About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


DR #207 “My last DR ‘From Daejeon Report (DR) to Sydney Report(SR)’”DR最終号「テジョン・レポートからシドニー・レポートへ」

DR #207 “My last DR ‘From Daejeon Report (DR) to Sydney Report(SR)’”

It’s been three and half years since I left Daejeon, Korea in March 2014.

The first 2 years, I visited Daejeon every other month (and climbed a dozen of mountains.)

But I visited Korea only once in 2016 and twice in 2017.

One reason is that I have been busy working in Japan (as a part time helper at a group care facility for kids with disabilities and a Guide Helper for adults with disabilities).

And another reason is that I began to live in Australia for certain period of the year since last year.

My wife and I got “Parent Visa” in Australia, thanks to the efforts of my first son and his wife in Australia.

In order to get the permanent residential status in Australia, we need to be at least 2 years within 5 years since 2016,

So, I lived for 3 months last year, and I am going to live 4 months this year. And more importantly, I will live with my wife this year.

Anyhow, I still have had relationship with Daejoen.

This year, I visited Daejeon in March and in June and renewed the friendship with my Korean friends.

[I joined AhToSan hikers and went to Mt. Kumjong in Busan on March 25, 2017.]

[With AhToSan members, アトサンの仲間と集合写真、아토산 친구들과 단체 사진]

[At Gumjeongsan, Busan, 釜山、金井山にて、부산 금정산에서]

[I also joined Taejonhikers' hike to Magoksa on March 26.]

[At the parking lot of Magoksa, 麻谷寺駐車場にて、마곡사 주차장에서]

[At the back mountain of the temple, 寺の裏山にて、마곡사 뒷산에서]

[After the hike, ハイキングの後、食堂にて、하이킹 후 식당에서

In April, I went to Himalaya and walked the 10-day Annapurna trekking with a Korea couple from Daejoen.

[Photo-gallery for Himalaya Trekking, ヒマラヤトレッキングの写真集、히말라야 트레킹의 사진]

And in June, I visited Korea again and joined AhToSan trekking in Uljin, and joined Taejonhikers' hike on Mt. Dogyusan.

[With AhToSan in Uljin, アトサン会員たちと蔚珍にて、울진에서 아토산 회원들과 함께]

[With Taejonhikers at KAIST, KAISTにて、KAIST에서 대전하이카즈들과 함께]

[At Dongyomryong, トンギョムリョンにて、동염령에서]

[Dinner after the hike, 登山後の夕食、등산 후 저녁 식사]

Moreover, I encouraged my friends in Daejeon to climb Mt. Fuji and 8 of them came to Japan and I guided them to Mt. Fuji in July. Six of them are AhToSan members and two of them are Taejonhikers.

{Ahtosan members arrived at Haneda,アトサンメンバー、羽田到着、아토산 회원들 하네다 도착]

[In front of Great Buddha,鎌倉大仏前にて、가마쿠라 대불 앞에서]

[At the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji, 富士山五合目にて、후지산 오합목에서]

[At the 8th Sation of Mt. Fuji, 富士山八合目にて、후지산 팔 합목에서]

[At the top of Mt. Fuji, 富士山山頂にて、후지산 정상에서]

[On the way down from the top, 富士山下山路にて、후지산 하산로에서]

But it is obvious that I have less connections with Daejeon year after year.

On the other hand, I have more connections with life in Australia, that is Chatswood (near Sydney), NSW.

So, I want to change the title of this irregular newsletter from “Daejeon Report (DR)” to “Sydney Report (SR).”

I’d like to introduce more about things I encounter here in Australia (Sydney, NSW).

So far, the family of my first son live at a small town named “Chatswood” very close to Sydney. My wife and I are now living with them in Chatswood.

I walk a lot in Chatswood and frequently go around Sydney including Blue Mountains.

This is the last issue of Daejeon Report and I wrote 207 DR (Daejeon Report) including this last issue.

