014 (Fine on 8/4, Cloudy, rain, then fine on 8/5)

Partner: None

Climbing route: Gotemba-guchi 5th Station – Ooishi-goya – Jirobo – 7th St. – Tem. Post Office – Yamaguchiya – Kengamine (3,776m) – Fujinomiya Exit – Fujinomiya 5th Station (Bus stop)

Transportation: On 8/4: Yokohama – (JR Tokaido Line) - Kozu – (JR Gotemba Line) - Gotemba – (Bus) -Gotemba-guchi 5th Station

On 8/5: Fujinomiyaguchi 5th St. – (Bus) – Mishima Station – JR – Ofuna

I guided a group of Koreans previous week. It was my first experience to walk “Gotemba Route.” So, I tried this route for climbing up during the night.

This week, my wife was to go on cruising around Japan including a Russian port “Vladivostok.” So, I went to Ōsanbashi Pier in Yokohama to see her off.

[My wife and her roommate for the cruising, 横浜港の大桟橋にて、요코하마 항의 대형 부두에서]

[In front of "The Diamond Princess," ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の前で、"다이아몬드 프린세스 호"앞에서、]

Then I took JR Tokaido Line from Yokohama to Kozu and changed train there to Gotemba by Gotemba Line.

A foreigner spoke to me in Japanese at Gotemba Line Platform at Kozu Station. His name was Florents from France. He was with his friends, Mr. & Mrs. Rozents.

[Gotemba Line Platform, 御殿場線プラットホーム、고텐바 선 플랫폼]

They were to climb Subashiri Route without staying at a lodge. So they try “Bullet Climbing” like me!

[Mt. Fuji in the cloud, 雲の中の富士山、구름 속의 후지산]

I helped them to use a coin locker at Gotemba Station, and took their picture for them.

[With 3 French youth, 3人のフランス人の若者たちと、프랑스 젊은이들과 함께]

We took different buses; they took a bus to Subashiri-guchi and I took a bus to Gotemba-guchi.

(After the hike, when I sent an email to Florents with the picture, I asked their climbing experience. He replied “it was terrible” partly because of bad weather, and because of inconvenience of “bullet climbing.” I shared their feeling about this hike, too.) I took 16:20 bus to Gotemba-guchi. The bus driver was a friendly lady. She drew the passengers attention by citing a small deer (fawn) crossing the road.

[The bus arrived at Gotemba-guchi, バスが御殿場口五合目到着、버스가 고텐바 고고메에 도착]

The bus arrived at Gotemba 5th Station at 5:12 p.m.There were only 3 passengers besides me. I guess they were all “bullet climbers” like me.

[The torii of Gotembaguchi, 御殿場口の鳥居、고텐바 입구의 도리이]

I used the public toilet near the bus stop, then I got a liter of free water from the public tank. Then I began walking toward Mt. Fuji.

[The public toilet at Gotembaguchi, 御殿場口のトイレ、고텐바 입구 화장실]

I took a short break at Ooishgoya Lodge. I had a cup noodle there. Then the host of Ooishigoya brought a cup of mushroom tea as a free-service. It tasted good.

[Ooishigoya Lodge, 大石小屋、오오이시고야 산장]

I bought a bottle of hot water (just filled my thermos bottle) from him. It cost 200 yen.

[Vegetation girdle of "Ontade" 『オンタデ』の群落、"온타데"군락]

Since it is cold near the summit of the mountain, keeping hot water is important. After having a rice ball and cup ramen, I began climbing the mountain on the trail of “Oosunabashiri.” It was like a desert.

[Near Ooishigoya, 大石小屋付近にて、오오이시고야 산장 부근에서]

While there was light, it was not too difficult to walk on the trail. I could see Mt. Fuji well, and I felt good even the strong wind for my.

[Still near the foot of Mt. Fuji, 5.5合目付近にて、고고메 반 부근에서]

But when the sun set, then the situation was different. I felt cold, esp. because of the strong wind. There were few hikers around me, and it was dark.

[Guidepost at Jirobo, 次郎坊の里程標、"지로보우"의 이정표]

I could not see the trail well. There were two ropes which were the borders of the trail and none-trail area.

[The guide post at altitude 2000m, 標高2000m地点の里程標、해발 2000m 지점의 이정표]

I sometimes was walking beyond the rope, therefore none-trail area. Sometimes it was dangerous.

[The stone milage of the 7th ST., 七合目の石標、나나 고메의 석표]

When I came to the 7th station and above, the slope became steeper and steeper, and if you walk beyond the trail, it was really dangerous.

[The guidepost of the 8th ST, 八合目の里程標、하치고메의 이정표]

When I came to the unmanned lodge, I took rather long rest behind the lodge, avoiding the strong wind.

I remembered my night experience at unmanned lodge along the Six Foot Track in Australia.

[The post office on the top, 富士頂上の臨時郵便局、후지 정상의 임시 우체국]

Now I clearly realized how stupid to go “bullet-climbing” alone on Mt. Fuji. When I came to the 8th Station, I stopped again at another unmaned lodge and had a cup noodle using the hot water I bought at Ooishigoya.

