About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


DR #204 New Fiscal Year and New Job and New World DR 204号 「2015年新年度:新しい仕事、新しい世界」 DR 204 호 "2015 년 신년도 : 새로운 일, 새로운 세계 "

DR #204 New Fiscal Year and New Job and New World

One year passed since I came back to Japan last April.

Since then, I visited Korea one for every two months. I visited Korea 7 times for a year.

Each time, I joined AhToSan and Taejonhikers’ hike.

I also joined “The wilderness experience in Mongolia” in August and “Ten Day Fasting Prayer Meeting” in January 2015, organized by The Dure Church Cloister.

[With Pastor Kim during 10-day fasting, 禁食祈祷会にて金鎭洪牧師と、금식 기도회에서 김진홍 목사님과 함께]

[During the fasting, 禁食祈祷会にて、금식 기도회에서]

I joined AhToSan’s South Deokyusan hike after the Summer Camp in Mongolia, and the 500th Regular Hike to Mt. Jiri after the 10 day Fasting Prayer.

[With AhToSan at South Deokyusan, 南徳裕山にてアトサンの集合写真、남덕유산에서 아토산 단체 사진]

Now it is the new fiscal year of 2015. I happened to have a new work in my neighborhood.

It is a part time job as a helper to NPO for Day Care Service after School for handicapped kids vary from 7 to 18 years old.

[Day Care Service "Happy One", デイケアサービス『ハッピーワン』、데이 케어 서비스 '해피 원']

It is a completely new world for me. We support those kids of developmental disorder including autism disorder, cerebral palsy, etc. aging from 7 to 18.

[Tamanawa Playground for kids, 玉縄児童遊園地、타마나와 아동 유원지]

One of my classmates in elementally school, Mr. S has been working for this job as a paid-volunteer and he introduced me to this NPO.

I got job-employment contract with the NPO in April and began to work in the middle of April.

I took two-week holidays from April 30 to May 12 because I joined AhToSan trekking to “Tiger Leaping Gorge” and “Jade Dragon Snow Mountain” in Yunnan Province in China. So this is my 5th week on this work.

It is completely new work for me. Most of the kids have developmental disorder troubles, such as autism disorder and even cerebral palsy disorder. Some of them need diapers.

I also began volunteer work to assist non-Japanese residents to learn Japanese in Yokohama. It is non-paid work, but only once a week, Thursday evening.

As for this work, I guess I could take advantage of my teaching Japanese at Daeteok University in Korea.

I hope I can report some good results about these new works in my next DR.

George Suzuki

PS: The pictures below are take at "Jade Dragon Snow Mountain" when I joined AhToSan's trekking trip to China early May 2015.

[With AhToSan at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, 中国雲南省の玉龍雪山にて、중국 운남 성의 옥용설산에서]

[At Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in China, 中国雲南省の玉龍雪山にて、중국 운남 성의 옥용설산에서]


DR 204号 「2015年新年度:新しい仕事、新しい世界」




[With Pastor Kim during 10-day fasting, 禁食祈祷会にて金鎭洪牧師と、금식 기도회에서 김진홍 목사님과 함께]

[Pastor Lee and Pastor Kim during the fasting, 李牧師と金牧師、이목사님과 김목사님]

[With AhToSan at South Deokyusan, 南徳裕山にてアトサンの集合写真、남덕유산에서 아토산 단체 사진]



[Day Care Service "Happy One", デイケアサービス『ハッピーワン』、데이 케어 서비스 '해피 원']


[Tamanawa Playground for kids, 玉縄児童遊園地、타마나와 아동 유원지]








PS: 以下の写真は5月の連休時、アトサン山岳会と行った中国雲南省の玉龍雪山での写真である。

[With AhToSan at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, 中国雲南省の玉龍雪山にて、중국 운남 성의 옥용설산에서]

[At Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in China, 中国雲南省の玉龍雪山にて、중국 운남 성의 옥용설산에서]

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