I do not know how many CRs I can write in the future but I would like to write as many as DR.

George Suzuki @ Chatswood, near Sydney, NSW, Australia


DR 207号 DR最終号「テジョン・レポートからシドニー・レポートへ」








[At Gumjeongsan, Busan, 釜山、金井山にて、부산 금정산에서]

[AtGodangbong, 姑堂峰(コダンボン)にて、고당봉에서]

[At the parking lot of Magoksa, 麻谷寺駐車場にて、마곡사 주차장에서]

[At the back mountain of the temple, 寺の裏山にて、마곡사 뒷산에서]

[After the hike, ハイキングの後、食堂にて、하이킹 후 식당에서


[Photo-gallery for Himalaya Trekking, ヒマラヤトレッキングの写真集、히말라야 트레킹의 사진]

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[With AhToSan in Uljin, アトサン会員たちと蔚珍にて、울진에서 아토산 회원들과 함께]

[At the entrance of Mt. Dokgyu, 徳裕山登山路入口にて、덕유산 등산로 입구에서]

[At Dongyomryong, トンギョムリョンにて、동염령에서]

[Dinner after the hike, 登山後の夕食、등산 후 저녁 식사]


{Ahtosan members arrived at Haneda,アトサンメンバー、羽田到着、아토산 회원들 하네다 도착]

[In front of Hase-dera, 長谷寺の前で、하세대라 앞에서]

[On the way to the top of Mt. Fuji,富士山登山中にて、후지산 등산 길에서]

[At the 8th Sation of Mt. Fuji, 富士山八合目にて、후지산 팔 합목에서]

[At the top of Mt. Fuji, 富士山山頂にて、후지산 정상에서]











2.3.4 Communication Techniques Reading 31463 "The Collaborative Spectrum"

Read this article on the collaboration spectrum.

Make sure you can define each of these terms in your own words:

1) Collaborative approach

2) Coercive approach


Styles of Change

Disciplines > Change Management > Styles of Change

Depending on the style and scope/size of the change, different approaches are likely to be taken. This is often a matter of management preference, although the style used should be more about the situational factors.

The collaboration spectrum

There are several levels of collaboration that may be used along a spectrum that starts with full consideration of the people involved in the change and ends up with little or no concern for the people.

Collaborative Consultative Directive Coercive

<- Pull Push ->


A collaborative approach to change means involving the people affected, creating the change with them rather than doing the change to them. This works by creating pull and gaining commitment through getting people to invest in the change.

A big dilemma with collaboration is the extent to which you allow people to make decisions vs. make recommendations about the change. Risks with giving away too much power include people making sub-optimal, self-oriented choices or the devolved decisions across the organization do not align with one another and hence create more problems than they solve.

A way of making collaboration successful is the What-How approach. In this method, the senior team still control the strategic decisions and work out what needs doing. They then devolve how this is to be achieved to the organization below them -- in which more What-How deployments may occur.

The problem with collaboration is that it takes time and effort, which relatively few organizations are either willing or able to give. When speed is important and resources are thin on the ground, then investing in collaborative efforts can seem wasteful.


A compromise to the full-on collaborative approach is to show that at least you are listening to the people affected by the change. This may take the form of interactive real-time 'town hall' meetings, directors' tours, and so on. It can use technology for web-enabled discussions and so on. It may also use suggestion schemes and the Request For Comment (RFC) approach, where plans out to people for comment, although what you do with comments received is entirely up to you.

Care must be taken during consultation to ensure that people know the process, and that they perceive it to be fair. As you move away from collaboration, greater trust is required of the decision-makers and thus more trust-building activities may be required.

Consultative approaches provide a degree of balance between the engagement of collaboration and the push of direction and coercion.


In a directive approach, there may still be a high level of communication, but it is now largely one-way. The organization is told how it will change. This is thus using the principle of push to drive through change. With the control of what happens in relatively few hands, the risk of variation in the plan is essentially removed.

