About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101009 Mt. BukHanSan (836m), in Seoul, ソウルの北漢山

Date: Oct 9 (Sat) 2010 Fine

Place: Mt. BukHanSan (836m), in Seoul

Course: Wuidong-YukMoJeon Ticket Gate – Yong-Bong – BaekUnDae –Great Gate (Dae Mun) – Mountain Fortrate Ticket Gate – Parking Lot

Partners: About 30 AhToSan members including Bernardo

The mountain is located in Seoul, so we left Expo South Gate Parking Lot one hour earlier, 6 a.m.

Participants were a bit less then 30 members, so there was much space on the bus.

On the way to go to Seoul, two AhToSan members were awarded as “Best Member” since the joined the hikes more than ten times. (AhToSan awards members who joined them more than 10 times. It was my 214th hike with AhToSan.)

I climbed BukHanSan before walking the similar route. We went stray that time, and we lost our way again this time. That is because the entrance of the trail was somehow confusing.

We arrived at the beginning point at 9 a.m., but we wasted more than 30 minutes. When we found the entrance of the trail, it was 9:48 a.m.

[At the entrance of the trail、登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]]

However, we began walking on the steep trail, and before we arrived at the ridge, some members offered “makgeolli” while others offered “jeon” which is regarded as “Korean pizza.” I also offered grapes and grape-tomatoes as usual. And this time, I also offered “chest-nut makgeolli” which was very popular among members.

After this “Suzuki Time” my backpack became much lighter. To my regret, Bernardo was too fast to share these food & drinks. He was in the head group.

After the Suzuki Time, we came to the ridge from where we had good command of Seoul. The sky was clear, so we could even see Mamsan Tower in Seoul.

Then we could see the steep cliff of InSuBong. We saw several people climbing on the cliff! They were rock-climbers!! Wow, it seems very dangerous to climb on the vertical cliff.

[An Asiatic chipmunk showing a performance,シマリスのパフォーマンス、줄무늬 다람쥐의 퍼포만스]

[A man carrying heavy load, 重荷を運ぶ強力、무거운 짐을 나르는 남자]
When we arrived at BaekUnSanJang (mountain loadge) it was noon. But the chairman suggested to have lunch at “WuiMun” or “The Guard Gate.”

The mountain is like a huge fortrest. There are stone walls remained or rebuilt. From place to place there are stone-built 10 gates. The Guard Gate is one of them.

We had lunch near the gate. Then we climbed up the high-light of the hike, “BaekUnDae” which means “While Cloud Observation.”

[Lunch at Guard Gate,「衛門」で昼食、의문에서 점심]

There are many hikers there and we had to wait for turns to climb the top of the observation platform. There was a Korea flag on the top.

A man with long beard was standing with a big placard. It was the protest of building ropeway facilities. He regards it as the destroy of the nature, and he was collecting signatures for the protest. We agreed with him and wrote our names and addresses.
[A man with "protest" picket sigh、ロープウェー建設に反対する運動家、케이블카 건설에 반대하는 운동가]

After climbing BaekUnDae, we kept ridge hiking along the stone wall. A woman with broad smile called “Usume Pottari” however, lost her sun-glasses. Moreover, she fell down and hit her face with rocks. It’s literely “adding insult to injury” for her. But her injury was not too serious. She came down with smiles and hand-aids on her face.

While hiking still on the way to the last peak, it became 3 p.m. The people who were with me thought it would be too late to complete the originally planned trail. So we decided to make a short-cut.

When we came to a small stream, I saw Bernardo who were with top hikers. So for a while we went down together, but his legs are too long to walk with me. Soon, I lost sight of him.

When we completed our hike at where our bus had been waiting for us, it was almost 5 p.m. So we walked almost 8 hours!

The tippuri was pettitoes (hands of pork) and makgeolli. Unfortunately for Bernardo, they were not his favorite food & drink. However, I enjoyed both of them.

Later, we found out that only 5 members completed the originally planned course. We all gave applause when we came back to the bus.

[Tippuri-party, ティップリ・パーティ、뒷풀이 파티]
We finishted the tippuri party at 6 p.m. and came back to Daejeon at 9 p.m.


登山場所:北漢山(プッカンサン: 836m縦走[10城門1台10峰]

コース:牛耳洞(ウイドン)ユクモジョンキップ売場) -霊峰(ヨンボン)-白雲台(ペクウンデ)-東将台-ヨンチョル峰-義相峰-山城キップ売場-駐車場








[At the ridge of Mt. BukHanSan、北漢山稜線にて、북산한 능선에서]

[Lunch at Guard Gate,「衛門」で昼食、의문에서 점심]




[A member with the protester against "cable car"、ローブウェイ建設反対、케이블카 건설 반대!


[In front of the Great Gate,大門の前で、대문 앞에서]








[The five hikers who completed the originally planned long hike,全コースを完走した五人のハイカー、전코스를 완주한 하이커 5명]


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