About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140927 Mt. Ooyama (大山登山) via Onnazaka (女坂) to Hinata-Yakushi(日向薬師)

Mountain: Mt. Oyama (大山), Kanagawa prefecture

Hiking Date: Sep. 27 (Sat), 2014 Fine

Access to Mt. Oyama: JR Ofuna – Fujisawa – Sagami-Ono – Isehara – Oyama Cable Station

Partner: Luis (Spanish youth)

Hiking Course: Oyama Cable Station – Onnazaka – Oyama Dera (temple) – Shimosha Shrine - the summit of Oyama – Miharashi – Hinata Yakushi Bus Stop

One of my best hiking friend, Bernardo (Mexican), introduced his Spanish friend, Luis to me, as a companion of my hiking in September.

Luis visited Japan from Korea and staying in Tokyo. So, I met him at the exit of Isehara Station, Odakyu Line at 8:30 on September 27.

It was our first time to see each other, but we could recognize at first glance. He was wearing short pants, and carring a bag for trail marathon.

[Odakyu Line train, 小田急線の電車、오다큐 선 열차]

The bus to Oyama Cable Station was completely full, so we waited for another bus. The next bus came soon and we could get seats. We arrived at the bus stop at around 9:10.

Luis showed a keen interest on “Nephila clavata,” also known as the Jorō Spider when we got off from the bus.

After using the public washroom, we began hiking Mt. Oyama trail. There was a big tree of “Kinmokusei(金木犀) or a fragrant olive. I like the smell of this flower.

[A fragrant olive, キンモクセイ、금목서]

[Luis at the foot of Mt. Oyama, 大山の麓にて、오오야마의 산기슭에서]

There was also a big moth having 4 eye-like patterns on its wings. I have never seen such a moth before.

[Flowers at the foot of Mt. Oyama, 大山の麓にて、오오야마의 산기슭에서]

Seeing the Cable Car on the right side, we walked toward the fork point of Otokozaka and Onnazaka.

Otokozaka means, men’s (slope) trail. It is rather steep than Onnazaka or “Slope of Women.” There is a nice temple along Onnazaka, so I chose “Onnazaka” this time.

[Shrine at the foot of Otokozaka, 男坂の入り口の神社、오토코자카 입구의 신사]

[At the entrance of Ooyama Dera,大山寺入口にて、오오야마대라 입구에서]

[At Ooyama Dera,大山寺にて、오오야마대라에서]

[At Ooyama Dera,大山寺にて、오오야마대라에서]

[At Ooyama Dera,大山寺にて、오오야마대라에서]

Luis walked fast and we could reach Oyama Temple within one hour. We had a short sightseeing around the temple, then headed for Shimosha Shrine.

There was a typhoon approaching to Kanto Area in the Pacific Ocean, so the wind was rather strong. We could see Enoshima Island from Shimosha observatory, but it was not very clear.

[Luis at the observatory, 展望台にてルイス、전망대에서 루이스]

We saw “Gomagi” burning in front of the shrine. “Gomagi” is a homa stick; stick on which prayers are written, then ritually burnt before an idol to ask for blessings.

You need to pay 200 yen for each “Gomagi.” Then you write your wishes and burn them.

[Luis in front of "Gomagi",『ゴマ木』の前のルイス、"호마목"앞 루이스]

There was also a place to perform ritual at the entrance of the trail as well. So, Mt. Oyama is a mountain of local religion.

We entered the gate for the trail, and climbed up the steep stone steps.

Luis always walked before me. He looked really an athlete. He went up first, then stopped and waited for me.

I was always behind him. My feet were all right, never got cramped legs. Yet I got tired.

At Fujimidai (the observatory for Mt. Fuji), we could see Mt. Fuji with clouds.

[Mt. Fuji from Fujimidai, 富士見台から見た富士山、"후지미 다이"에서 본 후지산]

When we reached at the summit of Mt. Oyama, we took several pictures, then we had lunch there. Luis said he ate too much last night and no appetite that day. Yet he had potato salad which my wife made for us.

[We arrived at the top, 大山山頂へ到着、오오야마 정상에 도착]

[Luis at the top of Ooyama,大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

[Luis at the top of Ooyama,大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

We began descending the mountain at 12:10. We walked fast (I am good at descending the mountains.) We arrived at the bus stop of Hinata Yakushi Shrine before 2 p.m.

There were many Lycoris radiata (red spider lily, red magic lily) near the bus stop. It seems that special event to enjoy the view of Lycoris radiate sponsored by Isehara City Office.

[Spider lilies near the bus stop, バス停付近のヒガンバナ、버스 정류장 부근의 석산]

[Spider lilies near the bus stop, バス停付近のヒガンバナ、버스 정류장 부근의 석산]

I saw farmers burning straw after harvest in the rice field. It was a nice view and smell.

[Rice field near the bus stop, バス停付近の田んぼ、버스 정류장 부근의 논]

[Burning straw in the field, 野焼きの煙、짚을 태우는 연기]

The bus left at 2 pm. We arrived at Ofuna before 4 pm. I guided Luis to the local hot spring called “Yukai-sokai Taya” in Ofuna.

This is a kind of Super Sento. It is a large bathhouse with many different service, such as “Cave Sauna” “Open Air Hot Spring” “Goemon Bath,” or “Electric Bath Tab.”

We enjoyed draft beer after the hot spring. While seeing a TV news, I saw Mt. Ontake eruption, killing more than 40 hikers. Wow, we are living a country of active volcanos. Climbing Japanese mountains is always at high rick. But Mt. Oyama is not an active volcano. As far as volcanic activity it is safe.

I saw him off at Ofuna Station. Hope he enjoyed this hike as much as I did.




登山月日:2014年9月27日(土) 晴れ










[Luis at the bus stop, 大山ケーブル駅バス停にて、오야마 케이블 역 버스 정류장에서]


[A fragrant olive, キンモクセイ、금목서]

[At the foot of Mt. Oyama, 大山の麓にて、오오야마의 산기슭에서]



[A big moth at the foot of Mt. Oyama, 大山の麓にて、오오야마의 산기슭에서]

[At the entrance of Ooyama Dera,大山寺入口にて、오오야마대라 입구에서]


[At Ooyama Dera,大山寺にて、오오야마대라에서]

[At Ooyama Dera,大山寺にて、오오야마대라에서]


[At Shimosha Shrine, 下社にて、시모샤 신사에서]






[Luis in front of "Meoto Sugi", 『夫婦杉』の前のルイス、"부부 삼나무"앞의 루이스]



[Mt. Fuji from Fujimidai, 富士見台から見た富士山、"후지미 다이"에서 본 후지산]


[George at the top of Ooyama,大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]




[Spider lilies near the bus stop, バス停付近のヒガンバナ、버스 정류장 부근의 석산]

[Spider lilies near the bus stop, バス停付近のヒガンバナ、버스 정류장 부근의 석산]



[Buckwheat field, ソバの畑、메밀 밭]

[Burning straw in the field, 野焼きの煙、짚을 태우는 연기]



[With Luis at the "Super Sento", スーパー銭湯にて、"슈퍼 목욕탕"에서]



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