What will happen and when is laid out in a schedule that may or may not be publicized. The problem with this is that there is often a fear (which may or may not be well-founded) that there will be greater resistance to change if people know what is going to happen. Resistance comes particularly from those who hold power (and it is surprising what power even the most junior person can have).

To help reduce the problem of resistance, very high levels of communication may be required and a paternal-maternal approach may be used ('father knows best' + 'mother cares'). Thus, for example, there may be generous severance packages for those who lose their jobs.


At the furthest extreme, a coercive approach pays little attention to the people, their ideas or their needs. Changes are implemented in a relatively mechanical way.

Typical of a coercive approach is the shock and surprise that people encounter as change is thrust upon them. A not unusual situation is that people arrive at work one Monday morning and find that they no longer have a job. They may alternatively be told that they are going to have to move far away across the country, a tactic sometimes used to legally reduce the workforce. Another variant is to bankrupt the company and then re-start as a new company with everyone having to apply again for their jobs (this has been used to get around Trade Union issues).

Not all coercive approaches are unethical and some are simply born of the need for urgency. Ethics lie in the values of the people who are planning and implementing the change, rather than the fact that a coercive approach is being used.


Other communication techniques include:

・ being on the same eye level – if someone is sitting, also sit. If talking to a child, crouch down so you’re on their level.

・ using eye-contact in an appropriate way. Even in Western culture, too much eye contact, or staring, can make someone feel uncomfortable.

・ communicating in a quiet space.

・ walking around a desk so there are no physical barriers between you and the person you are communicating with.

・ keeping an eye on your body language and posture. Don’t cross your arms, stay relaxed, keep your posture open. Lean towards the speaker to show you are listening.


Validation means confirming and supporting an individual’s ideas and thoughts. Everyone should feel their contribution is valued. Someone may be hesitant to contribute if they suspect they are not believed or others think they have nothing of value to offer. You do not have to agree with what someone says but you must respect their right to say it. People have different perspectives.

Active listening is a useful tool in validating people’s issues and experiences. Show people you are listening to them by asking questions and using body language prompts such as nodding and leaning forward in a positive way.


It is important to address a client’s specific communication needs when communicating individually or in a group. Here are some tips to help:

・ use aids and techniques for people who are unable to use speech.

・ make use of sign language and spoken language interpreters. Your supervisor will be able to tell you if the organisation already has access to interpreter services.

・ ensure written information is accessible and translated when required.

・ refer to your supervisor if you feel specialists are required - e.g. if you are unable to meet a client’s communication needs in a group setting






1) コラボレーティブ(協調的)なアプローチ

2) 強制的なアプローチ




変更の形式と範囲/規模に応じて、さまざまなアプローチが取られます。 これは、しばしば経営者の好みの問題ですが、使用される形式は状況的要因についてのものでなければなりません。



協調的   諮問的  指令的  強制的

<- 引き(プル) (プッシュ)押し ->







全面的な協調アプローチへの妥協は、少なくとも変化の影響を受けている人々に耳を傾けていることを示すことです。 これは、相互作用的なリアルタイムの「タウンホール」ミーティング、ディレクターのツアーなどの形を取ることができます。 Web対応のディスカッションなどの技術を使用できます。 また、提案スキームとRFC(コメントの要請)アプローチを使用することもできます。ここではコメントのために人々に計画を立てますが、受け取ったコメントを使って何をするかはまったくあなた次第です。

クライアントがプロセスを知っていることを確認し、プロセスが公正であると認識していることを確認するために、相談の際には注意が必要です。 協調から離れていくと、意思決定者に対するより高い信頼が要請されるため、より信頼される活動が必要になる可能性があります。







最も遠い極端なところでは、クライアントや、彼らのアイデア、または彼らのニーズにほとんど注意を払わない強制的なアプローチがあります。 変更は比較的機械的な方法で実施されます

