About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


141012 The 4th visit on Korea, The 4th day: Mt. Gaphasan (甲下山갑하산) with Taejonhikers

Mountain: Gaphasan(甲下山갑하산), Daejeon, Korea

Partuners: 12 Taejonhiker Members (USA, Ukraine, Germany, Canada, Korea, Ethiopia.)

It was my 4th visit on Korea after returning to Japan on April 1, 2014 and the 4th day.

Since it was Sunday, I went to Vision Realizing Baptist Church (VRBC) in Shinseongdong, which I had been attending about 10 years.

[At the service of VRBC, 『夢のある教会』の礼拝、"꿈이있는 교회"예배]

It is a small church, and they always have fellowship luncheon after the service (11-12 am). Whenever I attend the service, I join the luncheon. There were 12 church members including me.

[Pastor Han at VRBC, 『夢ある教会』の韓牧師、"꿈이있는 교회"의 한 목사님]

[At VRBC, 『夢のある教会』にて、"꿈이있는 교회"에서]

[At VRBC, 『夢のある教会』にて、"꿈이있는 교회"에서]

They liked my “omiyage" from Japan. It was “Tokyo Banana.”

I left the church at 12:45 and took a taxi to KAIST main gate. I like walking on the campus of KAIST. I saw chrysanthemum in full broom that day.

I saw fruits of quince, and mag pies on the grass.

[A mag pie at KAIST, KAISTのカササギ、KAIST의 까치]

[Chrysanthemums at KAIST, KAISTのキク、 KAIST의 국화 ]

I just arrived at 13:15 at the meeting place. There were 13 participants including me. They are from USA, Ukraine, Germany, Canada, Korea, Ethiopia and Japan.

[A group picture at KAIST, KAISTにて集合写真、KAIST에서 단체 사진]


There were only 2 cars available, so Jens and I and the Ethiopian youth took a taxi to Gyeryong Service Area.

[In front of Mt. Gapha, 甲下山の前で、갑하산 앞에서]

We began walking from Gyeryong Service Area to Mt. Gaphasa.

[Autumnal wild flowers, 秋の野生花、가을 야생화]

Gaphasan is in Daejoen, just on the way to Gyeryongsan. It is a small mountain, and hiking course is about 2 km one way.

[Ukraine mothers, ウクライナの母たち、우크라이나의 어머니들]

[Autumnal wild flowers, 秋の野生花、가을 야생화]

Alan England, my good old-day friend, used to like this mountain, and I climbed this mountain with him for the first time about 10 years ago.

[Geryongsan from the ridge, 稜線から見た鶏龍山、능선에서 본 계룡산]

You can view Gyeryong mountains well from the ridge.

[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]

Marta, and her Ukraine friend and her daughter stayed at the foot of the mountain and waited for us while we were climbing the mountain.

[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]

Jong-Moo, the Korean leader of Taejonhikers, was waiting for me on the way while all others went ahead of me.

[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]

When Jong-Moo and I arrived at the summit of Gaphasan, all others were waiting for us.

[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]

I took several group pictures and offered some cakes from Japan (Tokyo Banana) to everyone.

After a bit long rest at the summit, we began descending the mountain. I am good at descending hike, so I could come down quickly.

The Ethiopian youth was following me. And we re-joined the Ukraine people at the foot of the mountain.

Jong-Moo and his son came down after us, but the rest of Taejeon hikers were rather late.

So, Jong-Moo and his son began practicing baseball batting at the hitting-exercise place next to the service area.

[Jong-Moo at the batting center, バッティングセンターにて、배팅 센터에서]

They all came down by 4:30 pm. We did not have wrap-up party this time, and went back to KAIST by 5 pm.

[A group picture after the hike, ハイキング後の集合写真、하이킹 후 단체 사진]

BJ ad Marta drove me to Yoyoko-Inn from their apartment as usual. I checked in the hotel by 5:30 am.








[At the service of VRBC, 『夢のある教会』の礼拝、"꿈이있는 교회"예배]


[Pastor Han and his two daughters, 韓牧師と二人の娘、한 목사님과 두 딸]

[At VRBC, 『夢のある教会』にて、"꿈이있는 교회"에서]

[At VRBC, 『夢のある教会』にて、"꿈이있는 교회"에서]


[Mag pies at KAIST, KAISTのカササギ、KAIST의 까치]

[Swans at KAIST pond, KAISTの池の白鳥、KAIST 연못의 백조]


[A group picture at KAIST, KAISTにて集合写真、KAIST에서 단체 사진]




[We began hiking, ハイキング開始、하이킹 시작]


[In front of Mt. Gapha, 甲下山の前で、갑하산 앞에서]


[A Ukraine girl, ウクライナの少女、우크라이나 소녀]


[Autumnal wild flowers, 秋の野生花、가을 야생화]

[Autumnal wild flowers, 秋の野生花、가을 야생화]

[Geryongsan from the ridge, 稜線から見た鶏龍山、능선에서 본 계룡산]


[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]


[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]

[At the top of Gaphasan, 甲下山山頂にて、갑하산 정상에서]




[Jong-Moo at the batting center, バッティングセンターにて、배팅 센터에서]


[A group picture after the hike, ハイキング後の集合写真、하이킹 후 단체 사진]



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