When I walked down the same trail previous week the trail seemed so simple and easy, but it was really difficult during the night. When I came to the 9th Station, it seemed not only strong wind, but I was in the cloud. I could not see around clearly at all.

When I reached at the top of Mt. Fuji, it was 4:10 am on Fujinomiya-side, in front of the temporaly post office.

[Foggy sunrise, 霧の中の日の出、안개 속의 일출]

I walked around the crater by counter clockwise and came to Yamaguchiya Lodge. It was cold and I entered the lodge again and this time I ordered “Tonjiru” or a bowl of pork soup. I ate rice-ball with that soup there.

Since it was a bad weather with lots of cloud, I could not see the sunrise clearly. Yet I could see the red sun through the cloud at almost 5 am.

I kept walking around the cater counter clockwise and climbed Mt. Kengamine, the peak of the crater at 5:35 am.

[At Kengamine (3,776m), 剣ヶ峰(3,776m)にて、켄가미네 (3,776m)에서]

It was really cold and I wore the rain coat. It was helpful to keep my body warm. Besides, it began to rain a little bit when I began descending the mountain.

[At the 9th ST. of Fujinomiya-route, 富士宮ルート九合目にて、후지노미야 루트 규고메에서]

Fujinomiya Route is the shortest among 4 main routes, yet I felt it was a long trail.

[At Mannenyuki Lodge, 『万年雪』山荘にて、'만년설'산장에서]

[Along the downtrail, 下山路の高山植物、하산로의 고산 식물]

I arrived at the bus stop at Fujinomiya-guchi at 8:10 am. The earliest bus was a bus to Mishima at 9:05. So I waited for the bus for nearly one hour.

[Alpine flora at the 5th ST, 五合目の高山植物、고고메의 고산 식물]

[Arriving at the 5th ST., 富士山表口五合目に到着、후지산 오모태구치(앞문) 고고메에 도착]

It took nearly 2 hours from Fujinomiya-guchi to JR Mishima Station by bus. Its fare was also expensive, 2,350 yen!

[JR Mishima Station, JR三島駅、JR 미시마 역]

From Mishima to Ofuna, another one hour by JR and its fare was 1,320 yen. So, the transportation on the way back was 3,670 yen.

It was still cold at the 5th Station on Fujinomiya and it rained hard from time to time while I was on the bus. When I came to Mishima, it stopped raining.

And when I took the train and came to Atami, it was clear and fine and it was hot summer weather.

When I came back to Ofuna, I went to Taya Hot Spring there where I could relax with reasonable fare. I thought I would never try “bullet climbing Mt Fuji” again in the future.











[In front of "The Diamond Princess," ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の前で、"다이아몬드 프린세스 호"앞에서、]

[In front of "The Diamond Princess," ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号の前で、"다이아몬드 프린세스 호"앞에서、]


[Mt. Fuji in the cloud, 雲の中の富士山、구름 속의 후지산]





[Three French Bullet Climbers, 3人のフランス人の『弾丸登山者』、프랑스 인 "총알 등산객들"]


[National Youth Exchange House in Gotemba, 国立中央青少年交流の家、국립 중앙 청소년 교류의 집]


[A woman bus driver, 女性のバス運転手、여성 버스 기사]


[At Gotemba-guchi, 御殿場口にて、고텐바 입구에서]


[At Ooishigoya Lodge, 大石小屋にて、오오이시고야 산장에서]

[Mushroom tea, キノコ茶、버섯 차]




[Vegetation girdle of "Ontade" 『オンタデ』の群落、"온타데"군락]

[Near Ooishigoya, 大石小屋付近にて、오오이시고야 산장 부근에서]

[A gold beetle,コガネムシ、풍뎅이]


[The guide post at the 6th ST., 六合目の里程標、록고메의 이정표]




[The post office on the top, 富士頂上の臨時郵便局、후지 정상의 임시 우체국]





[Pork soup at Yamaguchiya, 山口屋のトン汁、야마구치야의 돼지고기 된장국]


[Foggy sunrise, 霧の中の日の出、안개 속의 일출]



[At Kengamine (3,776m), 剣ヶ峰(3,776m)にて、켄가미네 (3,776m)에서]



[Mannenyuki Lodge, 『万年雪』山荘、'만년설'산장]


[A view from the downtrail, 下山路から見た静岡側の風景、하산로에서 본 시즈오카 측의 풍경]

[Along the downtrail, 下山路の高山植物、하산로의 고산 식물]

[Alpine flora at the 5th ST, 五合目の高山植物、고고메의 고산 식물]


しかし富士宮五合目から三島駅までは2時間近く時間がかかり、料金も2350円と半端ではない。さらに三島から大船までも1320円だから、復路は3670円である。 五合目の気温はかなり低かったが、下界まで下れば暑い。また、天気が不順でにわか雨が何度も降った。

[A view from the train window, 電車の窓からの風景、기차 창문에서 본 풍경]



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