強制的なアプローチの典型は、人々が変化に遭遇したときに遭遇するショックと驚きです。 珍しいことではないが、月曜日の朝に職場に出勤すると、もはや仕事がないことが分かります。 そして国境を越えて遠くに移動しなければならないと言われるかもしれません。これは従業員を合法的に減らすために使われる戦略的手段であるかもしれません。もう一つのやり方としては、会社をいったん破産させてから、新しい会社を立ち上げて再雇用することです(これは労働組合の問題を回避するために使われています)。

すべての強制的なアプローチが非倫理的であるわけではなく、また緊急性の必要性から生まれたものもあります。 倫理は、強制的なアプローチが用いられているからではなく、変化を計画し実施している人々の価値観にあります。



・ 同じレベルに目を位置する – クライアントが座っている場合は、あなたも座りなさい。子供と話す場合、あなたも子供の位置に合わせて座りなさい。

・ 適切な程度でアイコンタクトを使用する。 西洋文化でも、アイコンタクトを多用しすぎる、または凝視すると、不快に感じることがあります。

・ 静かな場所でコミュニケーションする。

・ 机の周りを歩けば、あなたとクライアントの間に物理的な障壁がないことを示せます。

・ あなたのボディランゲージと姿勢に配慮してください。 腕組みをしてはいけません。リラックスして、姿勢を開いたままにしてください。 あなたが聞いていることを示すためにクライアントに向かって姿勢を傾けなさい。


検証とは、クライアントのアイデアや考えを確認しサポートすることを意味します。 誰もが自分の貢献が大切だと感じるはずです。 誰でも、彼らが信じられていないと思ったり、他の人が、彼らが提供するものが価値がないと思われるなら、貢献することをためらっているかもしれません。 あなたはクライアントが言うことになんでも同意する必要はありませんが、あなたはクライアントがそれを言う権利を尊重する必要があります。 人々はさまざまな視点を持っています。

アクティブ・リスニングは、人々の問題や経験を検証するのに便利なツールです。 あなたが聞いている人に、質問をしたり、うなずいたり、肯定的にうなずいたりするしぐさを使用して、彼らに積極的に聞いてみましょう。



個々にまたはグループ内でコミュニケーションを行うときは、クライアントの特定のコミュニケーション・ニーズに対処することが重要です。 以下は役立つヒントです:


・手話と音声言語のための通訳を利用する。 組織があらかじめ通訳サービスにアクセスできるかどうかをスーパーバイザー(上司)が教えてくれます。




2.3.4 Communication Techniques

Having some knowledge of communication techniques will greatly assist you in working in disability support environments, with a range of diverse people, both as coworkers and people you provide support to.

Communication techniques are wide and varied, but may include:

・ open ended questions (as opposed to closed questions)

・ affirmation

・ reflection

・ summary

・ motivational interviewing

・ coercive approach

・ collaboration.

2.3.4 コミュニケーションの技術












Open and Closed Questions

An open ended question has any possible answer, for example, what is your favourite colour? The answer could be any colour you like. With a closed question, there are only two possible answers: yes or no. For example, did you eat lunch today?

Think about how a conversation would develop with each of these questions:

Open: How was your weekend?

Closed: Did you have a good weekend?

With the open question, it opens the door to a variety of responses and stimulates communication. With the closed question, the response will only be 'yes' or 'no', and then the conversation may die out unless another question is asked.

Do your own research and write one open ended question and one closed question. They can be about anything you like!

Submit your answers to the student forum, and see what other students have written.



オープンエンドの質問には、たとえばあなたの好きな色は何かなど、考えられる答えがあります。 答えは好きな色にすることができます。 閉じた質問では、答えは2つしかありません:はい、または、いいえです。 たとえば、今日は昼食を食べましたか?




オープンな質問で、さまざまな反応への扉を開き、コミュニケーションを刺激します。 閉じた質問では、応答は「はい」または「いいえ」になるだけで、別の質問がない限り、会話は終了する可能性があります。

あなた自身の研究を行い、1つの未解決の質問と1つの閉じた質問を書いてください。 彼らはあなたが好きなことについて何でもできます!



