About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140901 Climbing Mt. Fuji the 5th Time of the year, the failure [2014年5度目の富士山登山:唯一の登頂失敗2014 년 5 번째 후지산 등산 : 유일한 등정 실패]

Date: Sep. 1 2014, (Mon) Cloudy, then rain

Public Transportation: JR Ofuna – JR Kozu – JR Gotemba Station (JR), then Bus to Subashiri Entrance

Hiking Course: Gogome (The 5th Station) to Rokugome (The 6th Station), then return to the bus stop.

Two of my hiking friends were to visit Japan to climb Mt. Fuji. One of them was Bernardo from Mexico, the other was Mario from Germany. They were working in Korea.

Bernardo and I travelled together in Kyushu and Shikoku in September 2010. Mr. Matsumoto, my hiking tutor guided us to the area, and we climbed Mt. Tusugi and Mt. Ishizuchi in Shikoku then.

Mario came to Japan with his wife this summer and I already guided them to Mt. Fuji in August. He liked the mountain very much, so he joined us again.

I planned to guide them to Subashiriguchi one week later. Since I never walked this course, I wanted to check the trail before they came.

The weather forecast was not good. The weatherman predicted that the weather from Sep. 1 to Sep. 2 was B to C to A.

The level of weather condition is valued as A to C from good to bad. I wanted to check these conditions, so I decided to go, even it was “B” on Sep. 1.

I took 10:49 train to Kozu, then changed trains to Gotemba Line and arrived at Gotemba at 12:25. The bus left at 12:40 and arrived at Subashiriguchi 5th Station at 13:40. It was raining all the way.

[Gotemba Line train,御殿場線の電車、고텐바 선 열차]

[The bus for Subashiriguchi, 須走口五合目行バス、스바시리 입구 행 버스]

[Inside of the bus, 須走口五合目行バス内部、스바시리 행 버스 내부]

[Rain outside, 窓の外は雨、창 밖에는 비]

The sales persons at the shops along the trail invited the hikers to take a rest at their shop, but I did not stop until the unmaned information center in front of the entrance of the trail.

[At the Subashiri 5th ST. 須走口五合目にて、스바시리 입구 고고메에서]

There I checked the operation of lodges, and wore rain gear and then began climbing mountains.

[At the information center, 情報センターにて、정보 센터에서]

[The mark of the trail, 登山道の標識、등산로 표지판]

The nature around the 5th station around Subashiriguchi looked much better than Yoshidaguchi. There were many birch trees along the trail. I saw even flowers of aconite (monkshood or blue rocket).

[A wild flower, 野生花、야생화]

[Monkshood/blue rocket, トリカブト、바곳속]

[Campanula punctata (spotted bellflower),ホタルブクロ、초롱꽃]

[A wild flower, 野生花、야생화]

But it was raining hard, and as I climbed up, it became heavier and heavier. Raincoat did not prevent me from getting wet or soaked, esp. my socks in my boots.

[Near the 6th Station, 六合目付近、로구고메 부근]

I really felt disgusted, so I gave up to climb further at the point of the 6th station.

[On the way dawn, 下山路にて、하산로에서]

When I came back to the bus stop at the 5th station, it was 3:30 pm. I had to wait for 50 minutes until the next bus.

[At the 5th Station, 五合目にて、고고메에서]

So I dropped in the gift shop and sat close to the stove. (It was cold after getting soaked.) While getting warm near the stove, I saw nice TV program about the four seasons in Mt. Fuji.

[At a lodge on the 5ht ST, 五合目の山小屋で、고고메 산장에서]

I bought mushroom tea and Mt. Fuji cookies at the gift shop and took 4:20 bus to Gotemba.

[The bus came, バスが来た、버스가 왔다]

Anyway, I got the information about lodge operation in the first week of September.

Munatsuki Edoya 0660-75-3807

Miharashikan 0550-84-3519

Taiyoukan 090-3158-6624


分類:登山、富士山(Mt. Fuji)









[Time table for Subashiri Entrance, 須走口五合目行バス時刻表、스바시리 입구 고고메 행 시간표]

[Inside of the bus, 須走口五合目行バス内部、스바시리행 버스 내부]

[Rain outside, 窓の外は雨、창 밖에는 비]


[At the Subashiri 5th ST. 須走口五合目にて、스바시리 입구 고고메에서]


[The sign post at near the 5 station,五合目付近の里程標、고고메 부근의 이정표]


[Monkshood/blue rocket, トリカブト、바곳속]

[Campanula punctata (spotted bellflower),ホタルブクロ、초롱꽃]

[A wild flower, 野生花、야생화]


[Near the 6th Station, 六合目付近、로구고메 부근]


[On the way dawn, 下山路にて、하산로에서]



[Mushroom Tea, キノコ茶、버섯 차]

[At a lodge on the 5ht ST, 五合目の山小屋で、고고메 산장에서]

[The bus came, バスが来た、버스가 왔다]



胸突江戸屋0550-75-3807、見晴館0550-84-3519、太陽館山小屋電話 090-3158-6624

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