Affirmations and Summaries

Read this article from the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors.


The fundamental approach to motivational interviewing interactions contains the following four elements:

Open-ended questions


Reflective listening


Motivational interviewing creates an acronym OARS from this and the goal in using OARS is to assist the person to move forward, creating change talk and motivation from within. This change talk contains statements that the client may be considering change. There are four categories that these statements can be organised into:

Problem recognition

Concern about the problem

Commitment to change

Belief that change is possible

Any statement therefore regarding the present or future, either cognitive or emotional may represent a motivational statement.

For example a statement such as “I think that using may be causing me problems” (present cognitive), “You know I’m starting to feel that this just might work out” (future emotional).

Open ended questions

These cannot be answered with a ‘yes’ ‘no’ or ‘five times in the past month’. Commonly most sessions commence with an open-ended question, ‘What’s been going on since we last got together?’ This type of question allows the client an opportunity to move forward and whilst closed questions undoubtedly have their place, they do not create the same opportunity.

Example: “I assume, from the fact that you are here that you have something you would like to talk over. What would you like to discuss?”


There are really no better ways of building rapport with a client than offering affirmation. This is particularly relevant to clients suffering from addictions as affirmation for this group has been a historically rare occurrence.

Remember that affirmation has to be commensurate with the step achieved as the client may feel that the counsellor is being insincere if they are over praising them. This can lead to rapport being seriously damaged rather than built.

Examples: “Thanks for coming in on time.” / “I must say, if I were in your position, I might have a hard time dealing with that amount of stress.”

Reflective listening

This is really the key. The best motivational advice a counsellor can give to himself is to listen attentively to the client. All the information a counsellor requires will come from the client, what works, what has failed them etc.

However this is a directive approach. The counsellor will actively guide the client by this technique; focusing more on change talk and less on non-change talk. For example “You are unsure about your readiness to change but you are aware that your drinking has damaged your relationships and your health”.

The level of reflection should be varied. Keeping it at one level could lead to a feeling of moving in circles. Reflections regarding affect, particularly if the effect is unstated can be excellent motivators for example; “Your wife has left you. That appears to be giving you a lot of pain”.

If that is correct the intensity of the session deepens, if wrong the client will correct you (or the client may not be ready to deal with this) and the session moves on regardless.

Reflective listening maintains the movement of the interview and forward movement is what motivational interviewing is all about. Summaries

Summaries are a specialized form of reflective listening and are an effective way to communicate that you have been listening by calling attention to central points and moving attention and concentration.

There is no hard and fast rule as to how often you do summarise but the frequency should be quite high as there is a risk that the amount of information given may be too large to give adequate feedback.

When you are about to summarise let the client know that that is what is going to occur and invite the client to correct you where he/she feels necessary.

If you feel that there were points that were not clear during this period, inform the client of that when you announce your intention to summarise.

Example: “So, this heart attack has left you feeling really vulnerable. It’s not dying that scares you, really. What worries you is being only half alive, living disabled or being a burden to your family.”


In your own words, say what is meant by the following terms:

Open-ended questions


Reflective listening


Contribute your answers to the student forum.







・ オープンエンドの(開かれた)質問

・ 肯定

・ 反射的なリスニング

・ サマリー


・ 問題認識

・ 問題についての懸念

・ 変化するという決心

・ 変化が可能であるとの信念



オープンエンドな(開かれた)質問 これらは、「はい」「いいえ」または「過去の月に5回」と答えることはできません。一般的に、ほとんどのセッションは「最後に会ったときからどうですか」という自由な質問から始まります。このタイプの質問はクライアントに前進する機会を与え、閉鎖された質問は間違いなくその場を持ちますが、同じ機会を作ることはありません。

例: "あなたがここにいるという事実から、あなたが話したいことがあるのだと思います。何を話したいですか?








反射のレベルは変化させなければならない。 1つのレベルでそれを維持すると、サークル内で動く感覚につながる可能性があります。特に効果が言い表されていない場合、影響に関する反射は、例えば、優れた動機付けとなる可能性があります。 "あなたの妻はあなたを離れました。それはあなたに多くの苦痛を与えているようです。 "








例: 「だから、この心臓発作はあなたに本当に脆弱な気持ちにさせました。あなたが恐れているのは死ぬことではありません。あなたが心配しているのは、半分しか生きられず、身体障害者になっていること、あなたの家族に負担を与えるということです。」

------- あなた自身の言葉で、以下の用語が意味するものを書いてください。:









What does 'reflection' mean in terms of communication?

Self-reflection is an essential part of development and effective communication. Reflect on such questions as:

・ Has the person I am communicating with understood my message? (How can you check for understanding?)

・ Have I correctly understood someone else’s message? (How can you clarify your own understanding?)

・ What is the impact of my communication on the people I work with? Am I supportive, encouraging, objective, easy to understand, non-ambiguous, concise, accurate?




自己反省は、開発と効果的なコミュニケーションの不可欠な部分です。 次のような質問を反映させること:

・ 私とコミュニケーションしている人が、私のメッセージを理解したか? (どうやって理解したということを確認できるか?)

・ 私は他の人のメッセージを正しく理解したか? (どうやって自分の理解を明確にすることができるか?)

・ 私といっしょに働く人々に対する私のコミュニケーションの影響は何ですか? 私は支援的で、励ましを与え、客観的で、理解しやすく、あいまいでなく、簡潔で正確なコミュニケーションをしているか?



Motivational Interviewing

This is a NSW document on motivational interviewing

It is quite a long document and you don't need to read it all, but make sure you read pages 19-22.

In your notebook, define what 'motivational interviewing' is in your own words.







Motivational Interviewing

This is a NSW document on motivational interviewing

It is quite a long document and you don't need to read it all, but make sure you read pages 19-22.

In your notebook, define what 'motivational interviewing' is in your own words.

Motivational Interviewing Practice Guide 2014

Practice Guide for Practitioners who Support People with Disability

6 The practice of motivational interviewing

Motivational interviewing consists of two major components. One is the SPIRIT of motivational interviewing which refers to the overall relational aspect between the practitioner and the person receiving support.

The second component is the four processes of motivational interviewing. The four processes are the stages of support typically followed by a motivational interviewing practitioner.

Both the SPIRIT and the four processes of motivational interviewing are considered more fully below.

6.1 The SPIRIT of motivational interviewing

The SPIRIT of Motivational Interviewing refers to the relational aspect of this guiding therapeutic style. SPIRIT is made up of the following four elements, partnership, acceptance, compassion and evocation.

These are the core relational aspects that one expects to see evidence of in any motivational interviewing interaction and across all four processes of motivational interviewing.

Each of the elements of SPIRIT is considered below.

Partnership refers to the collaborative approach a motivational interviewing practitioner brings to their work.

In true partnership both parties bring expertise to the relationship. Motivational interviewing is not something that is done to a person but rather it is a way of working ‘with’ a person.

As Miller and Rollnick make clear, “People are the undisputed experts on themselves. No one has been with them longer or knows them better than they do themselves.” (Miller and Rollnick 2013, page 15).

In motivational interviewing the psychologist is not the expert on what the person needs. Psychologists have expertise in behaviour change approaches and psychological therapies.

Thus, he or she has information that may be useful but ultimately it is the person who will decide what to use, and how and why they might use it.

Acceptance refers to a radical acceptance of the person by the motivational interviewing practitioner. Stemming from the work of Carl Rogers, acceptance in motivational interviewing refers to the practitioner striving to see the inherent worth and potential in the person, and a belief in his or her ability to thrive when provided with the opportunity to do so.

It includes accurate empathy exhibited by a deep attempt to listen to the person and to understand and see things as he or she does. This does not necessary mean agreeing with a person’s viewpoint but it does mean working to understand how the person makes sense of their world.

A practitioner uses accurate reflective listening to communicate accurate empathy. Two final parts of acceptance are ‘autonomy support’ and ‘affirmations’.

Autonomy support refers to a radical acceptance of the person’s freedom to make their own decisions and choices. The opposite of this is to seek to impose on a person the will of others through demands or control.

Even in those instances where a person does have limitations set on behaviour for example, not being able to play loud music at night in a small group home, how, or if they choose to accept this condition is ultimately their decision.

In ‘affirmations’ motivational interviewing practitioners seek to recognise and highlight genuine strengths in the person. For an example see Section 7 on core micro skills in motivational interviewing.

Compassion refers to the motivational interviewing practitioner seeking to put the person’s welfare first and the concerns of the person centre stage.

Compassion is a recent addition to motivational interviewing and was added in recognition of the fact that a motivational interviewing approach might be used by a practitioner to try to evoke a decision by a person that is not in his or her best interests but is the interest of the practitioner.

For example, a practitioner seeking to direct a recipient in the direction of agreeing to have a flatmate move in to a shared home or to take part in medical research when this is more in the interest of the practitioner than the person.

When this occurs it is no longer motivational interviewing.

Evocation refers to the practitioner seeking to evoke from the person their own ideas about why and how they might change a behaviour if they chose to do so.

It is the opposite of a more traditional approach to support wherein a practitioner seeks to instil in the person ideas and suggestions through advice giving and advocacy for certain actions.

Motivational interviewing is a particularly strength based approach to behaviour support as it focuses on a persons own strengths and wisdom about what may be helpful.

Motivational interviewing practitioners might still give additional information but this is done within the overall SPIRIT of motivational interviewing. Thus, if advice is given it is with the permission of the person receiving this advice and is accompanied by an autonomy promoting message that makes clear that ultimately it will be the person’s decision what they do with this information.

Motivational interviewing practitioners offer their own support and knowledge as an option for the person to choose and use if they wish to.

Giving information in a motivational interviewing style is considered more fully in Section 7.3.

6.2 The four processes of motivational interviewing

In addition to the SPIRIT of motivational interviewing there are four processes of motivational interviewing. These are engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning. They reflect the processes a motivational interviewing practitioner will typically go through with a person thinking about, planning for, and finally engaging in behaviour change.

Although set out linearly here, they can and do often overlap. It is not unusual for a person working on a behaviour change issue to decide after a while that they would prefer to work on a different behaviour instead. Alternatively, a person may start to think about work on changing the same behaviour but approaching the task in a different way. To make clearer the different aspects of the four processes they are each explored in more detail below.


Any support provided by a practitioner is likely to be more successful if he or she has a good therapeutic relationship with the person receiving support. The link between a good therapeutic relationship and better outcomes in psychological practice has been well established in decades of research. Put simply, people are more likely to be helped by a practitioner that they like.

A psychologist can be extremely knowledgeable about a large number of psychological supports and therapies but if he or she cannot engage with the person or their important others none of this will matter. Good engagement is at the centre of good psychology support. This ‘affective bond’ forms one part of a strong working alliance. The other two parts are agreement on tasks and goals. For more information on the working alliance see the common core standard

In order to work in a motivational interviewing style practitioners are taught key micro-communication skills known to help engage a person in behaviour change conversations. These skills are covered more fully in Section 7.

Equally important is training that helps the practitioner to identify and reduce common practitioner’s behaviours that weaken engagement and lead to premature termination of support by a person.

Both sets of skills are used throughout all four processes of motivational interviewing but are especially evident in the early engaging stage.


In the focusing process the practitioner is concerned with reaching agreement with the person and/or their important others on what are to be the goals of psychological support.

Psychologists have a wide range of skills that may be helpful to a person with a disability, for example cognitive behaviour therapy for emotional difficulties, providing positive behaviour support plans to learn new more adaptive behaviours for meeting personal goals, or cognitive testing to let a person know their particular cognitive profile to assist with changing tasks to fit better with how they learn.

However, it is important that the person’s wishes, desire and goals guide the therapeutic work. In the focusing process the practitioner makes use of a number of motivational interviewing skills that help the person decide their behaviour change goals.


Once there is agreement on the focus of behaviour change the motivational interviewing practitioner seeks to evoke from the person their own ideas about why and how they might change.

This eliciting of the person’s own wisdom is at the heart of motivational interviewing and is crucial for building internal motivation to change.

This is the opposite approach to how many practitioners may have been trained.

In more traditional approaches practitioners are used to analysing the behavioural issue and offering advice about how best a behaviour change might occur.

This can sometimes lead to psychological recommendations such as contingency management programs being imposed on a person for example to reduce behaviours of concern without any real discussion if this is desired.


In motivational interviewing the planning process typically begins after the person’s motivation has increased to the point that they are committed to changing a particular behaviour.

It is during this process that the motivational interviewing practitioner seeks to agree with the person how a behaviour change might best be supported.

When working with people with cognitive difficulties the motivational interviewing practitioner helps the person anticipate obstacles to change that any cognitive impairment may cause.

This preparatory work is again done in the SPIRIT of motivational interviewing. There may be a number of possible approaches for managing any one obstacle. Here again the practitioner will work with the person to consider the range of options available before focusing on the one most acceptable to the person. They will also evoke from the person their own ideas about how an obstacle may be overcome.









動機づけ面接は、2つの主要な要素で構成されています。 1つは動機づけ面接のスピリットで、これはその実施者と支援を受ける人の間の全体的な関係性に関連しています。

第2の要素は、動機づけ面接の4つのプロセスです。 4つのプロセスは、サポートの段階であり、典型的には動機づけ面接を行う実施者がその後を引き受けます。








MillerとRollnickが明らかにしているように、「人々は自分自身に関するまぎれもない専門家である。誰も彼ら自身より長い時間を彼らと過ごした人はいないし、彼らほど自身をしっている人はいない。」(Miller and Rollnick 2013、page 15)。





動機づけ面接の実施者は正確な共感を伝達するため、正確な反射的聴取(reflective listening)を使用します。受容の最後の2つの部分は、「自立支援」と「肯定」です。











動機づけ面接の実施者は依然として追加の情報を提供しているかもしれないが、これは動機づけ面接の全体的な精神の中で行われます。 したがって、助言が与えられた場合、それはこの助言を受けている人の許可を得て、最終的にはこの情報で行うことが人の決定になることを明確にする自治的な推進メッセージを伴います。





ここでは線形に説明されていますが、しばしば重なり合うことがあります。行動変容の問題に取り組んでいる人がしばらくしてから別の行動に取り組むことを好むと決めるのは珍しいことではありません。あるいは、同じ行動を変えながら別の方法でこの仕事に近づくことについて考え始めるかもしれません。 4つのプロセスのさまざまな側面をより明確にするために、以下でそれぞれ詳細に検討します。




動機づけ面接方式で働くために、カウンセラーは、行動の変化の会話にクライアントが関わる助けとして知られている重要なマイクロコミュニケーション技術を教えられます。 これらのスキルについては第7章で詳しく説明します。

同様に重要なことは、カウンセラーがエンゲージメントを弱め、クライアントのサポートの早期終了につながる一般的なカウンセラーの行動を特定し、軽減するのに役立つ訓練であす。 どちらのスキルも、動機づけ面接の4つのプロセス全体を通じて使用されていますが、初期段階で特に顕著です。















この準備作業は、動機づけ面接の精神で再び行われます。 いずれかの障害を管理するためのアプローチは多数あります。 ここでもまた、カウンセラーは、クライアントに最も受け入れやすいオプションに焦点を当てる前に、利用可能なオプションの範囲を検討するためにクライアントと一緒に考えます。 彼らはまた、障害者がどのように克服できるかについて、彼ら自身のアイデアを人から呼び起こすでしょう。